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I wish to be diagnosed with some kind of medical problem

  1. #21
    Originally posted by hydromorphone You know, on the last note, I've always been physically fit

    I managed to catch this tho. Hee-hee.
  2. #22
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Dargo oh sheit nigga. i almost got crushed by that massive wall o' text.

    I'm surprised your post has the strength to hold it up. the whole fred is gonna collapse in a minute.

  3. #23
    bling bling Dark Matter
  4. #24
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I dont believe that Im replying to one of your war-and-piece-of-shit novels with anything other than a 'stfu stupid cow, and post titties'...but...

    Originally posted by hydromorphone Dude, I know several people who are big cogs in the political wheel. We are talking being advisors in the Clinton administration, being president's of foreign trade negotiations (Vietnam to be more precise), graduating from Harvard Law, heading "peace talks" in the middle east, and even back in the 80's, with Northern Ireland. This guy had a resume, and a pedigree to run for president of the united states, okay. The only thing he lacks for that is charisma, desire, and he has a daughter that would embarrass the fuck out of him and probably do something retarded to blow his chance of being elected. He's super well connected in the Democratic party, and throws a ton of money to any Dem. candidate and/or agenda. This man is super well off and has done a lot with his life.

    He also is a methamphetamine user. I know this for fact. I've been with his daughter (how I know him, we grew up as friends during our teens and still are in contact to this day) when we stumbled on his stash he had hidden in the bathroom. Not to mention he also has a heavy-duty script of adderall and xanax from his doctor. This man has accomplished a lot with using amphetamine class drugs, and he owes a lot of what he has and has done to those drugs.

    good job on that athletic abilities, cow. I specifically said 'abuser' as in someone who uncontrollably consumes the specific pharmaceutical to the detriment of their health, well being, mental state, and community status, not someone who controls their use of it on a limited basis. i never said pharmaceuticals couldnt be beneficial. i know stimulants can be beneficial...ive used them myself. note, i said i use them...they dont use me.

    Originally posted by hydromorphone You see, you always hear the bad shit, hear the horror stories, when shit goes wrong, and when fuck-ups end up fucking up and happen to be using drugs. You don't ever hear about the people who make it to the top and keep their shit together, and the reason is, is because drug use of any kind (besides marijuana these days, but even then, for some it's still not looked on upon very well) has this social stigma about it, and letting that information out has destroyed careers, families, whole lives for it coming to public light. So those people who do use drugs, and reach the top of their game are exceptionally close guarded in keeping that a secret to take to their grave.

    I know someone who's been using heroin, hydromorphone, and a variety of other opiates who's made it to the top of the ladder in the medical field. I've known regular people who's been just hard working "blue collar" steel mill workers, who's been dependent on heroin, taken care of their family, been the "bread-winner" in every sense of the term, been a wonderful parent to their children, an ideal spouse, and great person to their family and friends. You'd never had known they were drug users, or dabbled in anything like that. They used heroin much like I've used opiates, in the self medication of their chronic pain. Nobody ever thinks, but so many people working physically intensive jobs like those people I knew and myself, we end up breaking our bodies up, we get hurt, we cause irreparable damage and it's a fortune for a lot of us to get proper, reliable, and effective treatment through the "legal" channels, so it's no wonder why a lot of people like that turn to using opiates.

    you dont know what I dont or dont know. i will tell you that i do know that the various addictive drugs marketed to the general populace are intentionally causing the societal degradation that they are. these drug peddling pharmaceutical companies have been doing this shit for centuries and are worse than the street-corner drug dealer. ive seen people as successful and capable as the figments of your imagination you mentioned earlier turned into homeless, mindless, and penniless zombies due to consuming various drugs that shouldnt even be prescribed, much less produced.

    Originally posted by hydromorphone I never had cardiac problems before, though I did have some things that happened that may have contributed, aside from the amphetamine use, though I do believe the meth contributed a lot as well. It's something everyone who uses amps/stims- having preexisting cardiac issues, or not- should consider and take in account of, and also keep tabs on themselves while taking, because once they begin, or get bad, it's not often reversible.

    You know, on the last note, I've always been physically fit, strong, active, and capable. I worked many, many physically intensive jobs that you mainly only see men doing. I used to be a big girl, though I was never a fat cow would couldn't get out of their own way- I was the big girl who could throw 300lbs of bagged grain over their shoulder and keep on going without missing a beat, and I did that for many, many years, and always surprised everyone I met with how strong I was.

    These days, I'm actually a normal weight for my height. Malice can vouch for that, he's seen recent pics of me. I weigh approximately 140-150lbs, at 5'8. right now. I've been really sick, lost a lot of my muscle mass along with that too, in the last year or so. I haven't been able to eat hardly anything for a long while and am just getting back to eating semi-normal again. Even when I was bigger, I never over ate, I didn't go hog wild on junk food, and spent my life outside working, busting my ass, and got a lot of exercise from that. I may be lighter now, but I certainly am not healthier for it, though being a person who has always had self-esteem issues, I don't mind it, but also don't see myself as prettier for it… I'm just lighter now and some aspects do help my health issues.

    pics or it didnt happen. you say ask, but from what people have posted who say theyve seen you the general consensus is youre an overeaters anonymous poster child. as far as your physical stamina and muscular or it didnt happen. everyone on the internets is a 1200lb-bench-pressing super stud.

    Originally posted by hydromorphone You're a fucking retard for living your life with blinders on and making assumptions, then coming off as a faggot-asshole with your shitty, projecting insults. I genuinely pity ignorant, retarded losers like you.

    dont worry about me. you have more than enough on your own plates (see what I did there?) to worry about in your own pathetic existence. the only projecting happening here is on your part

    Originally posted by hydromorphone Wasn't so much "how", but I certainly believe the methampetamines contributed along with some other shit that happened. My meth use correlates to when my cardiac issues cropped up. Just be careful, monitor yourself if you are taking stims, eat healthy, and take care of yourself if you choose to use them.

    well no fucking shit. your lack of athletic abilities rears its ugly head yet again. i specifically said that stimulants force the heart to function in a manner it was never designed to...which is common knowledge with the various shamans an witch doctors of the 'medical' community. That is one of the excuses used for banning the weight loss drugs that essentially caused the body to go into high gear, boosting heart rate, and causing all kinds of hypertension, cardiac, etc issues.

    now stfu and go attend your child, you diabetic cow.
  5. #25
    infinityshock Black Hole
    ^ jesus sane person will read that
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