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wut did u dream about last night

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Idk why I'm dreaming of people from years ago. The Jamaica dream as well that was about someone. I'll miss them anyway. We were all 18 but hung out in this room that was for minors for a year, it was a lot more fun and it was nice bcus the adult version of that place wasn't.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    I want one now.

  3. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    I dreamed of being anally molested by interdimensional travelers
  4. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    I dreamed of Rape Monster taking a shit on my face.
  5. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    I've been constipated from Guanfacine
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I had a bad dream that I was black and had to leave Europe because I didn't want to deal with discrimination. I was in an airport McDonald's trying to decide between Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. I was worried about what clothes to wear with my new skintone. I was wearing a beige wool coat, black jeans and platform heels.

    Oh look a racist Irish. You stupid fucking bitch whore. Fuck outta here
  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung I dreamed of Rape Monster farting on my cake with a chicks ass.

  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I was part of some group that had rescued a man being experimented upon, kind of like the ALF but for sweaty bald men with fucked up faces, like the bad guy in the second season of Ghost in the Shell.

    when we tried to lift the container he was being stored in (some kind of glass and metal cylinder) on the back of a flatbed truck it opened, he fell out and the people guiding the crane immediately vomited themselves to death. I was the one backing the truck up so I closed all the windows and vents. he walked to the window and commented on how proud he was of its potency, but was disappointed that it couldn't travel far from a host. he then walked away, leaving people coughing and vomiting until they fell, as well as crashing cars in his wake.

    I found myself and a friend whose name and face I can't remember trapped in a shopping centre, somewhat able to avoid getting sick by wrapping wet rags around our faces. the fire shields were down and everyone was trapped, with the group of people being whittled down until we were able to get out through a bathroom window.

    we were able to wait it out for what felt like weeks underground, regularly barraged with waves of different colours which I think were radiation and hallucinations of people and things that weren't there. eventually it felt like things had quieted down so we climbed out of the tunnels to find that nothing much had changed on the surface, but everything felt sinister and wrong, like we sensed that what we were seeing wasn't real.

    anyway it's the first time I've had the feeling that other people describe, like I was asleep for weeks and lived a large segment of another life
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by aldra I was part of some group that had rescued a man being experimented upon, kind of like the ALF but for sweaty bald men with fucked up faces, like the bad guy in the second season of Ghost in the Shell.

    when we tried to lift the container he was being stored in (some kind of glass and metal cylinder) on the back of a flatbed truck it opened, he fell out and the people guiding the crane immediately vomited themselves to death. I was the one backing the truck up so I closed all the windows and vents. he walked to the window and commented on how proud he was of its potency, but was disappointed that it couldn't travel far from a host. he then walked away, leaving people coughing and vomiting until they fell, as well as crashing cars in his wake.

    I found myself and a friend whose name and face I can't remember trapped in a shopping centre, somewhat able to avoid getting sick by wrapping wet rags around our faces. the fire shields were down and everyone was trapped, with the group of people being whittled down until we were able to get out through a bathroom window.

    we were able to wait it out for what felt like weeks underground, regularly barraged with waves of different colours which I think were radiation and hallucinations of people and things that weren't there. eventually it felt like things had quieted down so we climbed out of the tunnels to find that nothing much had changed on the surface, but everything felt sinister and wrong, like we sensed that what we were seeing wasn't real.

    anyway it's the first time I've had the feeling that other people describe, like I was asleep for weeks and lived a large segment of another life

    reminds me of the job at the soler panel factory
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    the solar panel man haunts my dreams
  11. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You're a fox fucker, too??

    i just want to rub my penis against its furry body
  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i just want to rub my penis against its furry body

    you should be burned
  13. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    basically mass effect except instead of robots killing all sentient life in the galaxy it was crab people killing all sentient life on earth, and they'd done it before with creatures we now see as mythological like titans and medusas and shit. i watched crab people take down a titan with pack tactics like wolves.
  14. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    i hate my brain
  15. I knew a family of crabs once.
  16. Kawkasian African Astronaut
    None of your fucking business
  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I was part of some group that had rescued a man being experimented upon, kind of like the ALF but for sweaty bald men with fucked up faces, like the bad guy in the second season of Ghost in the Shell.

    when we tried to lift the container he was being stored in (some kind of glass and metal cylinder) on the back of a flatbed truck it opened, he fell out and the people guiding the crane immediately vomited themselves to death. I was the one backing the truck up so I closed all the windows and vents. he walked to the window and commented on how proud he was of its potency, but was disappointed that it couldn't travel far from a host. he then walked away, leaving people coughing and vomiting until they fell, as well as crashing cars in his wake.

    I found myself and a friend whose name and face I can't remember trapped in a shopping centre, somewhat able to avoid getting sick by wrapping wet rags around our faces. the fire shields were down and everyone was trapped, with the group of people being whittled down until we were able to get out through a bathroom window.

    we were able to wait it out for what felt like weeks underground, regularly barraged with waves of different colours which I think were radiation and hallucinations of people and things that weren't there. eventually it felt like things had quieted down so we climbed out of the tunnels to find that nothing much had changed on the surface, but everything felt sinister and wrong, like we sensed that what we were seeing wasn't real.

    anyway it's the first time I've had the feeling that other people describe, like I was asleep for weeks and lived a large segment of another life

    what fucking version of HG Wells Time Machine was that?
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I want one now.

    Irish symbols are just elaborate knots to look like 4 leaf clovers and crosses.

    Stop drinking so fucking much. your genetics can't handle the effect of alcohol
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    My dreams are so elaborate that when I wake up they fizzle away. why do we forget 99.9 percent of our dreams or the entire dreams themselves after 4-5 seconds.

    perhaps its not our brains that store these visions but our hearts
  20. You've heard of Candyman? That was Stinkman. Knock three times on the mirror and prepare for the stench.
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