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How are you feeling at the moment..
2025-01-29 at 4 AM UTCits the fox watching to rooster den. they control while they pretend to be sheep when they're wolves
control narrative to put a simple spin on the 9/11 connection with Totse -
2025-01-29 at 4:34 AM UTC
2025-01-29 at 12:32 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 1:14 PM UTCI am the best person who ever lived.
2025-01-29 at 6:34 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:35 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:36 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:44 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:50 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:51 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:52 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:56 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:58 PM UTCthey're kind of Sarah Leavitt and Robert Crumb wavey-comics style.
2025-01-29 at 9:22 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 11:55 PM UTCToday I wanted to go for a hike but only got as far as a diner. There was a drunk man there and his hobby seemed to be intimating women. I was eating my chips and he'd just pop his head in to stare at me. Who knows how long that eye contact went on for. It only ended when I said I would phone the police and had to break eye contact to dial the number in my phone. Someone came to take him but I was super annoyed because I was itching for a fight, I couldn't let it go. Beating the shit of a scumbag is just what I need right now. When I went outside it started lashing rain so my hope of a hike were dashed. :/
2025-01-30 at 1:02 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag Today I wanted to go for a hike but only got as far as a diner. There was a drunk man there and his hobby seemed to be intimating women. I was eating my chips and he'd just pop his head in to stare at me. Who knows how long that eye contact went on for. It only ended when I said I would phone the police and had to break eye contact to dial the number in my phone. Someone came to take him but I was super annoyed because I was itching for a fight, I couldn't let it go. Beating the shit of a scumbag is just what I need right now. When I went outside it started lashing rain so my hope of a hike were dashed. :/
You really wanted to stomp him, didn't you? -
2025-01-30 at 1:30 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag Today I wanted to go for a hike but only got as far as a diner. There was a drunk man there and his hobby seemed to be intimating women. I was eating my chips and he'd just pop his head in to stare at me. Who knows how long that eye contact went on for. It only ended when I said I would phone the police and had to break eye contact to dial the number in my phone. Someone came to take him but I was super annoyed because I was itching for a fight, I couldn't let it go. Beating the shit of a scumbag is just what I need right now. When I went outside it started lashing rain so my hope of a hike were dashed. :/
Oh, poor little you, unable to go on your precious hike because you had to deal with the big, scary drunk man and his terrifying stares. Boo hoo. Maybe if you weren't such a coward, you would've actually stood up to him. -
2025-01-30 at 1:35 AM UTCprotected
2025-01-30 at 5:48 AM UTCbummy az helll boiiiii