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  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Fox Is she hot

    Acc makes me sick my uncle says I look like her everytime I see him and it makes me uncomfortable because I know he misses his daughter, she's in Australia. Maybe we have the same aesthetic but I am the spitting image of my dad not her.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    She's actually a mega bitch but our family doesn't know. Like I'd bet she just wanted to be a mental health nurse to torment the poor souls. She admitted she doesn't give a fuck about anyone and partook in bullying her childhood friend in a wheelchair whom now has mental health issues because of her and she doesn't care, she was gossiping to me about her.
  3. Kafka sweaty
    She's so superficial toward everyone it's sickening.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Like no one can actually connect with her, all her friends, she indirectly insults them.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Anyway I've burnt the bridge with her. The day after my dad died she told me I needed a mental health assessment. She was trying to kick me when I was already down. So I dressed like a hooker at her wedding. That's us done, she came over from Australia but I still didn't have tea with her even though she won't come back for another two years. She'll never see me again. She will never get another chance to be a bitch to me.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    I never wanted to turn on my family like this, but she's gonna feel the full effects of my wild card one day.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Someone has to put a stop to her, and I'm her target because I know what she's really like. I was filming her on my video camera one time, asked her how she felt about our Nana's death and she just said dandy then laughed.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Idk if it's some weird type of revenge. She's a bitch to everyone except our family. I have a vague memory of when I was a child scaring the shit out of her by not letting her leave the room and I had a witch mask on. She was too small to reach the door handle.
  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  10. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Shut the fuck up
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  13. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Not you
  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    notice the post whoring counts

    post count number 85. maybe Kafka is Wariat
  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey maybe

    fucking idiot lmao

    Originally posted by Chios Honey post count number 85.
    tat means nothing wut its generated per thread you ABSOLUTE

    Originally posted by totse2118 when the real alts get treated like individual persons and you can't see through the facade. You all have it backwards because you have a brainwashed mind you see alts as reals and reals as alts.

    The real can see the truth and aren't so easily tricked. I can see right through any alt. It's easy to trick other people which is why all these pathetic attempts are so sad and why I gave up on it because tricking retards is boring

    Originally posted by Sophie Weren't the Weather Underground a bunch of far left extremists? And regarding Jeff and your continued research into his whereabouts, identity and history. That must come with a lot of data to sift through, do you do all that by hand or do you use special software and/or scripts to automate the process?

    here's his process of making shit up
    1. bang head on desk
    “0 Bad -, Figyarnus,
    11 Good +, Bassyun,
    222 Normie X, Oyhoy, Catholic. Human. Alcohol
    3333 Lisserd Δ, Ahkmah, Trianglism. Psychopath
    44444 Schizotype ::, OEOEOE, Square Joy. Animals.
    5555 AIDS is a pentagram of satanic insects, Rajahkmahraj would support this. Roach.
    666 Schizophrenia is the star of david, ALL, Hebrew reptiles. Entheogenesis!
    8 You're a hologram! Sigma achieved! *hisss* humanoid demigods!
  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    I have AIDS but it's invisible. it's the HIV4.2 varity. 42 is the number to all. My Moly Fren aka Scron mcPegLegs

    im melting inside from HIV4 just like that Russian defector in London did. I mean he literally turned into goop :(

    fucing-hel Puten is such a cunt.
  17. Originally posted by Chios Honey I have AIDS but it's invisible. it's the HIV4.2 varity. 42 is the number to all. My Moly Fren aka Scron mcPegLegs

    im melting inside from HIV4 just like that Russian defector in London did. I mean he literally turned into goop :(

    fucing-hel Puten is such a cunt.

    Ewwww nigga you got aids? Gross. How’d you get it, drugs?
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Ewwww nigga you got aids? Gross. How’d you get it, drugs?

    CIA over 9/11 reports because Alice is a well respected Doctor
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    9/11 was fake like the holocaust
  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 9/11 was fake like the holocaust

    IN a way it was. Though unlike you Im not a holocaust denier. it is fueled not by the Republican that leftist blamed but one of their own groups. the very group who help form and empower Antifa. the WUO and George fucking Soros. Oddly you play the game of switch real good. because Soros was a Bolshevik Jew not a real child of God Jew.

    Classic. Turned on his own people (Jews) by becoming a nazi youth. look at what this fucking cunt is doing now to the USA. Biden, Clinton and clearly Obama's ghost writer (who was head of WUO)
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