If you lay in the middle of the road you should not cry to mommy and daddy government if someone decides to say fuck it and run you over
The economy doesn't grind to a halt because a bunch of niggers decide to mob the street. If you stop a truck driver and physically block the road, you just initiated economic warfare. If the state cannot or will not remove you from the street, it is the god given right of free competitive capitalism to crush you like roadkill
why are your issues more important than that man delivering the shipment on time and returning to their family
So society should just ben dover and remain still as you tie it up? Personally I think union strikes, blocking traffic, destroying/looting small business owner property and other things which seem to be in the zeitgeist of protest considered as "just a casualty of war" like all those thousands of dead muslim children and their brothers swearing an oath to the koran to avenge them are things that should not be ignored but instead avoided. Like crack heads that steal bikes , don't fucking do that. Don't be a scum fuck and fuck with people, steal from stores THAT DESERVE IT and the people that deserve it, don't just a mindless retard and consider everyone an equal target, because they aren't. The tribal DAO system forming beneath the surface has many different groups with a completely different socio-economic output and mindset than whatever loose federalized nationa state under God and Jesus or Perhaps comrade Lenin, who knows. Is it a revolution of the proletariat or the peasantry?
Are they "protesting" when they blow themselves up in an airport?
GET OUT OF THE ROAD DUMB FUCKS, MOVE IT OR LOSE IT. How is this any different than this
january 6th was a protest, if you believe it was anything else, then you have a mental illness