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Honest opinion of these shoes

  1. #41
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by kyli0x i gave you a list of the people i remember having good topic chats with, you havnt asked a question after that, only statements

    I asked for three users and you chose all of them from the tech forum, that's evasion.
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Kafka You evaded the question which is sus.

    Originally posted by kyli0x idk people like spectra, merlin, sophie, selftaught, bling are a few that ring a bell. i dont have favorites. just enjoy talking about tech shit, ya know

    he passed the G-check by using those secret jeff hunter totse codewords

    but failed the fungazi check

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man After Lanny started there were a lot of users who felt like this forum was heading in the wrong direction, there was a forum called "Riflows" that ran for a few months before it was revealed (by me) that it was a malicious website.

    The question is where did all those users go? did they all just give up on forums? why so many of them and why all at the same time? It doesn't add up.. dozens of users vanishing overnight, never to return. To this day a large number of "core users" of past totse forums remain missing.

    What is the real reason?… I will tell you.

    HONKEYSON.EARTH The secret hidden totse forum for all the users that hate

    Some information was given to me (I'm not at liberty to say who) and I was able to access their secret forum through their onion URL and use the code given to me to de-encrypt the forum but I think they recognized I wasn't a trusted member and booted me off after a minute.

    I did manage to take this screenshot though

    their banner

    someone named "J.P.W" posted this picture in a thread called "Remember when Totse was…."

    Lets have a look at their member list, shall we?.

    Jeff Hunter
    Arnox Immodium
    Michael Myers
    Suicidal Fish
    Chris Hansen
    Iron John
    Richard Burnish
    Kreepy Kay
    Bling Bling
    Vizier (the real one)
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery (the real one)
    arthur treacher
    Arms Merchant
    Duke Zion

    And everyone from TC (wonder why none of them post here?)

    There are probably more i'm forgetting… also not to mention all the people on that randomly "disappear" for months at a time and act like nothing happened when they come back. It's clear they are acting as scouts.

    You see the entire point of is to keep all of us far away from their forum and to never let a single one of us find out about its existence, if all the sudden these people were available to the public they would be inundated with the horde trying to relive the days of Zoklet and catch up on the times with old friends.

    The thing is though, they are not your friends. They all hate and everyone who posts here, they want to destroy the forum and wipe every last one of us off the internet for good.

    This particular group of people believe themselves to be "TOTSE's chosen people" and that they have the sole claim to fame of the entire TOTSE name. They think we're all a bunch of kidiot spamposters shitposting all day on a dumb totse ripoff and slandering its good name.

    Because of this they have become extremely paranoid that we will find their URL and attempt to merge the communities, this is like doomsday to these people. Their forum is completely hermetically sealed off from the public internet, its a .onion TOR site that needs some secret code to even access the forum. Registration has been closed there since 2015 and they are all strictly forbidden from posting on or having any contact with anyone from this forum or anyone who knows someone that uses this forum.

    (the rattex group of darknet forums that report to police agencies, richard burnish is a member)
    (the rat with an axe represents "HACKING" people to get their personal information and turn it over to the police)

    They have gone completely underground and have spent the last 3 years trying to destroy the forum through spam attacks orchestrated by Richard Burnish and Iam.

    Only a select few of the are allowed to venture outside of the comfort of their secret forum and post here for scouting purposes, just looking for any advantages they can use against the forum.

    They like to kidnap members and coax them over to their side. Doesn't anyone find it strange that Enter just vanishes without a trace and deletes his account?.

    The only reason I know about any of this is because of many hours of deep introspective drug induced meditation where the secrets of the internet were revealed to me. Namaste, if I stop posting after this you know what happened to me.
  3. #43
    Originally posted by Kafka I asked for three users and you chose all of them from the tech forum, that's evasion.

    nah you don't understand that exact grouping of people could only be done by a t&t nerd

    ONLY A REAL SCOTSMAN! Subforums used to actually be SUBFORUMS of communities of people with likeminded interests that would all post in their gay little forums for drugs or BAD IDEAS but now they are all scattered to the wind

    idk if you ever went on any of these other sites but..

    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney boobs

    mans got a point

  4. #44
    The only other thing that would make sense is if the federal agents watching us actually hired someone to go through every persons account in T&T to create some fake T&T nerd and use some random name from Zoklet like OH MAN YEAH I REMEMBER YOU and actually did their research on names (although bling in the tech forum LOL wut)

    actually that list does seem like it may have just been pulled from a list of "totseans" , I actually have no idea who merlin is but THAT NAME RINGS OUT also selftaught idk if that was a person or the name of the delete bot

    but IF some fed is seriously sitting there with a list of fucking TOTSEANS from T&T to honeypot entrap biohackers than LOLLOCKS bravo money well spent, I hope the government is that fucking stupid, we deserve it more than kiwifarms AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN GET GLOWNIGGERED -_-
  5. #45
    kyli0x Yung Blood
  6. #46
    T&T Is Sacred, I have taken it upon myself to strictly enforce lannys style of communism which shall be called "Lannyism" which is kinda like Leninism but more retarded

    The tenants of Lannyism are;

    The Rules

    1. No content which will get Lanny arrested. - I'm not a lawyer so I don't really know what that boils down to but we're going to play it by ear. When the cops show up at my door or I wake up with a C&D notice in my mail I'm going to be mad. When I see things which will obviously land me in jail (like child porn) I'll delete it and ban the poster.

    2. No intentionally disrupting discussion. - This one is, admittedly, fuzzy. The site is here so people can have a place to talk about what they want to talk about. If you spam incoherent crap in a thread about something technical or specific then allowing that would just be defeating the point of the site. If you call someone a faggot for making a dumb thread, well that's probably alright. Listen, it's not a clear line when shitposting in good faith becomes intentional disruption but my pledge to you, gentle posters, is that I really don't care and will alway err on the site of not doing anything.

    A note on the second rule, as it's become a point of rule lawyering: "erring on the side of not doing anything" is not the same as "will never do anything". Currently I (Lanny) am the only moderator in the site and can't read every thread. I'm not able to enforce this rule in every case because I simply won't see every case. If you feel a thread is being derailed you are encouraged to PM me or report the offending posts and I will moderate that thread more actively. This means the kind of posting that flies in one thread may not in another, or more minor off-topic posting that's acceptable earlier in a thread will not be acceptable later. I will always give a warning that a thread needs to be kept on topic before taking action, and I will try resolve threads going off topic as civily as possible. What I ask from posters is that they respect that not every thread will have the same level of moderation and that they help me in finding threads that are being derailed.

    I would like to call attention to this part "If you spam incoherent crap in a thread about something technical or specific then allowing that would just be defeating the point of the site. If you call someone a faggot for making a dumb thread, well that's probably alright."

    Originally posted by -SpectraL So it all comes down to do we just delete all the discussion forums right off the BBS and have one long-ass spurious thread instead, or do we see members getting banned for not being liked when they post posts that are not strictly on topic in tropical discussion threads.

    Originally posted by Ghost would you faggots shut the fuck up nobody cares

    This is a thread about hydro and her adventures building a house, off topic posts in a tropical forum. I'm reporting you all

    Originally posted by Sophie To safeguard the great T&T Manufactorum.

    Now before you say: But Sophie! What does that even mean!? It's a WH40K reference, if you don't know what that means that's alright all you need to know is that i am a turbo nerd.

    In any case what i mean to say is i would like to propose a we have a section mod for T&T with severely limited powers. they should only have the ability to move threads to their proper spots and send spam and genuinely disruptive posts straight to the immaterium, i mean Mongolvoid.

    Now obviously i should be immediately disqualified, because i can't handle the slightest sliver of power and will go immediately insane upon receiving it. And nobody, including myself wants that.

    In any case…

    Lately i've been seeing a lot of threads that don't have any business being in T&T. Like the ones below for example. -> Random BS -> Random BS -> STEMpremacy

    I really like T&T, and i like the fact that we can have serious conversations about technology, hardware and cyber. Every now and again though some servitor walks in and disrupts the transcribing of our incantations meant to invoke the machine spirits. Which is unfortunate. As are the threads that randomly get dropped there that have nothing to do with anything T&T is about.

    Therefore i propose we get a pseudo mod with severely restricted powers, to just make sure T&T stays nice and tropical. Everyone from DH should be disqualified as well, unless it's Frala, by reasons of being Lanny's consort. In fact, i think Frala would make a fine custodian. If not her i propose Aldra, if he wants to do it.

    If everyone is against the idea in general then i could write a bot that checks who posted what and when and send status updates to Lanny's Inbox or Email.

    It's not a huge problem or a big deal or anything, but i for one would welcome the change and i think T&T would be better for it.

    All in favor?



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    # ODYSSEUS-Autonomous-Forum-Monitoring-Unit.v1
    ₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚✩°。⋆# BUILT TO LAST 1000 YEARS & ACCEPT FUTURE UPGRADES ⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧ ·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*·:*
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    |_____| |_____|
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    | |
    | NUKE MODE☢️💥☢️☢️💥☢️ |
    | bans and deletes all off |
    | topic shittiers 24hr ban |
    | |
    | 🦍🤜🏾⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
    STUN - 7 day ban |
    | |
    | 📡✨☄️🔥🌠🛰️🌠🔥 |
    | molotov permaban account🔨🛑 |
    | with lasers from space |
    | |
    | |
    | 🩻💉☣️🧬🩻💉☣️🩻 helps fund |
    | STERILIZE - TSTM the robot |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    //__...--~~~~~~-._ _.-~~~~~~--...__ \\
    //__.....----~~~~._\ /_ .~~~~--..--.....__\\
    dwb `---

    Why are we posting in a shoe thread in sg , is this an sg fred?
    stop dumping your fucking shit threads in sg you retard niggers learn to make good threads and post real content, this isn't your fucking blog just because you are too socially deranged to have a facebook or twitter account or whatever, nobody cares about your life or how much you OWNED fonaplats in a thread by calling his wife fat, also tachoseminoza never existed

    This isn't even the real NIS

    once again the zoklet community and totse text files AKA the anarchist cookbook and a bunch of shit plagarized from other forums and communities, yeah jeff hunter was all about free information, free to rip off and not give credit to any of them and spread false rumors and ban anyone that speaks the truth, and call them a faggot. But I digress

    OR DO I??!?!?!

    ▓▓▓▓|☭★☭| ▓
    ▓▓▓/░░░░ ░\`. ,@, ▓˚✩°BUILT TO LAST 1000 YEARS & ACCEPT FUTURE UPGRADES⋆。°✩
    ▓▓/#/░░░░░░\ ,@@@, ▓✩☭✩MADE IN SPACE✩☭★
    ▓/░░,___ₒ░░░░\ ,@@@@@, /▓Autonomous-Forum-Monitoring-Bot
    ▓|__//★☭★\\░░░| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|▓⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰
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    ▓|░░░░XXX░░░░|███████║██║░░██║██╔████╔██║██║██╔██╗██║ ,@@@@@@`@@@@@@,
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  7. #47
  8. #48
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    OP is the admin of intosanctuary
  9. #49
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Iron Ree OP is the admin of intosanctuary

    That's horrifying
  10. #50
    How can this be Totse if it's 2010 and Totse closed in 2009?

  11. #51
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy How can this be Totse if it's 2010 and Totse closed in 2009?

    Time machine

    There was some time traveler that posted on there
  12. #52
    Like John Titor
  13. #53
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Like John Titor

    Yea...that's the one
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