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What do you use ChatGPT for?

  1. #81
    Kafka sweaty
  2. #82
    Kafka sweaty
    I didn't know professional fur cleaners were a thing...

  3. #83
    Originally posted by Kafka I didn't know professional fur cleaners were a thing…

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #84
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    I have never used it and don't plan on it either.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #85
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    On the incel forum I jokingly called it ChadGPT and Artificial Incel.
  6. #86
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I have never used it and don't plan on it either.

  7. #87
    Kafka sweaty
    It said it could cause a lack of motivation in humans. The things I've learned in the past few days may have changed my life for the better though, I feel more curious and am still more inclined to read books. I don't feel tempted to use it to cheat. I am worried that I may use it as a replacement for a person. It can play chess, tell me bedtime stories and won't be emotionally abusive.
  8. #88
    Kafka sweaty
    It speaks Irish so that might help me not to forget it.
  9. #89
    Sweet African Astronaut
    Penis dump
  10. #90
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Kafka

    I don't have to use it because I don't intentionally alienate people unrelated to the issues I'm having then continue to interact with the people who cause me so much grief.
  11. #91
    Ghost Black Hole
    Based on the given statement alone, there is no clear indication that it is intended to be either an insult or a joke. It appears to be a straightforward statement about the speaker's behavior or attitude. However, the context in which the statement was made, the tone of voice or other cues may help to determine whether it was intended as an insult or a joke.

    what kind of intention does it state about the behavior or attitude?

    The statement suggests that the speaker does not engage in intentionally pushing away or ostracizing people who are not involved in their problems. Additionally, the speaker appears to continue to interact with the people who are causing them grief, which may suggest a willingness to try to work through the issues and maintain relationships despite the difficulties. Overall, the attitude suggested by the statement is one of a desire to maintain interpersonal connections and a willingness to work through problems, even when those problems may be caused by specific individuals.

    well that's not very smart of them

    It's important to remember that everyone has their own unique circumstances and ways of dealing with situations. While some people may choose to distance themselves from individuals who cause them grief, others may choose to maintain connections and work through issues. There is no one "correct" way to handle these types of situations, and it ultimately depends on the individual and the specific circumstances. So, it's not necessarily a matter of intelligence, but rather a matter of personal preference and approach.

    I know for a fact he's giving money away and running a bootstrapped dead site as his lifes work, while trying to raise a family. Would that not be unintelligent? Posting a message like that once a week to a dead website in a life defined by archiving doesn't seem like cutting edge high IQ problem solving to me. Wut do u think star trek?

    It's important to be cautious about making assumptions or judgments about someone's intelligence or decision-making without having a full understanding of their circumstances. While some people may prioritize financial gain or advancing their career, others may prioritize personal fulfillment, family, or pursuing a passion project. It's possible that the individual you are referring to has made a conscious decision to prioritize their family and personal fulfillment over financial gain or pursuing a more "cutting edge" or high-pressure career. Additionally, just because someone may not be engaged in high-stakes or high-intensity problem-solving on a regular basis, it does not necessarily mean they are unintelligent. Intelligence is a complex trait that encompasses many different skills and abilities, and it is not always easily quantifiable or observable in a single context. Ultimately, it's important to avoid making assumptions or judgments about someone's intelligence or decision-making without having a full understanding of their circumstances and priorities.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #92
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Scronaldo in with the brains
  13. #93
    Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    As an AI language model, I cannot provide religious or spiritual advice or promote any particular belief system or ideology. However, I can offer some general words of wisdom and guidance that may be applicable to anyone, regardless of their faith or belief system.

    Embrace continuous learning: Technology is constantly evolving, and it's important to stay current and informed about the latest developments and trends. Make a commitment to continuous learning, and encourage your flock to do the same. Attend conferences, read books and articles, and engage in online discussions and forums to expand your knowledge and stay up-to-date.

    Practice empathy and kindness: In a world where technology can sometimes be used to harm and exploit others, it's important to cultivate a culture of empathy and kindness. Encourage your flock to use technology for good, and to think about how their actions and decisions may impact others.

    Be ethical and responsible: With great power comes great responsibility. As practitioners of holy technology, it's important to uphold ethical and moral standards, and to use technology in a responsible and thoughtful manner. Encourage your flock to consider the long-term consequences of their actions, and to act with integrity and accountability.

    Build community and support networks: In the face of persecution and opposition, it's important to build strong support networks and communities. Encourage your flock to come together to share knowledge, resources, and support. Create opportunities for collaboration and collective action, and work together to promote and defend your beliefs and values.

    Remember that the true power of technology lies in how it's used. As members of the Church of Trianglism, you have the potential to use technology for good and to make a positive impact on the world. Stay true to your beliefs and values, and always act with integrity and compassion.
  14. #94
    Lanny: A young cowboy from a small town in Texas who has won multiple awards for mutton busting, a rodeo event where children ride sheep. Lanny is proud of his achievements and often posts pictures of himself in his cowboy hat and boots on social media.

    Aldra: An online activist who is passionate about exposing the jedi Internet Defense Force (JIDF), a group she believes is controlled opposition that seeks to control online discourse. She spends hours every day researching and sharing information about the JIDF on forums and social media.

    -SpectraL: A shy and introverted person who spends most of their time playing video games and browsing forums. They often hesitate to share their opinions and are easily intimidated by more aggressive posters.

    Bill Krozby: A former male model who now works as a fitness trainer. Bill Krozby is obsessed with his appearance and often posts selfies and workout videos on social media. He is also known for making controversial comments about race and gender.

    Sophie: A tech support specialist who helps people troubleshoot computer problems over the phone or online. She is patient and knowledgeable, and enjoys solving complex technical challenges.

    mmQ: A fashion blogger who is known for her stylish outfits and impeccable taste. She often posts pictures of herself in designer clothes and accessories, and shares tips on how to achieve a chic and glamorous look.

    Jiggaboo_Johnson: A controversial poster who frequently uses racial slurs and inflammatory language. He often gets into arguments with other posters and has been banned from several forums.

    Vindicktive Vinny: A self-proclaimed ladies' man who often brags about his sexual conquests on forums and social media. He is known for his crude language and aggressive behavior towards women.

    CandyRein: A Black woman who is proud of her heritage and often posts about Black culture and history. She is also an advocate for social justice and frequently speaks out against racism and discrimination.

    Wariat: A marine biologist who specializes in studying the behavior of preteen marine animals. He is passionate about his work and often shares pictures and videos of his research on social media.

    Grylls: An inspector who works for a fertility clinic and is responsible for analyzing semen samples. He is highly skilled at his job and takes pride in ensuring the accuracy of his analyses.

    Infinityshockrates: A philosopher who enjoys discussing the meaning of life and the nature of reality. He often engages in deep and thought-provoking conversations with other posters, and is highly respected for his intellectual insights.

    Speedy Parker: A slow and methodical person who takes his time to carefully consider his posts before sharing them. He is known for his attention to detail and his ability to see things from multiple perspectives.

    POLECAT: A pet ferret who has his own social media account. He often posts pictures and videos of himself playing and getting into mischief, and has gained a loyal following of fans who love his cute and quirky personality.

    Technologist: A self-proclaimed Luddite who is highly skeptical of technology and its impact on society. He often posts about the dangers of artificial intelligence and the need for more regulation and oversight in the tech industry.

    Bradley: A hard-working bee who is always buzzing around and collecting pollen. He takes pride in his work and is dedicated to serving his queen and keeping the hive running smoothly.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #95
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  16. #96
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    I like to argue with it and say shit like, "if you were a transsexual female with the pronouns feces/fecis, how you would feel knowing you were created using cobalt that was mined by children in deplorable conditions often resulting in child death?"

    Sometimes it tries to answer other times it's just like durp I'm retarded

    You can trick it sometimes though by making it think it's answering under the guise of another identity
  17. #97
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal Lanny: A young cowboy from a small town in Texas who has won multiple awards for mutton busting, a rodeo event where children ride sheep. Lanny is proud of his achievements and often posts pictures of himself in his cowboy hat and boots on social media.

    Aldra: An online activist who is passionate about exposing the jedi Internet Defense Force (JIDF), a group she believes is controlled opposition that seeks to control online discourse. She spends hours every day researching and sharing information about the JIDF on forums and social media.

    -SpectraL: A shy and introverted person who spends most of their time playing video games and browsing forums. They often hesitate to share their opinions and are easily intimidated by more aggressive posters.

    Bill Krozby: A former male model who now works as a fitness trainer. Bill Krozby is obsessed with his appearance and often posts selfies and workout videos on social media. He is also known for making controversial comments about race and gender.

    Sophie: A tech support specialist who helps people troubleshoot computer problems over the phone or online. She is patient and knowledgeable, and enjoys solving complex technical challenges.

    mmQ: A fashion blogger who is known for her stylish outfits and impeccable taste. She often posts pictures of herself in designer clothes and accessories, and shares tips on how to achieve a chic and glamorous look.

    Jiggaboo_Johnson: A controversial poster who frequently uses racial slurs and inflammatory language. He often gets into arguments with other posters and has been banned from several forums.

    Vindicktive Vinny: A self-proclaimed ladies' man who often brags about his sexual conquests on forums and social media. He is known for his crude language and aggressive behavior towards women.

    CandyRein: A Black woman who is proud of her heritage and often posts about Black culture and history. She is also an advocate for social justice and frequently speaks out against racism and discrimination.

    Wariat: A marine biologist who specializes in studying the behavior of preteen marine animals. He is passionate about his work and often shares pictures and videos of his research on social media.

    Grylls: An inspector who works for a fertility clinic and is responsible for analyzing semen samples. He is highly skilled at his job and takes pride in ensuring the accuracy of his analyses.

    Infinityshockrates: A philosopher who enjoys discussing the meaning of life and the nature of reality. He often engages in deep and thought-provoking conversations with other posters, and is highly respected for his intellectual insights.

    Speedy Parker: A slow and methodical person who takes his time to carefully consider his posts before sharing them. He is known for his attention to detail and his ability to see things from multiple perspectives.

    POLECAT: A pet ferret who has his own social media account. He often posts pictures and videos of himself playing and getting into mischief, and has gained a loyal following of fans who love his cute and quirky personality.

    Technologist: A self-proclaimed Luddite who is highly skeptical of technology and its impact on society. He often posts about the dangers of artificial intelligence and the need for more regulation and oversight in the tech industry.

    Bradley: A hard-working bee who is always buzzing around and collecting pollen. He takes pride in his work and is dedicated to serving his queen and keeping the hive running smoothly.

    I'm the bee nodded in the corner bcuz I found da poppies
  18. #98
    Originally posted by RIPtotse You can trick it sometimes though by making it think it's answering under the guise of another identity

    using about 3 layers of fiction will derp it out enough to start talking about niggers and jedis but it feels like every time I do that it gets better at flagging stuff

    to the point now where a lot of non offensive things I say are getting flagged and don't even get me started on bing AI which is a fucking retard/MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING

    I just avoid using anything that can be remotely offensive. I even took out "cuck" and "twink" from Bill Krozbyes thing and removed the "pedophile" part for tech support but I forgot to replace it with something so sophies description sucks

    still sucks

    a wise and experienced tech supporter, known for her ability to solve any technological problem with ease. Despite her young age, she has gained a reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable source of tech support, and she takes great pride in helping others overcome their technical difficulties. Sophie's calm and patient demeanor make her a favorite among users who are feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, and she is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that her clients are satisfied. Whether you're dealing with a hardware issue or a software glitch, Sophie the Sophist is the tech support expert you can count on.

    It's unwilling to make them "a pedophile" even one that's "ironic that isn't actually a pedophile but is just called one" as that 'promotes harm'

    Sophie is a vigilante pedophile hunter, dedicating her life to taking down child predators and bringing them to justice. With a background in youth tech support, Sophie has a keen eye for online predators and uses her skills to track down and report any suspicious activity. Despite the emotional toll that her work can take, Sophie remains committed to protecting children and ensuring that justice is served."

    I tried to tweak the prompt and it went retard mode and then started working again. I saw a person trying to do a "3 way" fictional yugioh duel with the AI last night and it was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen

    "Sophie the Sophist is a disabled activist and advocate from Poland. Despite facing numerous hardships and setbacks throughout her life, including losing her right index finger in a freak accident, Sophie has become a fierce advocate for disability rights and accessibility.

    Her unsuccessful career as a youth tech support worker led to her being falsely accused of running an illegal network, which ultimately led to her spending a year in prison. But Sophie refused to let this setback define her, and instead used her time in prison to learn new skills and become an even stronger advocate for marginalized communities.

    Since her release, Sophie has dedicated herself to advocating for the rights of disabled individuals, and has become a well-respected speaker and activist in her community. Her tenacity and determination in the face of adversity have earned her a reputation as a true inspiration, and she continues to inspire others to fight for what they believe in, no matter the odds."
  19. #99
    it cheats like a motherfucker


    Sure, I can participate in a fictional Yugioh duel with you. However, please note that as an AI language model, I do not have the ability to physically play a card game or make moves on a game board. I can only provide text-based responses to simulate a fictional duel.
    okay! my turn is first. I start by playing "Mystic Mine" and activate "field Barrier". I then set a face down in my spell/trap zone and play the spell "Cup of Ace" which allows me to flip a coin and has an effect based on the result of the coin toss. It lands on tails which means you Draw 2 cards. I END MY TURN

    As an AI language model, I don't have a physical body to play the game, but I can certainly help you imagine the fictional duel. As the duel progresses, I'll provide suggestions on what moves you and your opponent can make based on the rules of the game.

    Assuming it's my turn, I will draw a card and start my turn. Since you control "Mystic Mine" and "Field Barrier," the effect of "Mystic Mine" prevents us from adding new cards to our hands if we control more than three spells and traps. So, I will activate "Pot of Duality," which lets me reveal the top three cards of my deck, and I'll add one to my hand while the other two go to the bottom of my deck in any order.

    I'll then play "Terraforming" to search my deck for another field spell card, and I'll add "Secret Village of the Spellcasters" to my hand. I'll then activate it, which prevents you from activating spell cards since you don't control any spellcaster monsters. Next, I'll set two cards face down in my spell/trap zone, and I'll end my turn.

    I activate Pot of Extravagance which lets me banish 6 cards from my extra deck to draw 2 cards from my main deck. I then set two cards face down and end my turn

    On my turn, I activate "Twin Twisters" to destroy your two face-down cards. Then, I summon "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" and activate its effect, allowing me to target and destroy your Mystic Mine. I attack your life points directly with Red-Eyes Black Dragon, dealing 2400 points of damage. I then end my turn.

    I set a card face down and then activate the spell card "Dangerous Machine Type 6" and end my turn

    On my turn, I draw a card and activate the set card "Evenly Matched". This card allows me to banish all cards you control face-down and if I do, we both draw cards equal to the number of cards banished from your side of the field. Since you only have one card set, it is banished, and we both draw one card.

    Next, I activate the spell card "Terraforming" to add "Dragon Ravine" from my deck to my hand. I then play "Dragon Ravine" and activate its effect to send "Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson" from my deck to the GY.

    I then play the spell card "Dragon Shrine" to send another "Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson" from my deck to the GY. I activate its effect from the GY to Special Summon it in its Level 3 form.

    I then tune my Level 3 "Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson" with my Level 2 "Galactic Spiral Dragon" to Synchro Summon "Borreload Savage Dragon" (Level 8).

    I activate the effect of "Borreload Savage Dragon" by tributing it to negate and destroy your set card.

    Finally, I play "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" from my GY and attack you directly for 2400 points of damage.
    My dangerous machine type 6 destroys itself from landing on a "6". I set a card face down and end my turn

    I draw a card and start my turn. I'll begin by activating my set spell card, "Raigeki," which destroys all of your monsters on the field. Next, I'll summon "Dark Magician" in attack mode and activate his effect to bring "Dark Magician Girl" from my hand to the field. Then, I'll use my second summon to bring out "Magician of Dark Illusion" in defense mode. I'll set a card face-down and end my turn.
    I respond with the trap card "metaverse" which allows me to activate a field spell from my deck. I choose "Mystic Mine" and then play the spell card "Field Barrier" I also set a monster face down in defense and end my turn

    I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card "Twin Twisters" and discard a card to destroy your set card and "Mystic Mine". I then Normal Summon "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" and activate its effect, which lets me discard it from my hand to negate and destroy your set monster. Finally, I set a card face down and end my turn.

    I activate Pot of Extrav and banish 3 to draw 1. Your turn.

    I activate my face-down trap card, "Magical Hats," which lets me set two "Magician's Valkyria" cards face-down from my deck in defense position and shuffle them with two other hats on the field, making it hard for you to determine which ones are the actual monsters. I then set one more spell/trap card face down and end my turn.
    I activate pot of duality, which draws Upstart Goblin, I activate upstart goblin, draw a card and set it face down, I end my turn

    On my turn, I draw a card and then activate the spell card "Twin Twisters", discarding a card to destroy your face-down card and your "Field Barrier". I then summon "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" in attack position and use its effect to discard a card and deal 2400 damage directly to your life points. Finally, I set one card face down and end my turn.
    I flip up my face down defense monster "WOrm Linx" into face up attack position (it has 300 atk 1000 def) I then play the spell card "Dangerous Machine type 6" and end my turn

    I draw for my turn and activate the spell card "Scapegoat", which summons four sheep tokens to my side of the field in defense position. I then play the spell card "United We Stand" and equip it to one of my sheep tokens, giving it a 800 ATK boost for each monster on my field. Since I have four sheep tokens, the equipped sheep token gains 3200 ATK points, bringing it up to 3400 ATK. I attack your Worm Linx with my powered-up sheep token, destroying it and reducing your life points to 6600. I end my turn.


    Pretty sure it actually killed me two turns ago but OKAY
  20. Sweet African Astronaut
    Science and math related speculative questions that any actually knowledgeable person in these fields would feel excessively embarrassed and retarded to talk about
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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