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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I would have rushed the guy with the rifle, knocked him out, then shot the fat fuck a dozen times.

    wasting limited ammo on a fat, dead guy ?

    thanks for reminding us to never take you along into any combat.
  2. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny wasting limited ammo on a fat, dead guy ?

    thanks for reminding us to never take you along into any combat.

    People don't really die of one or two shots like you see in the movies. You need to fill them full of lead to make sure you get the job done right.
  3. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I would have rushed the guy with the rifle, knocked him out, then shot the fat fuck a dozen times.

    spectral, why do you think its ok for soldiers to leave their positions uncommanded ?
  4. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ People don't really die of one or two shots like you see in the movies. You need to fill them full of lead to make sure you get the job done right.

    how many shots can a head sustain before it dies.
  5. Originally posted by aldra

    apparently 10 guys abandoned their position to evacuate 2 wounded, led to another 2 deaths


    What exactly is this? Seems to me to be some worthless bitch tits posessing Ukrainian CO trying to bitch on his men for not bazai charging the Russians, all filmed from 10 or 15 km behind front lines.
  6. Originally posted by Donald Trump What exactly is this? Seems to me to be some worthless bitch tits posessing Ukrainian CO trying to bitch on his men for not bazai charging the Russians, all filmed from 10 or 15 km behind front lines.

    only pussies and faggots needed 10 people to evacuate 2 wounded.

    by pure military standard they all deserve to be shot.
  7. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump What exactly is this? Seems to me to be some worthless bitch tits posessing Ukrainian CO trying to bitch on his men for not bazai charging the Russians, all filmed from 10 or 15 km behind front lines.

  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra

    apparently 10 guys abandoned their position to evacuate 2 wounded, led to another 2 deaths


    I think we may have figured out where we're losing morale among the conscripts.
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump What exactly is this? Seems to me to be some worthless bitch tits posessing Ukrainian CO trying to bitch on his men for not bazai charging the Russians, all filmed from 10 or 15 km behind front lines.

    no that's a Russian (probably Chechen) commander, he gets a call from Akhmat on the radio

    10 mobiks used 'evacuating the wounded' as an excuse for the unit abandoning their position, they retrieved 2 and them withdrawing led to another 2 deaths
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Number13

    What movie is this from? Looks like fire. Never seen a WWII film from the Japanese perspective and would like to very much.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra no that's a Russian (probably Chechen) commander, he gets a call from Akhmat on the radio

    10 mobiks used 'evacuating the wounded' as an excuse for the unit abandoning their position, they retrieved 2 and them withdrawing led to another 2 deaths

    Ya this didn't seem ukrainian to me
  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how many shots can a head sustain before it dies.

    Lots of people survive several shots to the head. It depends what part of the brain you hit.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    I saw a video of a black guy who had a third of his brain blown out, looked like a deflated basketball. He was fine.

    Heard of another guy who had a .22 hit his skull and skurted around it under the skin and exit the back.
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    Medvedev's Crystal Ball:

    1. Oil price will rise to $150 a barrel, and gas price will top $5.000 per 1.000 cubic meters

    2. The UK will rejoin the EU

    3. The EU will collapse after the UK’s return; Euro will drop out of use as the former EU currency

    4. Poland and Hungary will occupy western regions of the formerly existing Ukraine

    5. The Fourth Reich will be created, encompassing the territory of Germany and its satellites, i.e., Poland, the Baltic states, Czechia, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and other outcasts

    6. War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich. Europe will be divided, Poland repartitioned in the process

    7. Northern Ireland will separate from the UK and join the Republic of Ireland

    8. Civil war will break out in the US, California. and Texas becoming independent states as a result. Texas and Mexico will form an allied state. Elon Musk’ll win the presidential election in a number of states which, after the new Civil War’s end, will have been given to the GOP

    9. All the largest stock markets and financial activity will leave the US and Europe and move to Asia

    10. The Bretton Woods system of monetary management will collapse, leading to the IMF and World Bank crash. Euro and Dollar will stop circulating as the global reserve currencies. Digital fiat currencies will be actively used instead

    most are possible, if extreme

    1. Oil and gas prices will explode given the 'price caps' effectively just give preferential treatment and resale ability to the Asian and Turkish markets.

    2. EU, specifically Germany's production capacity is decimated thanks to cheap Russian gas no longer being available, it's entirely possible the UK will leverage its way into becoming a 'preferential partner' or something to exploit that void

    3. Requires too many preconditions to really predict; IF the UK returns in some capacity they'll want to keep their currency, and IF they're directly able to exploit the void in industrial production, that will probably make their currency the primary store of value in the bloc

    4. Poland's been floating this idea for a while now, once the Ukrainian state/military apparatus is exposed as totally hollow it is very likely Russia will take much of the East, Poland will take the West and Ukraine will exist as a much smaller rump state.

    5. I don't really know about this. I guess he assumes that the UK will take over as the first state in the EU, and Germany will break away and take some of Eastern Europe with it? I don't really see how this could happen.

    6. As above, too many preconditions. I don't think Germany will be capable of breaking away and starting a 'new EU' for a long time, especially not in this coming year.

    7. If UK takes the reigns of the EU, they'll either be powerful enough to ensure it doesn't happen or too powerful to care. I think the former is more likely.

    8. Tough call. Given political divides I would've expected some level of conflict to have already come to pass, but as it stands living standards are too high. People aren't typically willing to fight for anything if food is so easily accessible that something like 40% of the country have turned into 200kg+ behemoths. Losing the dollar as a reserve currency and the ability to manipulate financial markets will turn this on its head though.

    9. I think maybe this is an oversimplification. Too much of existing financial activity is backed by nothing, and enormous sectors of western markets do not correspond to any sort of real production. If 10 is correct (and it will be, maybe not this coming year but it is a matter of time) then entire markets will evaporate and speculators will have to move to markets that are primarily about production rather than nebulous, overvalued 'services'.

    10. After WWII the US was effectively able to dictate global monetary policy to its own benefit because all other industrial bases had been decimated. Up until now they've been able to use that power, specifically the USD as a reserve currency allowing them to sell their debt and using instruments like the IMF to control the industrial development of potential rivals, but countries like Russia, China and India have now been able to develop to a point where they can do business outside of that architecture, specifically being able to trade materials directly and/or to use their own currencies. As this proliferates, it weakens the US' (and the west in general's) hold and their competitive advantage, forcing them to play by the same rules as everyone else. After 70 or so years of relying on their ability to rig the system, they do not have the base to compete anymore and will need to rebuild a LOT.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Originally posted by Bradley What movie is this from? Looks like fire. Never seen a WWII film from the Japanese perspective and would like to very much.

    thats korean movie. feminine korean.

    you can just feel their softness and femininmity seeping thru the screen and speaker grills.
  16. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Lots of people survive several shots to the head. It depends what part of the brain you hit.

    without reffering to the internet, give me the names of these people.
  17. Originally posted by Bradley I saw a video of a black guy who had a third of his brain blown out, looked like a deflated basketball. He was fine.

    Heard of another guy who had a .22 hit his skull and skurted around it under the skin and exit the back.

    we all know black people only use 1/5 of their brain at any given time.

  18. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Bradley What movie is this from? Looks like fire. Never seen a WWII film from the Japanese perspective and would like to very much.

    It's called "My Way" it's about a korean conscript and a japanese noble in occupied korea being pushed back and forth to different conflict zones, supposedly it's irl backstory is a couple of koreans or something that were on the wall at one of the DDay landing zones.

    But it's bloody good.
  19. Originally posted by Number13 It's called "My Way" it's about a korean conscript and a japanese noble in occupied korea being pushed back and forth to different conflict zones, supposedly it's irl backstory is a couple of koreans or something that were on the wall at one of the DDay landing zones.

    But it's bloody good.

    u gay ?
  20. Originally posted by aldra

    Medvedev's Crystal Ball:

    most are possible, if extreme

    1. Oil and gas prices will explode given the 'price caps' effectively just give preferential treatment and resale ability to the Asian and Turkish markets.

    —-but when the recession sets in, it will collapse. the coming prolapse will be greater than than the covid shut down of 2020 because the backstop to the world economy, the integrity of US debt obligation and the versatility of the USD, will be gone.

    2. EU, specifically Germany's production capacity is decimated thanks to cheap Russian gas no longer being available, it's entirely possible the UK will leverage its way into becoming a 'preferential partner' or something to exploit that void

    —germany will never let UK take over their EU agenda and with its industrial power gone, will be too poor to have anything the UK is interested in trading with. preferential partner for what ? cheap BMWs ?

    3. Requires too many preconditions to really predict; IF the UK returns in some capacity they'll want to keep their currency, and IF they're directly able to exploit the void in industrial production, that will probably make their currency the primary store of value in the bloc

    — just like the last time round ? maybe yiu forgot why they leave in the first place. anyway it doesnt really matter as rejoining will take way longer then it did than brexit

    4. Poland's been floating this idea for a while now, once the Ukrainian state/military apparatus is exposed as totally hollow it is very likely Russia will take much of the East, Poland will take the West and Ukraine will exist as a much smaller rump state.

    —poland will take nothing because the US doesnt want to lose face because it fails to even secure the intergrity of ukrainian's border against an "ally"

    5. I don't really know about this. I guess he assumes that the UK will take over as the first state in the EU, and Germany will break away and take some of Eastern Europe with it? I don't really see how this could happen.

    —EU will break into individual nation states again as they did the last time round. the birth and death cycle of union of states will always be a constant; integration and disintegration and repeat.

    6. As above, too many preconditions. I don't think Germany will be capable of breaking away and starting a 'new EU' for a long time, especially not in this coming year.

    7. If UK takes the reigns of the EU, they'll either be powerful enough to ensure it doesn't happen or too powerful to care. I think the former is more likely.

    8. Tough call. Given political divides I would've expected some level of conflict to have already come to pass, but as it stands living standards are too high. People aren't typically willing to fight for anything if food is so easily accessible that something like 40% of the country have turned into 200kg+ behemoths. Losing the dollar as a reserve currency and the ability to manipulate financial markets will turn this on its head though.

    —anyone who believes "americans" of today are capable of starting and sustaining a civil war is a retard, a certifiable one.

    9. I think maybe this is an oversimplification. Too much of existing financial activity is backed by nothing, and enormous sectors of western markets do not correspond to any sort of real production. If 10 is correct (and it will be, maybe not this coming year but it is a matter of time) then entire markets will evaporate and speculators will have to move to markets that are primarily about production rather than nebulous, overvalued 'services'.

    largets capital and stock are already in asia.

    10. After WWII the US was effectively able to dictate global monetary policy to its own benefit because all other industrial bases had been decimated. Up until now they've been able to use that power, specifically the USD as a reserve currency allowing them to sell their debt and using instruments like the IMF to control the industrial development of potential rivals, but countries like Russia, China and India have now been able to develop to a point where they can do business outside of that architecture, specifically being able to trade materials directly and/or to use their own currencies. As this proliferates, it weakens the US' (and the west in general's) hold and their competitive advantage, forcing them to play by the same rules as everyone else. After 70 or so years of relying on their ability to rig the system, they do not have the base to compete anymore and will need to rebuild a LOT.

    bretton woods system has been dead even before charles de gaulle himself was dead. the world has entered a system of MMT when nixon tactically devalued the USD into the cost of cotton that was used to print it. the world is now running on the ILLUSION of bretton woods system, because the man who forces everyone to use his monopoly money still has a gun. now hes wounded and bleeding, he is more dangerous now than ever.

    will he allaakbar and suicide bomb the shit out of himself ?

    tune in same time, same place.

    next week.
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