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what's the last thing you bought?

  1. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Ghost I bought 100 canadian dollars for 84 USDT

    You paid $10 too much.
  2. WellHung Black Hole
  3. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Essential oil blends
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster $20 hair clippers, old one took a shit when I tried to shave my head today

    Mine too. the fucking thing dropped and as heavy duty as it seems it busted the main clip that pops in. the one part that's plastic. everything else is like heavy duty steel.

    so now it vibrate like shit.

    I need to get a new one. they're like 60 bucks for a decent one off of Amazon but Ill probably go to some big box store and find a decent one and pay the hundred plus.

    also I'm gonna get this album for Gigi's record player

    she likes the Vandals and so do I

  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung trampoline

    That's right, REA REA
  6. WellHung Black Hole
    a book entitled 'Philosophy & Ethics'.
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You paid $10 too much.
    the $10 was the fee to the site i used to do the transaction.

    better than paying a kike bank at least the money went to white scammers not kike ones
  8. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Essential oil blends

    Are you a woman?
  9. WellHung Black Hole
    A drone.
  10. Sausage, cheese and Jalapeno Kolaches for everyone at work. I told them make the most of it because it's not going to happen again for at least 10yrs.
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Incessant Are you a woman?

    No, i'm trans HAHAHHAHAHAHA

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man


    Oilahuasca is a mix of psychedelic allylbenzene oils and enzyme inhibitors used to create a psychedelic experience. The allylbenzene oils themselves are often inactive, but when mixed with the proper enzyme inhibitors a psychedelic experience is possible. The word oilahuasca draws from the word ayahuasca which defines a mix of herbs in which DMT is made orally psychedelic by using enzyme inhibitors in much the same way as oilahuasca. The word oilahuasca was originally coined by 69Ron.


    The main key ingredients in oilahuasca are the psychedelic allylbenzenes myristicin, elemicin, safrole, and methyl chavicol. Others are possibly active but have not been tested. The corresponding propenylbenzenes like anethole, isoelemicin, etc., are probably not active, or very weak. Tests done using anethole did not find it active at doses which are active for methyl chavicol, it’s allylbenzene form. Myristicin is mostly known as the main active in nutmeg oil, however it occurs in much greater quantities in Hungarian parsley seed oil. Myristicin produces a psychedelic effect that’s like a mix of MDMA and mescaline when properly activated. It’s quite speedy however. Myisticin is primarily inactivated by P450 enzymes CYP1A2 and CYP3A4. The P450 enzyme CYP2D6 might be critical to getting good effects from myristicin. Elemicin is found in elemi oil, and nutmeg. This is more difficult to get working than myristicin. When activated properly, it produces effects like those of mescaline. When not activated properly it produces mild sedative effects like those of melatonin, which is not at all psychedelic. Elemicin is mostly inactivated by conversion to 1-hydroxy-elemicin. It’s unknown exactly which P450 enzymes do this, but it’s highly likely that CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2C9, and CYP2E1 can all cause 1-hydroxy-elemicin to form. CYP2D6 might be needed for psychedelic activity. Safrole is found mainly in sassafras oil but is also found in nutmeg in much smaller amounts, but enough to affect the nutmeg trip. When activated, this produces effects similar to MDMA. It’s not very visual; it’s more of an empathogen than a psychedelic. When not properly activated it produces a mild sedative effect that’s not psychedelic. The P450 enzymes CYP2A6, CYP2C9, and CYP2E1 primarily inactivate safrole by conversion to 1-hydroxy-safrole. CYP2D6 might be needed for psychedelic/empathogenic activity. Methyl chavicol is found in sweet basil oil. When properly activated this produces an electric LSD-like psychedelic effect. It’s a great mood enhancer, aphrodisiac, and also produces some visual effects. When not properly activated this produces a sedative effect that’s almost like marijuana, but not at all psychedelic. The P450 enzymes CYP1A2 and CYP2A6 cause the inactive 1-hydroxy-methyl chavicol to form. It’s possible that CYP2D6 is needed for psychedelic activity. While some of the oils are known to be inactivated by certain P450 enzymes, primarily by 1-hydroxylation, in many cases if the primarily P450 enzymes are inhibited, other P450 enzymes will take their place. This means that more than just the primary P450 enzymes should be inhibited. Methyl chavicol and myristicin seem to be much easier to activate than elemicin or safrole. Often myristicin is active on it’s own. Of the main oils, nutmeg oil is usually the most active on its own without taking other oilahuasca enzyme inhibitors. The reason for this is not entirely known however nutmeg oil does sometimes contain substantial amounts of its own P450 inhibitors. Also myristicin itself is often active without inhibitors. Basil oil is the least active on it’s own, often producing no psychedelic effects at all, but is also the easiest to activate. Sassafras oil sometimes works on it’s own in some people, but this is rare. Elemi oil sometimes works on it’s own.


    The psychedelic allylbenzene essential oils safrole, elemicin, methyl chavicol, and myristicin are all attacked by P450 enzymes, in many cases this renders these oils completely inactive. This is why some people cannot trip from nutmeg oil, elemi oil, basil oil, or sassafras oil. Of these three the most active taken on its own is usually nutmeg oil because it contains its own oilahuasca inhibitors in substantial amounts, while elemi oil, basil oil, and sassafras oil do not. After extensive testing by AFOAF, he’s come up with an oil mix that does a great job as an oilahuasca pre-dose inhibitor for safrole, elemicin, methyl chavicol, and myristicin, which will also probably work for the majority of the other potentially psychedelic allybenzene oils. He uses 1-3 drops of clove leaf essential oil, 3-6 drops of German chamomile essential oil, and 5-10 drops of cinnamon bark essential oil. This is taken 30-60 minutes before taking the psychedelic oils, and for good measure once again along with the psychedelic oils. It’s best to take these pre-dose oilahuasca inhibitors in a capsule. In some sensitive individuals cinnamon can irritate the mouth. For AFOAF, cinnamon doesn’t irritate his mouth, but even so, he takes these inhibitors in a capsule on an empty stomach, followed directly by a little food to help digest them. Cinnamon bark oil takes care of CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 nicely, I don’t know if it can knock out CYP2C9. That’s where clove leaf comes in because it knocks out CYP2C9 very well along with CYP3A4, CYP1A1, and CYP1B1. Also German chamomile oil knocks out CYP1A2. By having CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP2A6, CYP2C9, CYP2E1, and CYP3A4 inhibited while leaving CYP2D6 alone, you help ensure that these psychedelic oils are not inactivated orally. The dosage needed for these inhibitors for each person is going to vary. Some people might need 2-3 times as much. It’s best to start on the low dosage end for these inhibitors and then up the dose a few drops at a time for each test until one finds their own specific dosage that works. Failure to take enough inhibitors may cause the psychedelic oils to fail to elicit psychedelic effects.


    Once the proper P450 ezymes are inhibited, it is still possible that the psychedelic oils will not work in some people. There are at least two steps to the oilahuasca process. The first step is inhibiting the P450 enzymes that inactivate these oils. Getting these oils past the P450 enzymes is just half the problem. The next step is activation of these psychedelic oils by a currently unknown process within the human body. For some reason allylbenzenes can be activated, while propenylbenzenes do not seem to get activated, or require huge doses to become active. Why allylbenzenes work and propenylbenzenes dot not seem to work is a mystery. It’s been theorized that the allybenzenes can form amphetamines within the human body if they pass through the P450 enzymes unaltered. This has been found to occur in a few animal tests, but has been found not to occur in most animal tests. The other theory is that phenethylamines form. To this day however it’s unknown what activates these oils in humans. Fortunately it is fairly well known what makes them inactive however, and that’s certain P450 enzymes. To help activate these oils once they get past the P450 enzymes, a few tricks have been posted on various forums. One method some use is excessive exercise. Another rarely reported method is to take these oils with amphetamine. Yet another reported method is to take the oils with phenethylamine. Another is to take them with phenylalanine. These are not well tested and may not work for all people. How they work is not known. For AFOAF, these are not required. His body is able to activate these oils 100% of the time just as long as the proper oilahuasca P450 enzyme inhibitors are used prior to taking the psychedelic oils. It’s possible that phenethylamine and phenylalanine taken orally with the oils are broken down and metabolites of these are used by the body to synthesize phenethylamines from these psychedelic oils once they get past the P450 enzymes. This is debated however. Another possibility is that these tricks serve to increase metabolism, which in turn increases oxygen levels, and this might play a role in their activation. Again, this is unknown. If the second piece of this puzzle can be solved, it may be possible for these oils to work in all people. They currently do not work in all people, even with the proper P450 enzymes inhibited.


    Coffee seems to always enhance and help activate these oils if taken 30-60 beforehand. How this works is unknown. Cayenne pepper, at 800 mg in a capsule, boosts the effects of these oils if taken AFTER the oils are taken. How this works is unknown.
  12. WellHung Black Hole
    cryptocurrency in the form of Dogecoin.
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    I can see behavior of body language of what was going on and well, I got my eye on
  14. WellHung Black Hole
    a walker for Peedy.
  15. WellHung Black Hole
    a Philly and sum purple drank.
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    big jugs
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung a walker for Peedy.

    I might need one soon

    My right leg feels shorter than the left

    If i got lost in the desert i would wind up where I started off from
  18. Originally posted by slide22 I might need one soon

    My right leg feels shorter than the left

    If i got lost in the desert i would wind up where I started off from

    Find a way to shrink the long leg.
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Find a way to shrink the long leg.

    Any ideas on how?
  20. Originally posted by slide22 Any ideas on how?

    Jump up and down on it 5 times a day?
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