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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Wizards of a modern age
    Cast spells of electric power
    But the corporate strings that make them dance
    Lead up to an ivory tower

    There sit the fates in solitude
    Far from the public eye
    No one ever sees them smile
    And nothing makes them cry

    Welcome to the kingdom
    The Land of Bought and Sold
    A world of real-life fantasy
    Where truths are seldom told

    Try hard to remember
    All that glitters is not gold
    You can pay the piper
    But you cannot buy his soul

    It's just a game
    You're in it all the way
    It's just a game
    Don't let yourself slip away

    "It's such a shame"
    I heard somebody say
    It's just a game
    And all I can do is play

    What you do choose, now, what do you believe?
    Who are you gonna trust?
    All your dreams and fancy schemes
    Just crumble into dust

    Calm and cool and computerized
    They calculate and collect
    We wait and watch and wonder
    Just which puppet they'll select

    Like the moth, too near the flame,
    Who learned his truth too late
    We're all too deep into the game
    That is the master of our fate

    The poets and the pipers have got their motives
    And you've got yours, no doubt
    And so the game continues
    That's what it's all about

    It's just a game
    You're in it all the way
    It's just a game
    Don't let yourself slip away

    "It's such a shame"
    I heard somebody say
    It's just a game
    And all I can do is play

  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump
    The Director of the IAEA is at Zaphorizhiya NPP and they are establishing a presence there to provide independent news of what is going on, which is good as hopefully it means the Ukrainians can't blame the Russians for shelling the power plant (or vice versa, unlikely as the Russians shelling their own power plant might seem). Most bureaucrats would be too afraid to go to a place that is being shelled.

    interesting read

    Ukrainians attempted to retake the plant the morning before inspectors arrived, a commando unit attacked from the river covered by missile strikes
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra speaking of, the AFU tried a counterattack at Kherson in 5 (?) directions, got obliterated

    US tries to take credit for it, not sure if this article went up before close to 2,000 KIA and huge numbers of hardware losses were posted
  4. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Russia could paralyze and seize all of Ukraine in its entirety in less than 24 hours, if it wanted to.

    prove it. and says who? no one in poland would believe you and russia is a laughing stock in poland now as it is in the us of a.
  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra If they use the same scorched earth tactics the US used in Iraq and Afghanistan, sure. NATO force planners have said Russia could be halfway across the EU in a week if they fully committed, and that was before hypersonics made it to the strategic units.

    As it stands they've committed around 10% of their military to the SMO (5% ground, 15% air) and have left civilian infrastructure mostly intact

    And yet they can't make it across Ukraine in 6 months.
  6. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the us of a and entire Nato has too much money on their hands and us of a in partivular too storng of a militwry infustrial complex and pentagon for russia to overcome. they are using ukriane to test out their latest toys. russia cant compete with thwt with such a low gdp and economy to buy all those toys themselves.
  7. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    „As it stands they've committed around 10% of their military to the SMO (5% ground, 15% air) and have left civilian infrastructure mostly intact„

    yet all their best generals keep getting killed left and right so they have no one to lead them and yet they are using adians or syrians theyre so desperate.
  8. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    if they were only using 10 percent like you claim why hire africans and syrians out of desperwtion?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump We don't want Putin's blood-oil.


    more for me.
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker And yet they can't make it across Ukraine in 6 months.

    why would you assume 'making it across the Ukraine' is their goal? it's completely contrary to everything they've said and done.

    Originally posted by Wariat „As it stands they've committed around 10% of their military to the SMO (5% ground, 15% air) and have left civilian infrastructure mostly intact„

    yet all their best generals keep getting killed left and right so they have no one to lead them and yet they are using adians or syrians theyre so desperate.

    there have been maybe 3 confirmed. Ukraine claims more and more to the point where the Kremlin has stopped correcting them and the 'dead generals' mysteriously show up again a few days later.

    Originally posted by Wariat if they were only using 10 percent like you claim why hire africans and syrians out of desperwtion?

    where do you even hear this nonsense
  11. Originally posted by troon

    Maybe if they spent less time spamming and more time fighting, they wouldn't be losing.

    Imagine broadcasting your proximity. Meanwhile, on other frequencies, lmao

    military comms are all encrypted and theres no way the ukrainiams are capable of hacking russian comms channels.

    the economist dont even know how to define reccession and you believe thay are competend enough to talk about war ?
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat prove it. and says who? no one in poland would believe you and russia is a laughing stock in poland now as it is in the us of a.

    nobody cares what Poland thinks, not even NATO
  13. Originally posted by aldra why would you assume 'making it across the Ukraine' is their goal? it's completely contrary to everything they've said and done.

    ignore him.

    the only war modern experiences he ever had was watching green tinted explosion on CNN.
  14. Originally posted by aldra

    interesting read

    Ukrainians attempted to retake the plant the morning before inspectors arrived, a commando unit attacked from the river covered by missile strikes

    another more interesting read with fancy speculations.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah he has some good articles, been reading him off and on since Martyanov linked to his blog a few months back
  16. Every disastrous offensive the Ukrainians undertake is western backed, just like the Somme and Galipoli the snotty chinless wonder Brits seem to have a fetish for getting massive amounts of ordinary soldiers killed for no gain.
  17. Originally posted by aldra yeah he has some good articles, been reading him off and on since Martyanov linked to his blog a few months back

    theyre all kind of like in this group or something because they all seems to be linking to each other all the time i feel like a boy that has been passed around by a bunch of uncles when i read them.

    also on topic:

    gonzalo lira seems quiet lately.
  18. Originally posted by Donald Trump Every disastrous offensive the Ukrainians undertake is western backed, just like the Somme and Galipoli the snotty chinless wonder Brits seem to have a fetish for getting massive amounts of ordinary soldiers killed for no gain.

    because the entire government is western backed and run.
  19. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Russia never entered Kiev and left the power and water on when they withdrew. In the meantime, the Ukraine is roughly 25% smaller than it was six months ago

    yeah, they never entered because they were prevented from entering. Lol.

    Ukraine is the same size it always was. 25% lol.

    What's the standard for them winning the ongoing war? 20% 15%?

    Russia grabbed the most undeveloped part of the country, congratulations. They won't keep it.
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    this is a serious thread, go be retarded somewhere else.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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