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2022-07-17 at 12:13 PM UTC.
2022-07-17 at 12:37 PM UTC.
2022-07-17 at 12:38 PM UTCI'm sick and sore and fuck fuck fuck
2022-07-17 at 12:59 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kafka I took more truffles dizzy and this guy filming the event started talking to me. I’ve escaped now but feel like I’ve had a lobotomy not really here
I always thought they were fake because it doesn't outright list a dosage and say it contains psilocibin but that's probably for legal reasons
i can't find an easy answer about their potency. If you want a real experience I think you gotta make a tea with the entire container of shrooms.
you can use a metal tea ball. it's a really good drug at higher doses at destroying your concept of reality -
2022-07-17 at 1:02 PM UTC.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2022-07-17 at 1:05 PM UTC.
2022-07-17 at 1:07 PM UTC.
2022-07-17 at 1:22 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kafka I had ego death once with weed it was like there were no thoughts in my head, I was dead. It was scary that’s why I don’t like mindfulness
intense weed experiences are great. I don't know how I ever enjoyed smoking it without a tolerance but that doesn't last long.
meth is kinda the same, the first GOOD DOSE the euphoria is so intense it will rock your internals in a similar way the LSD/MDMA come-up makes you go WHOA but after doing it with a tolerance it's less pronounced but sometimes if you take a lot of it you can have some other experiences beyond the "high" itself
Originally posted by Ghost The Shennong bencao calls "cannabis flowers/buds" mafen (麻蕡) or mabo (麻勃) and says: "To take much makes people see demons and throw themselves about like maniacs [多食令人見鬼狂走]. But if one takes it over a long period of time one can communicate with the spirits, and one's body becomes light [久服通神明輕身]"
Originally posted by Kafka Remind me to learn acupressure when I get home bcus I fr couldn’t walk until she did it
2022-07-17 at 1:23 PM UTCI want to try salvia but nobody seems to like that
also DMT but I need to figure out how to use a crack pipe because I fucked up trying to smoke it last timeThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2022-07-17 at 1:29 PM UTC.
2022-07-17 at 1:30 PM UTC
2022-07-17 at 1:30 PM UTC
Originally posted by aldra I want to try salvia but nobody seems to like that
also DMT but I need to figure out how to use a crack pipe because I fucked up trying to smoke it last time
I have been trying to buy any salvia for years but haven't seen any in almost a decade since it was banned in head shops here. The most potent 69x 100x whatever is the best.
I smoked DMT in a meth pipe when I Tried it and go pretty yucked up but burned it and didn't have much so i think i wasted some. ive never heard of smoking it in a COCAINE pyrex straight shooter.
I would be concerned with the material consistency being too lose for a brillo screen compared to freebase rockyThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2022-07-17 at 1:32 PM UTC
2022-07-17 at 1:35 PM UTC.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2022-07-17 at 1:36 PM UTC.
2022-07-17 at 1:43 PM UTC
2022-07-17 at 1:48 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kafka Lmfao no. There’s an American guy here with unkempt hair doing yoga poses I think he’s crazy he reminds me of Bradley. I’m avoiding him.
I don't know yoga poses. I learned my breathing from the mental hospital to help with panic anxiety disorder. pretty sure it also works for chakras though and those high horse yoga bros probably just do it to stare at chicks asses
Originally posted by Kafka I just need to go home it’s like my self-awareness didn’t get on the plane w me
We paid a global pandemic for this folx -
2022-07-17 at 1:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by Ghost I have been trying to buy any salvia for years but haven't seen any in almost a decade since it was banned in head shops here. The most potent 69x 100x whatever is the best.
yeah I might try and find some seeds and grow a plant. if I remember right the extracts were banned here like 10-15 years ago
Originally posted by Ghost I smoked DMT in a meth pipe when I Tried it and go pretty yucked up but burned it and didn't have much so i think i wasted some. ive never heard of smoking it in a COCAINE pyrex straight shooter.
I would be concerned with the material consistency being too lose for a brillo screen compared to freebase rocky
I remember people saying you can sandwich it between layers of weed or something else, I think I used damiana and got nothing out of it
can you just smoke it off foil with a straw? -
2022-07-17 at 2:06 PM UTC
Originally posted by aldra yeah I might try and find some seeds and grow a plant. if I remember right the extracts were banned here like 10-15 years ago
I think they like shade and moisture
Originally posted by aldra yeah I might try and find some seeds and grow a plant. if I remember right the extracts were banned here like 10-15 years ago
I remember people saying you can sandwich it between layers of weed or something else, I think I used damiana and got nothing out of it
can you just smoke it off foil with a straw?
i've heard of people smoking it in a bong but not sure how well that works. Foil should work, I actually bought the meth pipe specifically for DMT years before trying meth, I don't remember why but I thought it was the best way.
I would also consider shooting it up because it's supposed to be really good when you get a full dose.
also I think the changa might be different, maybe you can smoke that in a bong. I've seen some "changa" that just looked like a dirtier version of pure clean DMT crystals -
2022-07-17 at 3 PM UTC
Originally posted by aldra I want to try salvia but nobody seems to like that
also DMT but I need to figure out how to use a crack pipe because I fucked up trying to smoke it last time
Salvia will knock you on your ass really quickly, so you better have a sitter ready to catch the pipe from you.
The time I did it I feel like I left my body a little and got stuck in some mattress springs, I still remember the intense triangular vibrations and the metallic taste of the metal springs. It left me drained, and unfortunately I never tried it again.
I'd be really interested in experimenting and seeing if something we could put something I didn't know what it was below me, and seeing if I could tell what it was. At the time I was only vaguely aware that mattresses even had metal springs.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!