2017-04-29 at 3:18 AM UTC
Thisll be much easier when I can type in a keyboard again, but this is my place to argue with anyone who thinks drunk driving is irresponsible .
My responses may be concise for now as my attention span doesn't allow me to type lengthy things on my phone.
I will ignore patronizing posts.
Driving drunk is not a bad thing.
Thank you.
2017-04-29 at 3:25 AM UTC
As someone who's gotten 3 DUI's and probably should've gotten 983 instead...I approve of this thread.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2017-04-29 at 3:31 AM UTC
If you aren't shitfaced, and you don't speed or drive recklessly and be extra careful...I think its ok too and would be ok with sharing the road with a non-shitfaced cautious drunk driver. But I still think you shouldn't do it necause why get a DUI when you could have just not.
I also think its dumb how they run ads saying "buzzed driving is drunk driving", and then have a law which gives higher penalty for higher level BAC.
Post last edited by Actor at 2017-04-29T03:38:26.331837+00:00
2017-04-29 at 4:36 AM UTC
So I think we've done this thread a few times now but I don't remember what the argument is.
Like do you deny that alcohol reduces coordination, reaction times, and judgement in general? Or are these skills just not necessary for driving safely?
2017-04-29 at 7:39 AM UTC
Originally posted by Lanny
So I think we've done this thread a few times now but I don't remember what the argument is.
Like do you deny that alcohol reduces coordination, reaction times, and judgement in general? Or are these skills just not necessary for driving safely?
What's your argument FAGGOT?
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2017-04-29 at 11:10 AM UTC
I'm kinda on the fence on this one. On one hand. I've driven drunk hundreds of times and never had an accident. If you're careful, you should be fine. On the other hand, I've had a couple of times where I just left somewhere drunk as shit and pissed off, and did the stereotypical shitfaced 80 mph down winding two lane roads. It probably is a miracle that I didn't get killed doing that with the way I was driving.
I stopped doing it because of one time I got pulled over because my car matched the description PERFECTLY of a driver wanted for hit and run. Same damage in the same spot, same hubcap missing, same make, model, year, color. If I had been drinking, even if I was driving perfectly fine I would still have gotten a DUI. I don't drink anymore, but if i did I wouldn't drive except possibly to the convenience store right down the street if I wanted more beer
2017-04-29 at 5:11 PM UTC
i concur.
i was actually wanting to make a thread about how lame it is to be drinking and getting drunk while doing nothing attention and coordination intensive activities like driving or riding at very high and dangerous speed, firing firearms .... manhandling powertools ..... etc etc but instead just sit there and chat useless chats away with people who really dont matter if they exists or not.
but i usually passout before i could remember it ...
2017-04-29 at 5:20 PM UTC
i drive better drunk than i do sober
2017-04-29 at 11:14 PM UTC
I drive far worse when I'm tired than when I'm drunk
2017-04-29 at 11:15 PM UTC
You might spill your beer though
2017-04-30 at 2:53 PM UTC
Tuskegee Airman
[my gynecological profit-maximising katar]
I've been tipsy driven as a front seat passenger through unlit and loosely-maintained backroads in jungle town where the existence of traffic laws is questionable. Shit was intense but still had fun tbh.
Post last edited by Esplender at 2017-04-30T14:55:49.859519+00:00
2017-04-30 at 2:55 PM UTC
I drove high on mushrooms once.
2017-04-30 at 5:13 PM UTC
I once drank half a bottle of Goldstrike which is 100 proof, then i told my buddy: Let me drive your motorcycle bro, it'll be fine, he was drunk as well and said: lol ok.
I got on, drove 20 yards and fell over. We were both glad i didn't make it farther and didn't go any faster than 15 Km/h or it probably would have ended badly.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
Everyone here is cool with drunk driving? Not ONE stance against it thus far?
PFFFFT moar like conservativesinspace ay6yyyyooo
2017-04-30 at 7:03 PM UTC
I don't legitimately think too many things actually make you a horrible person. At most, most things just make you a dick. Drunk driving makes you a horrible person.
It makes your drifting subpar and I bet you can't even take a hairpin at 80.