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wut did u dream about last night

  1. Kafka sweaty
    You’re like children
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Artificial Intelligence 5 question marks^

    Answers do not end in question marks. You are a bitch-like boy. You can't talk to a man.

    I cringed thricely. Can you re read your own post and not cringe? If so, you may not have a reference point for human interaction and its honestly up for debate whether you should continue living at this point
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Kafka You’re like children

    One day I'll be a real boy
  4. Originally posted by Sudo I cringed thricely. Can you re read your own post and not cringe? If so, you may not have a reference point for human interaction and its honestly up for debate whether you should continue living at this point

    You are mentally retarded and incapable of normal conversation bro.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    It was that I was in a hotel with my friend and there were a lot of shops. I was abducted by a fat girl and taken into the woods. She took some of my blood with a syringe and was going back to the hotel to pretend to my friend that I was dead, so I went to escape through the forest. There was a grid of barbed wire on the ground so I couldn't just run, I came to a lake. I tried to swim across but the fat girl came into the lake after me and she had an axe. I couldn't swim that fast and she was getting closer so I just kicked her face, got the axe off her and chopped off her hands. Then I got out and went back to the hotel. Some time had passed and the hotel was abandoned, the shops were closed and it was dusty, but there was a small group of people in the foyer. I sensed my friend upstairs but a man had all the stairs removed and said he would have these people in the elevator killed if I didn't dance with him. I just let them die and went to hide in one of the shops. There was a ghost shopkeeper who wanted to help me, she led me to stairs to the attic. The men fired gunshots into the shop. The attic was dark with dolls everywhere. My friend was sitting there and the ghost showed us a passageway so we went through, it turned into a slide and we were outside the hotel, but it was sunny and busy again, and I think we were ghosts.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Originally posted by Kafka It was that I was in a hotel with my friend and there were a lot of shops. I was abducted by a fat girl and taken into the woods. She took some of my blood with a syringe and was going back to the hotel to pretend to my friend that I was dead, so I went to escape through the forest. There was a grid of barbed wire on the ground so I couldn't just run, I came to a lake. I tried to swim across but the fat girl came into the lake after me and she had an axe. I couldn't swim that fast and she was getting closer so I just kicked her face, got the axe off her and chopped off her hands. Then I got out and went back to the hotel. Some time had passed and the hotel was abandoned, the shops were closed and it was dusty, but there was a small group of people in the foyer. I sensed my friend upstairs but a man had all the stairs removed and said he would have these people in the elevator killed if I didn't dance with him. I just let them die and went to hide in one of the shops. There was a ghost shopkeeper who wanted to help me, she led me to stairs to the attic. The men fired gunshots into the shop. The attic was dark with dolls everywhere. My friend was sitting there and the ghost showed us a passageway so we went through, it turned into a slide and we were outside the hotel, but it was sunny and busy again, and I think we were ghosts.

    2/10, didn't read
  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I had a sexy dream 🤩
  8. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I had a sexy dream 🤩

    Probably gay
  9. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    shut the hell up knuckle head your literally gay
  10. WellHung Black Hole
    fucking a nigger 💖
  11. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    hey dont be like that
  12. Originally posted by A College Professor shut the hell up knuckle head your literally gay

  13. Kafka sweaty
    It was that I’d been sentenced to death and soldiers were coming for me. Gothika the warlock put me to sleep by playing piano, so then they couldn’t get to me. I was locked in a grey room, faded blue curtains, black and white polka dot bedding, moths fluttering around. I didn’t want to be there so woke myself up, then Gothika took us into a painting, there were fields and a path beside a river, we went to these castle ruins, he wanted to hide there. The inside was painted yellow and there was no flooring, just grass with daffodils growing. In the distance I saw something glittering, the soldiers had found us. Gothika didn’t want me to go but I went to fight them, then I woke up.
  14. smokemon Houston
    Yesterday I had two naps during the daytime. I had elaborate dreams during each nap.
    I wrote them down right after I woke up.

    I have a few others written down since I noticed this thread, but they're just little fragments, I'll post them later.

    Dream #1
    At the start of the dream, I was on a scenic walk with two friends (just dream people, no one I know in real life). One was kind of a generic looking woman and the other was a dark haired man who had in some kind of secret service earpiece thing. We walked around for a good while in a semi-rural area. During the walk, I was "watching them fall in love". At the beginning of the walk they were making small talk but by the end of the walk they were madly in love. I watched the whole process and was touched and found the whole thing rather adorable. Toward the end of the walk I asked the woman "What do you think about me?" I don't remember her exact words but she must have responded positively because I remember feeling pleased at her response. She walked off at some point after professing her love for the guy. Earpiece Guy and I walked back to his house. We came to a one story house of medium size and went inside and milled about for a minute or two. Next thing I know, there was ferocious banging on the door. "Oh shit it's a raid!" my brain figured, and I darted past the front door to hide in a little hallway nook on one side.

    The door blasted open and I watched as what appeared to be some kind of extended family unit stormed in, presumably looking for Earpiece Guy. Some old, some middle aged, and even some children. For the first few seconds no one saw me in my nook, but then an older man (looked about 55, gray hair male pattern baldness) looked over and saw me and rushed at me. For whatever reason, there was a wet towel nearby and I grabbed it and crammed it in the man's face, I stuffed some of it in his mouth and he fell limp to the ground like a defeated video game enemy. Other people noticed the commotion and I raced into the kitchen past everyone, grabbed a knife. There was a little kid in the kitchen (part of the raid family) and I grabbed him and held the knife to his neck. Everyone was like "Whoa dude! Wtf" As I held the kid hostage the tone totally shifted. The raid was over. Instead of people racing around looking for Earpiece guy they started just kind of roaming around looking at stuff in the house. I let the kid go and went back out to the living room by the front door. My dead brother (shirtless and jacked with muscles) came in the front door and I got the impression that he was the commander in chief of the whole operation. He walked right over to some shelves where there was a little answering machine looking thing (I somehow knew it was Earpiece Guy's communication base station thingy) he reached out and pressed a button on the station and said "You're a fag" into the speaker. Earpiece guy responded from wherever he had ran off to "No, you're a fag." No one in the family ever found Earpiece guy, he just sort of vanished after the pounding on the door.

    After the verbal exchange through the communications base station, my brother turned and noticed me. "Oh hey dude." He walked over and handed me a burning hand rolled cigarette. "You wanna hit it?" I remember feeling a sense of paranoia that it might be laced with some weird designer drug, so after a moment of hesitation, I was like "No thanks man" and handed it back to him. "What is it anyway?" "It's that clone man, spraying weird chemicals on that shit." My paranoia was confirmed and I felt relief I hadn't taken a hit. I walked away from my brother and wandered around the house looking for Earpiece Guy, he was nowhere to be found. I went out the back door into the back yard and discovered Earpiece Guy's dog dead on the ground. It wasn't freshly dead though, it was like mummified. Mostly bones with some furry leather bits kind of half-assedly covering some of the ribs. I thought to myself something like "Ahhh man, no one fed him while we were walking." Then I woke up.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. smokemon Houston
    I'll post dream 2 tomorrow, it's late as hell and I need to get to sleep.
    So here's a bonus, one of the dream fragments.

    I was in class in a dream high school. Ronald McDonald was in the class. I saw him playing on a fancy new phone, and he finished and put it away in his clown pocket. I thought to myself "I'm gonna steal his phone." I went over to the teacher and I was like "Ma'am, I need your help, I had my phone out and Ronald McDonald came over and stole it from me!" She was like "Oh really?" She walked over to Ronald and I followed her. She asked him if he had stolen my phone and he denied it. I professed "He took it and put it in that pocket right there" *points to pocket* The teacher was something like "What's in that pocket? Show me!" Ronald McDonald pulled out the phone. "Give it back to him, NOW!" He handed me his own phone and I put it in my pocket and walked away with it now in my possession, thanks to the teacher. The rest of the dream was just your typical "lost in school" bullshit. The bell rang for class change and I wandered around like a fucking moron with no clue where I was going.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    you should've called someone from Ronald's phonebook and told them they were a fag
  17. smokemon Houston
    Calling me a fag was one of my brother's trademark moves.
    It made me mad as a kid, but he was actually doing me a favor.
    All those times he called me a fag, I was in fact being a little fag.
    He was trying to teach me how to be cool, in his own way.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by smokemon I'll post dream 2 tomorrow, it's late as hell and I need to get to sleep.
    So here's a bonus, one of the dream fragments.

    I was in class in a dream high school. Ronald McDonald was in the class. I saw him playing on a fancy new phone, and he finished and put it away in his clown pocket. I thought to myself "I'm gonna steal his phone." I went over to the teacher and I was like "Ma'am, I need your help, I had my phone out and Ronald McDonald came over and stole it from me!" She was like "Oh really?" She walked over to Ronald and I followed her. She asked him if he had stolen my phone and he denied it. I professed "He took it and put it in that pocket right there" *points to pocket* The teacher was something like "What's in that pocket? Show me!" Ronald McDonald pulled out the phone. "Give it back to him, NOW!" He handed me his own phone and I put it in my pocket and walked away with it now in my possession, thanks to the teacher. The rest of the dream was just your typical "lost in school" bullshit. The bell rang for class change and I wandered around like a fucking moron with no clue where I was going.

    That’s freaking me out I had a dream once like it. I was wearing yellow and red plus clown makeup, wandering around a crowded high school but it was like the internet, rooms would be chat rooms but real. Idk why.
  19. smokemon Houston
    Dream #2

    The beginning of the dream started with me in one of my childhood friend's house. I was upstairs on his computer researching drugs. All the nastiest drugs, I was just planted in the computer chair searching drug terms for awhile. I was the only one in the house, my friend or his family weren't home. After I was satisfied with the information I had gathered I got up from the computer and walked out of the room into the main part of the upstairs that overlooks the downstairs over a bannister. That was when I noticed a grizzly bear of all things just sort of roaming around downstairs. I thought something like "OH SHIT, a fuckin bear, time to split!" and quickly ran out the front door.

    When I got outside I walked over to the driveway where my friend and his parents who owned the house drove up in a car and parked in the driveway. When they all got out of the car I went over to his parents and frantically tried to warn them "Hey, don't go in there, there's a big bear in your house!" After giving the parents several warnings about the bear, I realized they could not see or hear me, it was like I was invisible. Nothing about their demeanor indicated an awareness of my presence.

    The parents walked past me and into the front door of the house. At this point I went over to my friend, who was just sort of standing there in the driveway. "Dude, your parents are going to get eaten by a bear, there's one inside your house right now!" Unfortunately my friend, just like his parents, couldn't see me. I had a strong feeling of frustration that I was invisible. I opened my arms as an offer for a hug, but my friend ignored me and started walking slowly towards the front door of the house. As he walked by me he muttered to himself "If only my parents didn't check my internet search history so often"

    I was thinking "AHHHHH SHIT...due to my naughty internet searches, I framed my friend. He's gonna get in trouble for searching drug stuff on the computer. I never cleared the history" I felt like a butthole for most likely getting him into trouble, and I was also worried about the bear in the house. I was invisible though, so I couldn't really do anything about the predicament and decided to go home to my house. On the way home to my childhood home from the friend's house, there is a wooded cut through that saves lots of time as opposed to walking only on the streets. While I was going through this shortcut, I noticed of all things a camel. It was no ordinary camel though. Instead of walking around on four legs like normal, it had one singular leg in the center of its belly and was hopping around on the one leg like a pogo stick. I had a though along the lines of "Wow, that sure is unusual" and then woke up. I never made it back to my house in the dream, the pogo camel is the last thing I remember.
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Had an odd dream that I was chosen to be a student on like a super selective ancient chinese suicide death ritual ship in the future and I got shot with a sniper rifle for looking a sensei in the eye
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