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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Why would I google that? I stumbled upon it and thought it was cool so I posted it

    Because you're the exact type of loser who would do just that.

    no, you didn't remember the spelling.
  2. SpatianHaigency Tuskegee Airman
    Its my birthday
  3. Originally posted by SpatianHaigency Its my birthday

    Happy birthday
  4. Buy yourself a birthday liserd and chill out smoking weed with it
  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by SpatianHaigency Its my birthday

    Zanzibar! Happy Birthday to you. Are you the big 3-0 today?
  6. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Because you're the exact type of loser who would do just that.

    no, you didn't remember the spelling.

    What the fuck? You are so retarded... Every post you make is just more trash to the pile.. Fucking kill yourself or stop posting you waste of space, nothing you ever write makes a bit of sense.

    I've seen more intelligence from autistic children. Its like you write this garbage with one hand while your half asleep.
  7. Captain Falcon put up a good front for being Q status so you can't say that he's always like this, Ronaldo. everyone on here is tarding the site.

    But then Lanny sweeped the bbs clean and restarded. what happen Lanny.. server problem, didn't backup the entire BBS? :(
  8. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump What the fuck? You are so retarded… Every post you make is just more trash to the pile.. Fucking kill yourself or stop posting you waste of space, nothing you ever write makes a bit of sense.

    I've seen more intelligence from autistic children. Its like you write this garbage with one hand while your half asleep.

    Triggered and niggered.

  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 But then Lanny sweeped the bbs clean and restarded. what happen Lanny.. server problem, didn't backup the entire BBS? :(

    What do you mean? It's been the same DB since rdfrn shut down. Didn't have backups for a long time, although I set them up fairly recently.
  10. Originally posted by Lanny What do you mean? It's been the same DB since rdfrn shut down. Didn't have backups for a long time, although I set them up fairly recently.

    for me.. it's down.. no connection and then most pages are missing.
    maybe it really is netsplit on me. The Gubment is messing with my mind.
    You didn't have a system failure and it wiped out most pages? I used to run a UBB board and you were instructed to set a save mode or risk losing all threads.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, all the threads that have been made are still here. Some of the urls have changed since we changed forum software last november, but they're still there.
  12. ZBZ GET
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    5,000 Edit: Well, that's marijuana for you.

    “If truth is what you seek, then the examined life will only take you on a long ride to the limits of solitude and leave you by the side of the road with your truth and nothing else.”

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-04-12T08:30:05.030333+00:00
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Saw little guy (not sure what gender it is) today, maybe yesterday as well. I hadn't seen him in a few days and was starting to worry. Bella (Pronounced like the Disney character, but chosen because it means "beauty" in spanish.) came by a few times, so I was worried he may have reached the age where mom cats abandon their kittens (The equivalent of a person being considered ready to move out on their own.) and it made me feel pretty sad picturing him out there all alone from now on, without his mom to keep him company or help him survive.

    Grayish-black female cat that looks fierce, sort of like a panther, is much friendlier, was from the start, but I'm wondering if she already has a home close by and is just taking advantage of me because she likes my food better (I do make very good food for them.). She handled the neighbor's small dog pretty well when it was being playful and hopping about her. Also has a lot of small wounds on her skin, which make me wonder whether she gets into fights a lot, or it was just one big one (scabs seem to indicate what was likely one large event).

    Then little guy showed up again. He has sort of a mean look about him, possibly due to being feral (The look of a nigga who's grown up on the hard streets of X city.). Sometimes when he comes by he peeks under the crack of the screen door to check if I'm inside and I crouch down on the floor to try to meet eyes with him. He also hisses lightly when I open the door. He's too close it and has to step back. I find it endearing, as if he scares me, hissing at the person who feeds him. Got him to bat at the palm of my hand when I placed it under the screen door and move it near him. It was light and he didn't use his claws, which I take as a good sign. First contact, sort of like a handshake.

    Oh, he showed up later in the day and I made him a great meal hoping it would encourage him to come more (The way to most animals' hearts is through their stomach) and the next day he showed up early in the morning.

    Trust level for both cats is that they'll now eat within a few of me (2-3) with the door open enough that we can fully face each other, although they can be a bit snooty. Bella refused to eat, even after pushing it back plenty, until I closed the door.

    Then gray cat came by while she was done eating and under the car, so I let her watch me pet her and her rub against me. She didn't run away, so I wondered if they were on friendly terms. I wondered how it would affect her. I won't say "wonder what she was thinking" because they don't really have that level of cognition, but I was curious if her perspective of me would change, see me as safer, more trustworthy. She watched us the entire time until I closed the door, then ran up to bat at Grey, but I opened the door and stopped her in time, reprimanding her by saying no and wagging my finger. She then strutted off south at a leisurely pace.

    My hope that it wasn't due to territorialism, but jealousy.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Maybe I'll just work at an animal sanctuary for the rest of my life, since I've forsaken humanity.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. I can't believe I smoked the whole thing
  18. Fuck you niggas my cocaine dealer drove me to work in his mustang

  19. Originally posted by Malice Maybe I'll just work at an animal sanctuary for the rest of my life, since I've forsaken humanity.

    Working with animals is cool, when I worked breeding cats that was probably my favourite job, it was fun seeing the cats everyday and they had a Serval too. Serval's are badass, I used to run around with him with a water hose so he could chase the water. Just don't use it to meet any chicks, chicks who work in animal places are nuts. I learned the hard way.

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