I used to work as a nusring assistant at a psyche hospital and i actually cooled down many people, partially, because i was younger but partially beacase i was stoned lol (at the austin state hospital)
I have met many patients that are put out on the streets and then are re-arrested by cops (the cops have no choice) and then put back out on the street of austin texas, but i am a humanitarian, and i care about people, especial older people that have no where else to go.
I love freddy, he will do what I tell him today, and its not because I want to boss him around but it's becuase i want him to be out of the way and safe. I've done it for years. His daughter is a very successful attorney in austin but she just got tired of dealing with it and i can understand why. I passed up freddy in my car the other day going to my probation meeting and i couldnt just stop there and talk to him but i recognized how far he had moved up town.
He's actually kind of a sweet man to talk to thats whats so sad about hit. When i worked at the state hospiatle 11 years ago they brought him in when i first met him. and the cops were pissed they said he threw a cup of water on them, whata buncha pussies