women should pay a higher premium for insurance because they visit the doctor more than men and yet use government assistance more than men.. what ever happened to the true feminism?
women should pay a higher premium for insurance because they visit the doctor more than men and yet use government assistance more than men.. what ever happened to the true feminism?
Whoa.. the dude (rear and second to far left) that you Bill Krozby? you are everywhere. You evil old goat.
Originally posted by aldra
literally nobody cares what you think, not even your parents or your child.
I don't think you know what the word "literally" means, because evidently you do care considering you took time to change your nazi avatar and comment on my post. smells like butt hurt in here.
3D Art and Trollzing making UFO videos. then everyone started doing it.
short story: I did it to make a UFO documentary and then thought What would people in the UFO MUFOn think. i made one.. got several hundred thousand hits on youtube. I said it's fake.. like 40% thought it was real.. maybe 40 percent were neutral and the rest were F&G
Originally posted by Totse 2001
I'm more like a Hobbyist.
3D Art and Trollzing making UFO videos. then everyone started doing it.
short story: I did it to make a UFO documentary and then thought What would people in the UFO MUFOn think. i made one.. got several hundred thousand hits on youtube. I said it's fake.. like 40% thought it was real.. maybe 40 percent were neutral and the rest were F&G