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2020-12-19 at 8:49 PM UTC
2020-12-19 at 8:54 PM UTC
Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Douche bag kid at Walmart said they wouldn't do my oil drain plug after I raised a concern about replacing it.
I figured some idiot might have messed up a few threads but later when I went and did the oil change myself I found the threads of the actual hole came out in pieces with the drain plug.
Later when I went to replace it the drain plug wouldn't tighten up much at all.
Probably a mere foot pound.
Anyways, having no choice I left it in Gods hands and I had a new drain plug that had a better looking seal so I ended up slapping it on but still the threads were the same so it is not tight at all.
Drove it back home and it wasn't leaking at least I couldn't see any drips at that point.
Im going to go check in the morning and hope there isn't 5.5 quarts of 5w-20 Fully synthetic laying under my car.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I should fix it?
Options include but are not limited to,
-Using that Mobile 1, 10k mile oil next time and just lock tightening what remains of the threads.
-Cut new threads and increase the size of my drain plug.
(just not sure how to keep metal shavings from sticking around and damaging the engine)
-Get a new drain pan.
-Buy the exact same car and replace all of my car onto the new cars drain pan.
for an emergency patch you can wrap the threads with a ton of teflon tape...just avoid getting the tape inside the actual oil pan.
to fix it get a thread tap and recreate new, larger-diameter threads then use a new larger plug bolt.
to get the minimal amount of shards created by drilling out of the pan use a magnet. if you drilled thru aluminum it wont work. pour oil through the crankcase to flush out the shards.
dont worry too much about it...when the oil gets sucked out of the pan it goes to the enhancement first. the oil pump is strong enough to crush the shit out of any small shards before they get to the enhancement. -
2020-12-19 at 8:54 PM UTC
2020-12-19 at 8:58 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL The funny thing is when you connect to a server you're actually exposing your inbound ports to any code coming from the server, opening your system to the whim of whatever the operator decides to shit out into those ports. If you're not set up right for it, you could basically be committing virtual suicide. The operator of the server could decide to fry your motherboard, or delete your hard drive, or infect your bios, or inflict any number of injuries upon you.
i remember back in the olden days before graphics cards were invented and the meager graphics display were native to the motherboard there was a way to fry it via graphics. -
2020-12-19 at 9 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-12-19 at 9:02 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bugz The truth is that out of the billions who will take this, someone will die from it. it might be a batch that got contaminated with some living organism, it might be someone had a sudden allergic reaction to egg shell or whatever part of the egg is used (if used in this) or just a sudden reaction from the body sending too many white cells and the person dies from shock. it's bound to happen. but the majority of people wont die. not a good time to spread false rumors. this kind of trolling can prevent people from getting treatment and then die from not doing so.
because they need a vaccine for a disease that has a 99.9999999999999999999999999999% survival rate and, according to the actual scientists, the overwhelming majority of those infected are 'asymptomatic'
makes sense -
2020-12-19 at 9:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bugz I said this as well STERoS he's showing signs of someone who will end up in memory care soon. he's 77-78 now? and he will be in his 80s when the second term comes around. this job is for 50 year olds. not geriactics. it's not that no one over 70 can do the job yet it's very dangerous to have someone die while holding office. Kamala is apart of the group hating on whitey
her campaign commercials showed this. even after she was picked as a running mate, someone funded a campaign that showed White Men only as tiki torch holders as if they're going to lynch people of color.
America Falls so shall the world. dig in as best as you can.
the only falling is going to be done by the commie pinkos and kikes, along with their sÂhitskin herds. -
2020-12-19 at 9:28 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jesus is king I mean female wiggers have been around since the 00s, today they're the ones marching with blm dating only blacks.
That's not what I'm talking about, what I'm referring to are girls like billy eyelash who dress and act like a fucking male wigger … It's really creepy and totally bizarre how the NPCs are totally ok with it.
What next, white men acting like sassy sheboons?
theyre neither normalized nor accepted. the mentally defectives are the only ones that promote such degeneracy. the sane people still recognize it for the mental disease that it is. -
2020-12-19 at 9:30 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bugz dude, it was like Kamala won the fucking lottery when picked as a running mate. She and Biden were locking horns and bull shit slinging was going on. apparently people were shocked he picked her? all I know is she's the president. she will be running shit in 1-2 years time. maybe less.
since they're our new presidence and no doubt will jack up taxes on everyone. At least they can raise the Social Security benefits from a shitty 698.00 to maybe 1200 a month. then tax the richest to pay for it.
You like that one finny?
theyll (plural) never be president (singular). there will be a shooting war first.
its obvious why she was selected as his running mate. the only valid entry on her CV: 'sucks dick in exchange for promotion' -
2020-12-19 at 9:31 PM UTC
2020-12-21 at 12:15 AM UTC
2020-12-21 at 12:25 AM UTCi guarantee both of those faggots voted for biden
2020-12-21 at 12:41 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bugz It's pretty funny yet people get sued for this. they're not performing this properly. I know people have the right to stand their ground and self police but he's setting up a trap house. of course Chris Hanson did this. but Chris doesn't get in peoples faces like he's going to strike the person.
not to mention the pedo cunts might be able to walk free because of an action the catcher took seen as illegal. it may not be criminally against the law but it could be a civil lawsuit. pedo wins and walks. that would feel pretty bad getting sued right after the dude walks because of some rights that was violated.
the screenshots and chatlogs that the cowboy dude provided arent admissible as evidence. the cops/detectives would have to subpoena anything from the ISP or cell phone provider for it to be usable.
i dont know the laws in texas but where i live that cowboy could get in legal trouble for going to that guys job...possibly even civilly liable.
granted that guy getting his face plastered all over the internet is hilarious, but if it were a real 13 y/o kid true justice would have been the kids father and brothers beating those leftist faggots with baseballs bats until they magically transformed into women. -
2020-12-21 at 12:46 AM UTC