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infiltrating a shitty rival shit forum
2020-12-19 at 7:15 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Back on tRP, it was a requirement that all mods raid Totse at a specified date and time. I refused to participate in such childish behavior, especially from forum mods. I was frowned up, even a little bit frowned upon by xannax herself. They said it was a long tradition on tRP to do synchronized raids on Totse. I didn't care. I stuck to my guns. When they all went out and raided Totse and got their yahoos in, I stayed home. There were other things, too. Like petty jealously and snipes. It got to the point where the environment was so immature I just resigned. The content was excellent, but the vibe was kid's-play. Then they're all like… wtf? Why would you resign?
this was a dialup era? they were probably learning from the raids to see how back then they could get information on how to stop it. Hacking itself as you know is a good thing because it builds data on how to prevent it.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-12-19 at 7:15 PM UTCThe funny thing is when you connect to a server you're actually exposing your inbound ports to any code coming from the server, opening your system to the whim of whatever the operator decides to shit out into those ports. If you're not set up right for it, you could basically be committing virtual suicide. The operator of the server could decide to fry your motherboard, or delete your hard drive, or infect your bios, or inflict any number of injuries upon you.
2020-12-19 at 10:13 PM UTCI'll rape you
2020-12-19 at 10:20 PM UTCSomebody should email the Bastard Factory mods some cihld orpn and then report them to the fbi lulz
2020-12-19 at 10:23 PM UTC
2020-12-20 at 1:37 AM UTCconsidering signing up but I don't really have an angle, and aggressive shitposting will probably be short lived - banned or bored
2020-12-20 at 2:41 AM UTCDon't sign up, it's gay. I signed up as Oracle and they haven't approved.
2020-12-20 at 4:49 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bugz there was a time I would of known it was just a thing you did once in a while until the other forum has master IT in networking skills and or hacking and comes back and trashes and shuts down the invading forces home territory.
then the next fucking thing you know is anyone who put their real info on will be doxed or possibly doxed anyways because they're just that good.
then it turns into one of these One guy gets way to serious with one of their guys and doxes pictures of family and where they live.
they're not going to Dox someone like Kr0z because he would love being flashed all over the place. He's a fucking nut cake.
but someone who has family or a pot farm with amazing digging skills will pull top quality Dox. then someone goes to someones house and beats them to near death
and thanks to 9/11 Faggot Bush Jr wanted to make trolling a felony. what a bitch that fag was. fuck him, fuck the Clintons (I used to like Obama but fuck him now) and Fuck Biden. I miss the old totse and lols. but the next gen M-Class Moon fucks that most of you are dont have a proper f'ilter to know when you've gone to far.
kiss my butt
You're a loser, get a life. -
2020-12-20 at 4:52 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-12-20 at 4:55 AM UTC
Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge Epic porn prank (GONE MINOR!)
Imagine how epic it would be to get raided by the fbi because they traced some explicitly illegal sexual content back to your email address. They'd be like, crashing through your doors and windows and stuff and throwing in smoke grenades and like maybe one guy would be like "FBI! EVERYONE GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" and they'd all be wearing cool tactical gear and carrying machine guns and stuff wow that would be awesome wouldn't it?
Edit: this may seem like sarcasm but I am in fact on 2 layers of irony and I'm actually mocking myself moreso than anyone else -
2020-12-20 at 5:25 AM UTC
Originally posted by livingelegy Imagine how epic it would be to get raided by the fbi because they traced some explicitly illegal sexual content back to your email address. They'd be like, crashing through your doors and windows and stuff and throwing in smoke grenades and like maybe one guy would be like "FBI! EVERYONE GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" and they'd all be wearing cool tactical gear and carrying machine guns and stuff wow that would be awesome wouldn't it?
That's called getting troled epic styleThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-12-20 at 10:17 AM UTC
Originally posted by Nil lol i wonder if lions would kill themselves if you just instantly gave them a moral sensibility.
did early humans kill themselves? Nah, because we understood that killing things meant food for the tribe. Even if you're a 'noble savage' in tune with nature and shit, i am sure you'd dthink killing was just a part of life. Besides, if you have the capacity to wrestle with moral quandaries you have the capacity for religion of sorts. So maybe they'd believe everything they'd kill would just get re-absorbed into the cosmic energy of all things or some shit. Which isn't even technically physically wrong. All that happens when something dies is that all it's components get more disorderly if you want to take a hard materialist view. -
2020-12-20 at 10:31 AM UTC
Originally posted by Zanick as you may know, a member of the bastard factory was here recruiting yesterday & made contact with a small group of our members. after some piss-poor diplomacy, i followed him home & invited myself in.
here's my introduction, which was shortly thereafter moved to an area reserved for conflict, a coward administrator's response, i think addressing the member's responses toward me.
more soon.
Id be down to help. Im great at infiltration -
2020-12-20 at 11:42 AM UTCi don't get why everyone hasn't signed up. you don't have to post every day or anything. no pressure just gives you another alternative to this world.
2020-12-20 at 1:13 PM UTC
Originally posted by Zanick as you may know, a member of the bastard factory was here recruiting yesterday & made contact with a small group of our members. after some piss-poor diplomacy, i followed him home & invited myself in.
here's my introduction, which was shortly thereafter moved to an area reserved for conflict, a coward administrator's response, i think addressing the member's responses toward me.
more soon.
Should have ended that with "I am an angel of the Lord". -
2020-12-20 at 2:15 PM UTC
2020-12-20 at 2:33 PM UTC
2020-12-20 at 2:45 PM UTCeveryone spam now
2020-12-20 at 3:09 PM UTCcome on fuck shit up already. Burn the place to the ground. What are you waiting for?
2020-12-20 at 3:15 PM UTC