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Nurse who fainted after taking the chink stink vaccine has died
2020-12-19 at 10:46 AM UTChttps://mobile.twitter.com/SomeoneAskTheQ/status/1339701597862027268
One of her relatives posted about it on Facebook -
2020-12-19 at 10:55 AM UTCI assume the opposite of whatever you say is true
2020-12-19 at 11 AM UTCi can't find anything online backing up your claim she died, though.
do you have a screenshot of the woman's relative's facebook post? -
2020-12-19 at 11:02 AM UTC
Originally posted by STER0S i can't find anything online backing up your claim she died, though.
do you have a screenshot of the woman's relative's facebook post?
Here is the 4chan thread
Her name is Tiffany Pontes Dover -
2020-12-19 at 11:09 AM UTC
2020-12-19 at 11:17 AM UTCi think i mistook that photo for not being a collage of a fb post and a messenger screen-cap but even if so i still believe her passing away is fabricated.
2020-12-19 at 11:21 AM UTC
2020-12-19 at 11:25 AM UTC*gulp*
2020-12-19 at 12:52 PM UTC
2020-12-19 at 7:59 PM UTCThe truth is that out of the billions who will take this, someone will die from it. it might be a batch that got contaminated with some living organism, it might be someone had a sudden allergic reaction to egg shell or whatever part of the egg is used (if used in this) or just a sudden reaction from the body sending too many white cells and the person dies from shock. it's bound to happen. but the majority of people wont die. not a good time to spread false rumors. this kind of trolling can prevent people from getting treatment and then die from not doing so.
2020-12-19 at 8:10 PM UTCaccelerate
you know, there was an anonymous video (not q anon) a while back that predicted trump would lose the second term due to voter fraud... they basically predicted everything that's going on now.
i believe all this has been planned. nobody will respect or fear the US with biden/harris as figureheads though, it's getting harder and harder to take the USA seriously.
these turn of events will only accelerate things -
2020-12-19 at 8:16 PM UTCi predict biden will either die or declare himself too ill to hold his position and then kamala will become president.
i bet in the back of her head, that bitch is praying for his death. -
2020-12-19 at 9:03 PM UTCI said this as well STERoS he's showing signs of someone who will end up in memory care soon. he's 77-78 now? and he will be in his 80s when the second term comes around. this job is for 50 year olds. not geriactics. it's not that no one over 70 can do the job yet it's very dangerous to have someone die while holding office. Kamala is apart of the group hating on whitey
her campaign commercials showed this. even after she was picked as a running mate, someone funded a campaign that showed White Men only as tiki torch holders as if they're going to lynch people of color.
America Falls so shall the world. dig in as best as you can. -
2020-12-19 at 9:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by fapping to cousin lanny because they need a vaccine for a disease that has a 99.9999999999999999999999999999% survival rate and, according to the actual scientists, the overwhelming majority of those infected are 'asymptomatic'
makes sense
It was stated that 1 full percent. there are these hot zones especially in Italy and some other countries where young people were dying left and right. young 20-30 year olds. France had higher rates too. you're talking about the percentage that isn't being hit as hard.
they say the USA isn't doing well. NYC got hit hard with young people dying. explain why a young woman who was Head ER doctor in one of NYC's main hospital had decided to kill herself after seeing so many young people coming in and drowning in their own infection. dont make it less than it is. -
2020-12-19 at 9:08 PM UTCi don't know what drugs they got him on now, but i remember during his campaign that old fossil could barely follow-thru with a teleprompterThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-12-19 at 9:13 PM UTC
Originally posted by STER0S i don't know what drugs they got him on now, but i remember during his campaign that old fossil could barely follow-thru with a teleprompter
dude, it was like Kamala won the fucking lottery when picked as a running mate. She and Biden were locking horns and bull shit slinging was going on. apparently people were shocked he picked her? all I know is she's the president. she will be running shit in 1-2 years time. maybe less.
since they're our new presidence and no doubt will jack up taxes on everyone. At least they can raise the Social Security benefits from a shitty 698.00 to maybe 1200 a month. then tax the richest to pay for it.
You like that one finny? -
2020-12-19 at 10:08 PM UTCyo -- that video was actually a great introduction for a porn flick; her fainting and then all the doctors proceeding to log-slam each & every bodily-cavity she possessesThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-12-19 at 10:33 PM UTC
2020-12-19 at 11:48 PM UTC
Originally posted by fapping to cousin lanny theyll (plural) never be president (singular). there will be a shooting war first.
its obvious why she was selected as his running mate. the only valid entry on her CV: 'sucks dick in exchange for promotion'
oh no. all the few dozen at best willing to give up what securities they have left in life are going to spray innocent people to make a point that the election was stolen. being called traitors and terrorist or home grown version of and they will be publicly jailed and mocked by the MSM with some fake info thrown in for ratings
NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. people are mentally not wired in this day and age to start their own revolution with guns because they think they can create fear of join or die. the world is an entirely different place than it was in 1776
saying this, I'm not siding with that side either. Fuck these cunts for stealing elections. I'm fairly sure it happened. but no one is going to do shit about it. Biden will have the finger on the button of the defense and he gets to call the shots. its always been this way. without the election fruad. -
2020-12-20 at 1:35 AM UTC