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More documents released: Hilly just made the whole Russia thing up, and you people actually believed it
2020-10-07 at 2:15 AM UTC
Originally posted by mmQ More distractions from the fact Donald Trump has fucked kids.
And not in the cute, well they consented anyway style of kidfucking. But he has made the economy good which is what matters.
It's like the ol classic moral train thing track 1 kills 1 babby that didnt deserve it but that was the track, switch the track kill a million babbies but change the world.
I wanna watch Trump get dropped through a makeshift hanging box like Saddam Hussein on live tv . How enjoyable would that be if they introduced it and set it up just the same as they set up the first debate. Just a big spectacle. Everyone get your drugs of choice and just sit back and watch. Oh my god the laughs that would be had. The high fives and fist-bumps abounding. America would probably have a small scale earthquake due to the resounding collective jump of joy encompassed with the laugh chorus residuals. Let's make it happen
It's kinda like the Dave Chappelle joke about the superhero who could only activate his powers by grabbing a titty.
Would you vote for a president you knew was going to be the best president in your lifetime BUT he had to fuck a kid every year he was in office. Just 1 and they had to be white and middle class and probably would have been a scientist or a social worker or some kinda nice professional type. ACtually way better than a social worker, they would be an LPN and maybe even a Doctor. But the president has to fuck them, at night, when they don't expect it and it's horrible. Then he makes the economy GO UP SO FUCKING UP YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT and all the other faggot shit great presidents do. But he fucks kids
Would you vote for him? -
2020-10-07 at 2:20 AM UTC
Originally posted by Sudo It's kinda like the Dave Chappelle joke about the superhero who could only activate his powers by grabbing a titty.
Would you vote for a president you knew was going to be the best president in your lifetime BUT he had to fuck a kid every year he was in office. Just 1 and they had to be white and middle class and probably would have been a scientist or a social worker or some kinda nice professional type. ACtually way better than a social worker, they would be an LPN and maybe even a Doctor. But the president has to fuck them, at night, when they don't expect it and it's horrible. Then he makes the economy GO UP SO FUCKING UP YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT and all the other faggot shit great presidents do. But he fucks kids
Would you vote for him?
I would vote for him if it means I get more money. That's the most important part. -
2020-10-07 at 2:24 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-10-07 at 4:25 AM UTCOf course. All men in positions of power are perverts. Only difference is some get caught, some don't. There's got to be more basis to a rational vote.
2020-10-07 at 4:31 AM UTCThe right: "liberal ideology has ushered in societal decay with the normalization of degeneracy"
"But yeah I'd vote for a pervert because all guys are perverts don't be silly let's get that money" -
2020-10-07 at 7:56 AM UTCmornin larry
2020-10-07 at 12:02 PM UTC
Originally posted by aldra https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1313640512025513984
You retard lmao
I'm gonna make it rain cinnamon toast crunch today.
Oh wait, I don't have that power... -
2020-10-07 at 12:33 PM UTCThey're all going to prison for a very long time. Crooked Hillary included.
2020-10-07 at 12:34 PM UTC
2020-10-07 at 12:39 PM UTC
2020-10-07 at 3:14 PM UTC
2020-10-07 at 3:42 PM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace On what charges? Her investigation was closed years ago. Unlike Trump's multiple ongoing investigations, including the one where he was IMPEACHED
You mean when the dems threw a tantrum and stalled other important stuff in favour of a symbolic impeach that achieved nothing.
Great on ya, dems.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-10-07 at 3:43 PM UTC
2020-10-07 at 4:10 PM UTC
Originally posted by Technologist So tell me Splam, what are they going to charge her for?
§2381. Treason
https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim#:~:text=Whoever%2C%20owing%20allegiance%20to%20the,not%20less%20than%20%2410%2C000%3B%20and -
2020-10-07 at 4:35 PM UTC
2020-10-07 at 5:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam §2381. Treason
When pigs fly!
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-10-07 at 7:12 PM UTC
2020-10-08 at 1:55 AM UTC
2020-10-08 at 11:14 AM UTC
2020-10-08 at 11:15 AM UTCAlso lol @ republicans still crying about Hilary and Obama 4 years later.