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Technologist: let's have a 'constructive conversation about systemic racism'
2020-08-06 at 10:57 PM UTC
2020-08-06 at 10:59 PM UTC
Originally posted by Obbe Your source explained those groups are more successful because they are better educated.
I don't know what that has to do with systemic racism, I did ask you to explain it and why you believe it's a conspiracy against whites, and you didn't do so.
Aren't whites better educated in blacks? Despite the systemic racism in college admissions.
Couldn't that explain the wealth gap? Why the need for extra theories when it comes to white/black differences, but not heeb/white differences -
2020-08-06 at 11:04 PM UTC
Originally posted by rabbitweed Aren't whites better educated in blacks? Despite the systemic racism in college admissions.
Couldn't that explain the wealth gap? Why the need for extra theories when it comes to white/black differences, but not heeb/white differences
I do believe that would contribute to a wealth gap. Doesn't mean all the terrible shit the system did to certain ethnic groups doesn't exist. It's documented reality.
Why do you believe there is a conspiracy? Who is conspiring? To what end? -
2020-08-06 at 11:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Lots of them buried in that infrastructure.
Why don't you help your fellow white man, Mr. Supremacist? If they are dumb, why don't you educate them? Instead you joke about their deaths while you sit cozy in your safe space.
Humm. Maybe you are part of the conspiracy. -
2020-08-06 at 11:09 PM UTC
2020-08-06 at 11:23 PM UTC
Originally posted by Obbe Why do you believe there is a conspiracy? Who is conspiring? To what end?
I believe that systemic racism is a conspiracy theory. There doesn't need to be someone behind a conspiracy theory for it to exist. IE, there's no one who really benefits from the moon-landing conspiracy theory, or the flat earth conspiracy theory, or the crypto-facism conspiracy theory.
Invisible Systemic Racism against non whites in 2020 is Alex Jones levels of outlandish, considering the only official racism (or in progressivish, 'affirmative action' is aimed squarely against whites).The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-08-06 at 11:30 PM UTC
Originally posted by rabbitweed I believe that systemic racism is a conspiracy theory. There doesn't need to be someone behind a conspiracy theory for it to exist. IE, there's no one who really benefits from the moon-landing conspiracy theory, or the flat earth conspiracy theory, or the crypto-facism conspiracy theory.
Invisible Systemic Racism against non whites in 2020 is Alex Jones levels of outlandish, considering the only official racism (or in progressivish, 'affirmative action' is aimed squarely against whites).
Ideas like "the moon landing is a conspiracy" is the idea that some grand puppet master or group is pulling all the strings to trick all the plebs into believing their lies, and are benefiting from it somehow. I mean, that's what a conspiracy is.
To conspire is to make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act, or (of events or circumstances) seem to be working together to bring about a particular result, typically to someone's detriment.
So maybe you are misusing the word, but if you believe systemic racism is a conspiracy against white people, whose conspiring? How are they organizing the operation? Why do you believe they are targeting white people? How are residential schools not an example of systemic racism? -
2020-08-06 at 11:42 PM UTCYou seem to be a bit confused.
I'm not the one who has the conspiracy theory. I'm from the outside looking in. There's a fake moon landing conspiracy theory. There's a systemic racism conspiracy theory.
I'm not the one who believes the systemic racism conspiracy theory - you are. So you tell me who is conspiring - it's your theory. -
2020-08-06 at 11:52 PM UTCThe media, hollywood, and the woke crowd are pushing the conspiracy theory that racism is alive and well in 2020. When in reality, blacks have never had it better (except maybe in the 1960s despite not having rights they had fathers and they weren't all druggies).
Then the peace revolution came together with second wave feminism and decimated the black family unit and got them all addicted to drugs. Way to go, hippies. -
2020-08-06 at 11:59 PM UTC
Originally posted by rabbitweed You seem to be a bit confused.
I'm not the one who has the conspiracy theory. I'm from the outside looking in. There's a fake moon landing conspiracy theory. There's a systemic racism conspiracy theory.
I'm not the one who believes the systemic racism conspiracy theory - you are. So you tell me who is conspiring - it's your theory.
Uh, no, I don't think systemic racism is a conspiracy at all. -
2020-08-07 at 12:03 AM UTC
Originally posted by Obbe Uh, no, I don't think systemic racism is a conspiracy at all.
Of course conspiracy theorists don't believe it's a conspiracy, that's how conspiracy theories works. The followers believe it is fact. Just like the Russia collusion conspiracy theory. Believers don't question the validity just go along. -
2020-08-07 at 12:15 AM UTC
Originally posted by Obbe Uh, no, I don't think systemic racism is a conspiracy at all.
Systemic anti-non-white racism is invisible, has no hard statistical evidence, and all existing race laws (both in government and private organisations) point to the exact opposite - that blacks and hispanics should be benefit, not whites.
Sounds like a huge conspiracy to me. Magical whitey. -
2020-08-07 at 12:39 AM UTC
Originally posted by rabbitweed Systemic anti-non-white racism is invisible, has no hard statistical evidence, and all existing race laws (both in government and private organisations) point to the exact opposite - that blacks and hispanics should be benefit, not whites.
Sounds like a huge conspiracy to me. Magical whitey.
It's not invisible, it's documented reality. Keep ignoring residential schools though like it never happened. -
2020-08-07 at 12:48 AM UTCHow long ago was that, now?
Am I expected to believe that an Indian can go from living in some of the worst conditions on earth in 1970, to being the wealthiest americans in 2020, while blacks can't make a much smaller jump due the Invisible Force that only affects them? -
2020-08-07 at 12:55 AM UTC
2020-08-07 at 1:33 AM UTC
Originally posted by rabbitweed How long ago was that, now?
Am I expected to believe that an Indian can go from living in some of the worst conditions on earth in 1970, to being the wealthiest americans in 2020, while blacks can't make a much smaller jump due the Invisible Force that only affects them?
So you don’t get that blacks were treated as property to be bought and sold for over 200 years? And you don’t get that people didn’t just stop thinking of blacks as property, after years of it being “the way things were”? What do ya think happened?......when the slaves were emancipated every slave owner just started treating the black men like their equals? Are you joking? Blacks were segregated until 1964. You think when segregation ended that white men said, “oh let me welcome the black man into our neighborhoods and schools”?
The younger generations won’t tolerate the BS, and with these good ole boys dying off, it will change eventually, and it’s about time. -
2020-08-07 at 1:35 AM UTCy'all nigga's playin ur hand 30 years to soon,, good ol boys are everywhere
2020-08-07 at 1:39 AM UTC
2020-08-07 at 1:40 AM UTC
2020-08-07 at 1:43 AM UTC