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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. bling bling Dark Matter
    claim for tm mafia

    Post last edited by bling bling at 2017-02-28T04:32:13.389911+00:00
  2. bling bling Dark Matter

  3. The zigly
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    why do people have such a thing against nutmeg?

    now having tried it and getting pretty well fucked up on it, i dont see the big deal

    its extremely cheap, the high is nice, and its easy to procure

    what gives
  5. it mmakes you shit nutmeg.
  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Wild Dutchman Flamin' Bacon sunflower seeds. I don't know why the Dutchman is so wild but at least he produces a damn fine seed.

  7. i cant beliebe i ate the whole ting
  8. Originally posted by cerakote why do people have such a thing against nutmeg?

    now having tried it and getting pretty well fucked up on it, i dont see the big deal

    its extremely cheap, the high is nice, and its easy to procure

    what gives

    Yeah, it's not that bad. The best deliriant I've tried by far. I think most people who say its shit are the idiots who use the powder or try to do dumb shit like smoke it. It's so crazy similar to marijuana its not even funny.
  9. Originally posted by cerakote why do people have such a thing against nutmeg?

    now having tried it and getting pretty well fucked up on it, i dont see the big deal

    its extremely cheap, the high is nice, and its easy to procure

    what gives

    It's just idiots that down a jar of Mccormick that say that
  10. My God, I'm so in love with the Wilson sisters

    I was truly born in the wrong decade
  11. my whonbgus broke
  12. Sometimes I want to tell people to kill themselves on the rest of the internet but then it just gets me banned and reported and possibly a visit from the police if they're anal enough. I can't stand anybody who's so PC you can't say nigger around them.
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Sometimes I want to tell people to kill themselves on the rest of the internet but then it just gets me banned and reported and possibly a visit from the police if they're anal enough. I can't stand anybody who's so PC you can't say nigger around them.

    Kill yourself, nigger.


    Remember when you made an AMA thread and never replied ? I remember. Hillshire Farms remembers.
  14. Originally posted by Discount Whore Sometimes I want to tell people to kill themselves on the rest of the internet but then it just gets me banned and reported and possibly a visit from the police if they're anal enough. I can't stand anybody who's so PC you can't say nigger around them.

    Yea man the rest of the internet is just full of weak limp wristed faggots. People take everything to be serious, they have no idea that words on a screen can be a joke/sarcasm/satire. Those people are fun tho
  15. Originally posted by reject Yea man the rest of the internet is just full of weak limp wristed faggots. People take everything to be serious, they have no idea that words on a screen can be a joke/sarcasm/satire. Those people are fun tho

    If you can't joke about life you should be put in a cage.

    Somebody from my HS class has posted about how 'racism doesn't apply to white people' and 'men can't be discriminated against.' She's also taken on about a third grader in weight since then. I want to troll her but I'm not sure how to go about it yet. I might test it out with 'cracker' and 'fuck men' comments and then slowly move into the fun shit. Get close before I get gud.
  16. My eyes look like they have gnats trapped in them.
  17. If you want to troll SJWs and don't want to go to the usual suspects (Reddit subs, tumblr, Twitter #tags) there's this forum called that has some of the dumbest feminazis and faggot cucks yiu will ever see, and it's all hidden under a thin but thoroughly well applied veneer of being a normal, open discussion forum.
  18. I think what makes us special is that we tolerate and appreciate trolls to just the right degree. If anyone came in with the explicit intent of derailing a thread and calling someone a faggot over and over on most other sites, that person would be labeled a troll and banned.

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