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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Suuuuuuure
  3. I haven't drank anything non-alcoholic since Friday daytime.
  4. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Malice is MIA

    Hopefully he didn't OD on that flubromazolam or whatever the fuck it was

    He'll just be passed out pickled off his little box somewhere
  5. PeoPle that cough are retards.
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
  7. Took too much 'cccc at work holy fuck jdjnwb. A. Arwly h mcid snsndvjc. Sbbdnsn. E dncbwb. E w. W e r I can hardly fuckib walk and instead of giant pupils my pupils are fucking gone they are like pins oh fuck I'm so high
  8. You gon get sacked
  9. Its okay I only started to trip out during the last hour, being away from sunlight fucked me up I could not see inside the warehouse it was just colors and shapes and I was pouring sweat.

    Now I can see and my body temperature is normal again. Gonna eat 2 more
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
  11. I ate them and now im smoking weed

  12. bling bling Dark Matter
    ? i mite hav to get more hash i only haf 10 20 piund and btc boom
  13. Lots of hash round here, concentrates too $100 for 10 grams shatter. same deal for hashj but you get 3 dif kinds if u wont.
  14. bling bling Dark Matter
    my cat go high adn trie to eat a cookie wdf
  15. Next posts decides if I drink my last beer
  16. zech and teinz imiw iewe i wie smoke ithi owl
  17. That was a firm yes
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Oh yeah

  19. Originally posted by reject Next posts decides if I drink my last beer

    You were gonna anyway 🙄
  20. Originally posted by Actor You were gonna anyway 🙄

    Pure lies.

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