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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny That's silly. Like maybe you think there is no legitimate state but obviously there is some body of people that provide services to and constrain the actions of american citizens and this is what any reasonable person would call government, whether or not you feel it's legitimate. In fact if you deny the legitimacy of the state it seems even more important that reporting organizations have unconditional access to the machinations of the state.

    No manner of "state" is legitimate as long as coercion is involved but that's a different conversation entirely. And sure, people would call that "the government", but all the "government" is, is an association of individuals with a shared belief in this concept that we call the government.

    Originally posted by Lanny Freedom of association in the US is guaranteed in the bill of rights and extends to citizens

    The bill of rights is a piece of paper, you don't need a piece of paper to have freedom.

    Originally posted by Lanny not branches of government. Not that you should think protections granted by that document mean anything anyway. And if you're appealing to some moral principle then it still shouldn't be applicable since, again, government's not a thing, doesn't have moral rights.

    Like i said, what we call 'the government" is just an association of individuals, and individuals are up for moral consideration.

    Originally posted by Lanny Ok, so let's imagine an inverted scenario here. 8 years ago and Obama is trying to get the affordable healthcare act through congress. He bans conservative news agencies from covering the proceedings so it's literally impossible to give a hostile first hand report. Is that also A-OK?

    Sure. It's not like the law means anything anyway.

  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie Sure. It's not like the law means anything anyway.

    For someone who's so down on the state you seem awfully trusting of it, not feeling a need for equal access of the press to its activities and all.
  3. I'll kill you
  4. coinstar should offer BTC for change. they're foolish if they don't soon.
  5. bling bling Dark Matter
    lol wen u wont half a tab but u only got coints
  6. bling bling Dark Matter
    madd missions to cash coin than take to bank adn back home 2 order btc on time fucn feendz
  7. bling bling Dark Matter
    i go to do a big poob but ino the longer i hold it the bigger it be :D
  8. bling bling Dark Matter
    o shid i almos poodp from laffin
  9. bling bling Dark Matter
  10. masturbated
  11. bling bling Dark Matter
    no more report buton rip
  12. Would you like to be part of the buisiness ventures of Shitfucker Enterprises? Get in now and you won't regret. We're gonna be as successful as a fake company can be.
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Brain surgeon I know im really late to the party on this one but that naked chicken taco is fucking delicious. Also, Malice, The five dollar box is a pretty good deal except for the tiny soda they give you. I should have said no ice.

    the chicken taco thing tastes like a chicken sandwich from mcdonalds
  14. HducvuvuwugzfagJvkgkwjag
  15. Lol fag.
  16. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit, his name is my name too, whenever we go out, the niggas always shout, there goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit
  17. It's this time of the year where everybody dresses funny and I went out with two girlfriends and I forgot about that.

    I saw at least ten ficking pikachus today. Bears. All kinds of stuff. It's 7 in the morning and I didn't take any amphetamines because I got tricked. I thought this was a dinner kinda thing but it turned into a club tour. I still got kind of a crush on one of the girls now, though. That's nice. She turned out all right. Like, better than expected.

    I tried to talk her into prostitution with a bunch of convincing points but I think I failed.
  18. Originally posted by Actor John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit, his name is my name too, whenever we go out, the niggas always shout, there goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit

    Your title should either be Shitfucker or that.
  19. Originally posted by RisiR Your title should either be Shitfucker or that.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny For someone who's so down on the state you seem awfully trusting of it, not feeling a need for equal access of the press to its activities and all.

    Exactly the opposite. The fundamental thing to take away from this is, that even though there is press at a press briefing or whatever the state will do what the state will do. "Checks and balances" realistically do little to stop the state from doing anything.

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