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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. yay I broke my penis
  2. I'm hepped up on goofballs
  3. I huffs LA looks erry day nigga

  4. Scron and Bling are great advertisements for anti-drug messages.
  5. I havent done tech since June last year noob. Nobody should be allowed to do drugs except me, nobody can handle it. You are all too weak.
  6. I saw the most derp eyed chick ever in town today, her eyes were aligned closer to the Y axis than the X
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. You couldn't get her number if you wanted to, admit it.
  8. Doubt she'd be able to focus on who's talking to her
  9. Originally posted by reject Doubt she'd be able to focus on who's talking to her

    Sounds like an excuse to me.
  10. The awkward moment when a plumber comes round to check your gas meter and sees you drinking red wine at 3pm
  11. I saw the judgment in his eyes when he walked in and saw it next to my laptop
  12. Originally posted by reject The awkward moment when a plumber comes round to check your gas meter and sees you drinking red wine at 3pm

    There's nothing awkward about it, you're just a bitch.
  13. No it was pretty awkward cos he paused mid sentence and I'm not even drinking from a glass
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR No but they are literally prohibited to get work until they are cleared which often takes years and forces them into criminality.

    Imagine you are a refugee of a war torn third world country without education, do you think you could do your taxes? Or the taxes of a business? They literally can't read our letters, bro. I see them daily, struggling to get a train ticket.

    Do you think one of them could just sit down and do your job? Don't be silly.

    even with little shitter retail jobs alot of them have trouble with it

    we have alot of arabs in this area for whatever reason and alot of them work in jobs that require little communication or foodservice

    take a look at a place like new york city where some of them get into an entrepreneurial pursuit and open a halal cart or a restaurant, thats about the only thing they can manage to do because you dont really need good english speaking skills to make and sell food
  15. Food trucks are a depression meme like ride sharing and eating bugs.
  16. Everybody got there powerball tickets for tonights drawing? its over 400 million now.
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    You guys like okra? I don't know what to think about it. I'm eating the fried version with some remaulade. Aight.
  18. Thanks for reminding me...
  19. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Lotteries/gambling are for stupid people, mostly the poor.

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