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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. ACAB Houston
    In 24 hours I'm guna be the highest nigga in space
    Beatcha to it my nigga.
  2. ACAB Houston
    Some girls from my old class got my info somehow and wanted to celebrate my birthday which totally blew me away.

    I can't believe people still think and care about me. It also makes killing myself a whole lot harder.
  3. bling bling Dark Matter
    whiny fag #3 od dis place gots a boner becus sum whore wanterd him to giv her free wee
  4. bling bling Dark Matter
  5. ACAB Houston
    Shut the fuck up, bling you weak faggot. I could kill you with a single slap. Don't push me.
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Some girls from my old class got my info somehow and wanted to celebrate my birthday which totally blew me away.

    I can't believe people still think and care about me. It also makes killing myself a whole lot harder.

    That sounds sweet, it must have touched you right in the feels. Give out GHB and start an orgy.
  7. bling bling Dark Matter
    com pusy u think u r 10 man com upt rite nw
  8. ACAB Houston
    I rejected them and now they don't talk to me anymore. They had apparently already planned something behind my back after years of no contact but I had to put windows in my house so I had to turn them down on that date.

    They are all Bi and DTF so I guess an orgy is what they planned. Yea... *sigh*

    I'm deeply sad. Like on top of being depressed I'm actually sad as well.

    I have a shitton of work infront of me that only enslaves me and I'm never happy. I think I'm not going to make it to 2017. I'm just done.

    You seem jolly. What's up?
  9. bling bling Dark Matter

    he iz rly smrt and adn rly rly rly+ rly rly rly clever so clevr infact tht he gots *+depreson*+ bcuz he thinks 2 deeply about the thingz
  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Imagine if in the future a really politically correct country, like Sweden or Germany (Not necessarily the same expression of PC, more that it seems they've been massively overcompensating for Hitler and the holocaust, which none of the current generations had anything to do with, since it ended.), likely fueled by the impact of Islamic immigrants/refugees/citizens and leftists becoming increasingly polarize, more entrenched in their ideology rather than admit error (Just as few religious fundamentalists will admit or even seriously consider the lack of a god.), a hate crime registry was created like the US has for sex offenders, with addresses having to be reported, an online database that the public could access with their information, limitations on where they could reside, and even electronic monitoring.

    The thought came to because for some reason I pictured a scenario where RisiR, at the end of his rope, asked for a way to be sent to jail, I told him to go out and yell "Heil Hitler", and he actually did it to great sadistic-comedic effect.
  11. bling bling Dark Matter
    "imagine if it was 2015"
  12. Fuck 2015
  13. 2014 > 2015 > 2016

    Oh shit, I just realized it's getting worse.
  14. Wait I actually enjoyed 2015, it was fun if nothing else.
  15. Sometimes I wish I was a redneck, they look like a fun bunch of people
  16. bling bling Dark Matter
    fukc all u pp,lx
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    New idea for an anime: The Devil is a Hiki

    The main character would be based on an amplified, dramatized, and perfected version of myself.
  18. Sometimes I wish I was a redneck, they look like a fun bunch of people

    You might change your mind at a real redneck ho down. Cheap beer, lots of guns and trucks, sounds fun in theory but in practice they're all fucking retarded and impossible to enjoy with all the cheap beer in the world. Good meaning, just retarded.
  19. If you're drunk enough you can enjoy time with anyone
  20. I didn't have a mixer for whiskey so I used summer fruits cider

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