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This corona shit is getting real

  1. #41
    Archer513 African Astronaut
    I saw a cpl ppl with masks on today

    Young ladies

    Designer face masks will be the next in thing
  2. #42
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Archer513 I saw a cpl ppl with masks on today

    Young ladies

    Designer face masks will be the next in thing

    It already has been. But at least you can take them off to face fuck them
  3. #43
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby WHY DID HE GET MAD AT DON?! DON IS MY FRIEND!

    He's my friend too. Idk. Don is a fulf war veteran. Hes a good gont. He just kinda sucks at cooking and hes better at taking direction. Sometimes when the Boss isn't around Don likes to stand in the middle of the kitchen and not really do anything. Lol

    He just stands there with his hands on hips like hes inspecting the tickets but he doesn't say anything . Then hell call out some shit and we're like yeah don we already have all that going.
  4. #44
    Originally posted by Archer513 Designer face masks will be the next in thing

    I’ve seen internet ads for that
  5. #45
    Originally posted by Fox I’ve seen internet ads for that

    real men look for tactical face masks.
  6. #46
    Already had one
  7. #47
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Fox Already had one

    You have an internet ad for yourself?

  8. #48
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    (I'm setting you up its what I do)
  9. #49
    Originally posted by mmQ Link?!

    I dont really eat sausage
  10. #50
    Originally posted by Fox Already had one

    real men have more than 1.
  11. #51
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Fox I dont really eat sausage

    Originally posted by mmQ (I'm setting you up its what I do)
  12. #52
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    just got back from the store, i was pickin up 1/2 n 1/2 and tumms,, went in thinkin I can hold my breath that long.

    well this one cocksucker wanted to dance in the isle with me and have a god damn conversation,, he actuallly had the nerve to open his mouth in my direction,, really pissed me off but I kept my mouth shut and got the fuck out of there
  13. #53
    Originally posted by Fox But why toilet paper? Lol. If you really did run out, as long as there’s still running water just hop in the shower. It’s not life and death. Having food or not is life and death. I swear it’s like americans just aren’t smart enough to know what to panic about

    If you want it and its running out, you get it. Simple as that.

    Traffic was absolutely dead today. Restaurants and schools are shut down. I was driving home at rush hour and there was only 2 or 3 other cars at a time when normally its bumper to bumper. If I still work Sunday morning I'll probably be alone on the road for most of the way.
  14. #54
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I walked into a pharmacy today wearing a mask and was rude to the pharmacist for not offering flu shots and not making me their first priority. It was pretty funny. Then I left for an hour while my prescription was being filled and went to a friends house and smoked a joint, then came back all high like nothing happened
  15. #55
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sudo I walked into a pharmacy today wearing a mask and was rude to the pharmacist for not offering flu shots and not making me their first priority. It was pretty funny. Then I left for an hour while my prescription was being filled and went to a friends house and smoked a joint, then came back all high like nothing happened

    You are on a company camera and labeled as a dick
  16. #56
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    [quote pk=1013221

    would tongue
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