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2020-03-01 at 2:48 AM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib lmao, i wish you were right about all that though. that'd be awesome. if 'service manuals' (don't exist. it's a website now.) were half as useful as you thought they were, my job would be twice as easy.
every manufacturer-provided service manual that ive used is the exact one that the manufacturer provides to their own service personnel. and, theyre on CDs. and grossly overpriced. the last one i bought was for one vehicle but their requirement was to buy the entire series at the tune of $600.
try using a real service manual and not the ones you pick up at walmart or the auto parts store. -
2020-03-01 at 2:54 AM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib but, i do this for a living and have for a long time. it's just not like you actually think it is. what i gave you as an example actually happened today. there is nothing in tech info or the ETM's about what resistance you should read across a good shift lock release solenoid. i called the national tech support center and they also did not have that information. most likely nobody except the manufacturer of that component and the engineering department has that information. and unless a campaign or TSB is issued regarding that part, and that campaign or TSB instructs the technician to test the component before replacing (a generous .3 to rip apart the center console and use your dvom on a connector, a whopping .5 if it needs to be replaced), that information will simply not get out. if someone tests a known good and posts it on the internet, it won't be commonly known. the manufacturer will not make a statement regarding it. not even an aftermarket group will, after they test a known good for making their cheap replacement to sell to NAPA and o'reillies.
you are basing your theories on pure speculation about how you think things 'should' be. what i'm telling you is how it is in the real world.
you say a lot of things that dont add up.
if that is the case then not only are you using an incomplete and inadequate reference, but the manufacturer is utterly and completely inept
i have enough familiarity with the intricacies of vehicles to base what i post on factual experience which can be backed up by reality. you post stupid shit that makes no sense and doesnt jibe with my own factual experiences...and can be entertainingly disproved by anyone using simple google searches.
ive found items purchased at NAPA to be higher quality than the other autoparts shops...and in many cases the manufacturer. (one example...a side-view mirror i purchased as a replacement is years older than the opposite-side OEM and is still clear. the OEM is de-silvering around the edges. POS made in chinkland. -
2020-03-01 at 2:59 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL The radical leftist socialists give them HUGE chunks of taxpayer cash to design them that way. Has nothing to do with practicality, just greed and political power.
you spelt 'jews' wrong.
i know a former manager of a manufacturing company that told me the kikes would literally make the engineers/designers re-engineer designs for production that they knew would decrease reliability/life expectancy to increase profitability. (one example was using seals on high-end, hundreds-of-gallons/min liquid pumps made out of shit-tier plastic instead of a higher grade 'viton' material that would save literally less than a dollar in production materials costs. allegedly the shit-tier seal vendor was butt-buddies with one of the bean counters and may or may not have been providing kick-backs)
edit: another example was packing. the original design had 'x' design for packing material that was sturdy enough to survive shipping to the end-user. this packing was high quality...and not cheap. the kike bean counters didnt like this excess expenditure and changed it to shit-tier cardboard and some kind of crappo-foam. the best part was...the first production run was stacked in the out-going warehouse...and the stack collapsed upon itself, destroying every pump...dozens of them...with each one costing 4- or 5- figures.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-03-01 at 3:04 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 3:05 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 3:18 AM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib i only use the ones that the manufacture maintains that i have to log onto with my registered technician ID. and alldata sometimes if it's a make i'm less familiar with, because some of my tickets are from random cars not associated with the dealership.
also, you're getting ripped off if you believe that the manufacturer gives technicians 'service manuals' on cd's. that's not how it works. you log onto the manufacturers technician website. it's slow and gay and most of the photos look like they were taken with a twenty year old nokia phone. i can't believe you spent all that money. you could have just asked someone like me to print something off of alldata for you. the dealership pays for my subscription. and it'd be a lot more up to date than whatever haynes you paid for or whatever.
besides, up to date access to TSB's are going to be the most important resource for you. and you have to have technician credentials to access those.
i didnt think i needed to mention that my ex worked at a dealership in a position that gave me access...and that at the time there was no internet site...and that CDs were the same ones the dealership techs used...and i paid the exact same amount it would have cost the dealership to purchase...and ive found that any TSB i ever needed for any vehicle ive ever needed it for is online, openly available, regardless of the manufacturers restrictions. one of my vehicles is a ford superduty and considering the popularity of that vehicle its no surprise anyone and everyone has them.
ducati, on the other hand, is a riproaring shitshow and im getting thoroughly disgusted with how their policies and pricing applies to their bikes and their maintenance. and their shit-tier manufacturing/design at how often they want to do recalls for retard-tier fuckups. (their earlier bikes would literally catch fire) -
2020-03-01 at 3:20 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 3:26 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bill Krozby um not exactly but here in austin I was invited to an orgasmic meditation sesch by some cunt from a dating app and I asked her lol what have you been doing and she said "HAVING SEX" and I was like cool me too and she got snappy and said "I Have good sex!" and she invited me to her orgasmic mediatation class and evidently wrote a book about it.. and I asked her jokingly "IS THERE A DICK WACKING SESSION AFTER THAT?!!" and she was like yeah this is not going to go work lol..
seems like some weird cuck shit to me to be honest.. lol
only a fucking retard of your level would post stupid shit like that, much less know that it even existed. youre the epitome of why the kikes are creating this garbage: retard-tier IQ, zero life aspirations, and maximized degeneracy.
this is proof that there is no god. current society is infinitely worse than the fictitious lands of sodom and gomorah yet god hasnt shown himself and turned this planet to ash. -
2020-03-01 at 3:28 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 3:58 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bill Krozby ahhhh-DDDhhhhurrrhhhhh
Originally posted by infinityshock youre so fucking stupid and terminally socially retarded that you have no ability to grasp the concept of how fucking absolutely idiotic you are.
that being the case, ill place it into a perspective that you may…or probably wont…be able to cross reference in your own non-functional mind.
every time you make a post, regardless of how epic you think it sounds in your own nigger-cum addled mind, it makes the collective user base literally cringe in pain. the best analogy your broken brain might comprehend is, picture a high-society social gathering in an exclusive facility reserved for only the top 1% where everyone is dressed in their finest attire, doing whatever it is the aristocracy does, then through an abject sense of depraved humor the universe sends some random tourrets-infested retard confined to a wheelchair, drooling all over his saliva-saturated bib, rolling his mechanical wheelchair through the double solid-oak doors at a high rate of speed, plowing over the beautiful-people, then screeches to a halt in the middle of the room, with everyone staring at him aghast. after a few moments of silence, through dribbling strings of saliva, the retard opens its lips and lets out a screeching 'aahhhHHHH-DDDDURRRHHHHHHHH!!!!!'
youre the retard. -
2020-03-01 at 5:09 AM UTC
2020-03-14 at 12:48 AM UTC
Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Someone told me this at work today and I was thinking "wow, I thought you were smart, but you must actually be schizo to have gotten this so arse backwards".
Turns out … wow.
he is correct. the immune system was not designed as a means of protecting an individual from outside microbial threats. its a sytems-diagnostics for...as he so eloquently termed it...'the herd.'
pathological microbes and the human organism have coexisted for millenia and the intended design specs are microbes would evolve as the human immune system evolved. humanity threw a monkey wrench into that balance when they invented/discovered antibiotics.
the microbes dont know any better...theyre doing what theyre designed to do and evolving in response to the threats to their existence. humans, however, are out of that evolutionary loop by not forcing the collective immune system to respond to the microbial threats it faces. -
2020-03-14 at 12:49 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL What if your virus takes 15 days to incubate?? Or 14 and a half days?
thats like saying a human hits puberty at 13 years old.
every microbe has its own parameters for growth and death...not a single one is wearing a stop watch that it can read and say 'welp...its been 14 days exactly. time to die. good by cruel world' -
2020-03-14 at 12:51 AM UTC
Originally posted by aldra it'd make sense if the virus wasn't lethal, or if there was an effective way to treat it once contracted but even as it is it's bringing state medical systems to their knees. It's insane that any medical professional would think this is a viable plan, but the 'chief scientific advisor'… wow.
no natural virus is 100% lethal -
2020-03-14 at 12:56 AM UTC
Originally posted by Kuntzschutz He can't admit that he has trouble talking about his feelings, so he exaggerates a hyper-masculine persona in attempts to cover up his psychiatric problems, because he has a j/ew dick.
That's right, that disorder and apparently some other ones: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21672947
Stem from having a j/ew dick. He was exposed by another member as being a kike shill, parroting patriotic dumb-shit memes and such, while pretending to be a weapons expert as well as pretending to be a leet hacker(really he's just a script kiddie spammer retard). No doubt he's an expert on having a j/ew dick, but not being fully j/ew, he has to suckle on real j/ew penises in order to please his US Army masters (100% kosher & kike owned)
The beta cucks love him, and that's exactly what his masters wanted. Create a fake alternative to totse which is really just owned by communist libtard government, and populated by faggot kike shill trolls like larrylegend and infinityshock along with a bunch of beta cucks that are too stupid to know the difference.
If there ever is an alternative to this shit-heap, hopefully those faggot shills will be perma banned on site every time they try to register an account. This has nothing to do with spamming, as lanny doesn't give a shit whether infinityshock spams or not, they're both in on the same retarded fake website/psyop.
your insane rantings are as entertainingly hilarious as they are pathetic. i do realize that making fun of the mentally handicapped is not the the most ethically appropriate way to live life, but jesus christ, you make it so enjoyable. besides...what use are crazies if not to provide entertainment for everyone else.
daddy loves youThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-03-14 at 1:01 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Wait a minute.. infinityshock wasn't banned at all on Totse or Zoklet.
permabanned on totse twice. the first time was in 2004 or 2005 then there was some sort of software-reset that deleted all the permabans. the second time was in 2007 or 2008.
banned on zoklet at around the 2nd post or so after making fun of one of the unterbottoms. not a big deal because that was a retodd jamboree.
Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Yep, he was actually. He got unbanned, temporarily, because zok said some lovey-dovey shit about welcoming anyone back with open arms if they'd behave. He actually stuck to it for a while. This was around the time Snoopy was modding Spurious.
I have zero reason to make this shit up, and unlike some of you, I'll remember things you said ten years ago(on the forums and #totse), without saving anything or writing any of it down :)
youre so adorable when you make posts about shit you have no clue about and youre so delusional that you believe your own gibberings. make youre useless self slightly less useless and post some Bill Krozby-tier nude selfies.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-03-14 at 1:03 AM UTC
Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Like I said, homeless tranny fucker is one of the know-nothings and likes to bait people into clicking on pointless (or malicious) links and loves to state false information.
finny is a retard that larps as a weapons and security expert, when he's neither.
dont forget the larping as a gynocological expert and prostate plundering professional...as well as being a compulsive pathological liar.
you know what they say: never waste a good yawn. time to practice that gag reflex suppression -
2020-03-14 at 1:04 AM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yes you have stated that, I have proof. There is a secret group of people watching and laughing at you waiting for you to slip up, go crazy and kill someones. Just remember to link the url https://niggasin.space
go take your meds. youre hallucinating again. -
2020-03-14 at 1:05 AM UTC
Originally posted by Kuntzschutz finny larping as a security expert again lmao
Too bad they could be using passive harmonic reflectors or something like the OPEC bug and it doesn't need to be "wired" at all, fuckin retard.
Also, burst transmission. Chances are everything in this idiots apartment is compromised to begin with. Passive illumination of various different reflectors including loud-speakers that aren't even connected to any power supply, can be used quite effectively. This is old news.
youre an idiot -
2020-03-14 at 1:07 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!