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Is my apartment bugged?? 😨
2020-02-23 at 5:28 AM UTCI was looking for a peice that broke off my drone and while crawling around on the floor i spot something white on the other side of the quarter round.
At first i thought it was probably just paper but upon closer inspection it appears to be plastic.
I kept telling myself it's probably just rubbish but upon closer inspection you can clearly see on the side of whatever it is, very menacing machine looking grooves of some kind.
Anyone have any thoughts before i get out my toolbox? -
2020-02-23 at 5:36 AM UTCyo what's your new job i want my prize
2020-02-23 at 5:37 AM UTChow much is rent minus utilities?
2020-02-23 at 5:37 AM UTCRoach infestation
2020-02-23 at 5:39 AM UTCcan my prize be a vape pen plz
2020-02-23 at 5:43 AM UTCAnal vape pens. Gape pens
2020-02-23 at 5:49 AM UTC
2020-02-23 at 5:49 AM UTC
2020-02-23 at 5:55 AM UTCEnough for a gram of meth at work
2020-02-23 at 7:30 AM UTCDid you pry off the molding yet or what
2020-02-23 at 7:54 AM UTCThe Black Panthers are eavesdropping on you.
2020-02-23 at 9:57 AM UTC
2020-02-23 at 10:17 AM UTClooks like a cheap UPS
2020-02-23 at 10:36 AM UTCLol yeah its minimum wage. And on top of that, cheapest place in Los Angeles is 1000 in a ghetto part of town
2020-02-23 at 1:31 PM UTCits pretty obvious the item is as dirty as the rest of the house I doubt ur in any danger from the man
2020-02-23 at 2:38 PM UTCClean your fucking floor
2020-03-13 at 3:10 AM UTCIs your apartment bugged? If it's by a private party (your landlord, your girlfriend, etc), the thing probably radiates a wi-fi like signal at either 2.4 or 5 ghz... there are affordable detector-devices on ebay/amazon... or you can rent these from a local security consultant. If you're being bugged by a fancy-pants govt agency... look at your smoke detector. If this is wired... it will most likely be transmitting a cell-phone signal... these detectors are a bit more $... you can also find these more pricey detectors on eBay/Amazon... or via a private security consultant. Note that these private security consultants mostly have connections within local law enforcement... so if you're doing anything with contraband, etc... you're toast either way...The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-03-13 at 3:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by goodbot Is your apartment bugged? If it's by a private party (your landlord, your girlfriend, etc), the thing probably radiates a wi-fi like signal at either 2.4 or 5 ghz… there are affordable detector-devices on ebay/amazon… or you can rent these from a local security consultant. If you're being bugged by a fancy-pants govt agency… look at your smoke detector. If this is wired… it will most likely be transmitting a cell-phone signal… these detectors are a bit more $… you can also find these more pricey detectors on eBay/Amazon… or via a private security consultant. Note that these private security consultants mostly have connections within local law enforcement… so if you're doing anything with contraband, etc… you're toast either way…
finny larping as a security expert again lmao
Too bad they could be using passive harmonic reflectors or something like the OPEC bug and it doesn't need to be "wired" at all, fuckin retard.
Also, burst transmission. Chances are everything in this idiots apartment is compromised to begin with. Passive illumination of various different reflectors including loud-speakers that aren't even connected to any power supply, can be used quite effectively. This is old news. -
2020-03-13 at 4:02 PM UTCI think thats an electrical box
Originally posted by Kuntzschutz finny larping as a security expert again lmao
Too bad they could be using passive harmonic reflectors or something like the OPEC bug and it doesn't need to be "wired" at all, fuckin retard.
Also, burst transmission. Chances are everything in this idiots apartment is compromised to begin with. Passive illumination of various different reflectors including loud-speakers that aren't even connected to any power supply, can be used quite effectively. This is old news.
You have schziphrenia and think you can read peoples thoughts, get helpThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-03-13 at 4:06 PM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I think thats an electrical box
You have schziphrenia and think you can read peoples thoughts, get help
Says a guy that lives on the dole in canada and would be homeless if not for a tranny taking him in lmao
Retard, try again, I never stated I can read peoples' thoughts. I have indeed been thoroughly tested for various mental illnesses by people that know a lot more about this than you ever will, mr zero credentials.
I have come back negative for any mental illness except OCD and bipolar. It's mostly OCD though. But it is interesting to watch a bunch of pitiful know-nothings grasp at straws, when their low IQ asses can only come up with "hur hur ur schizo"
I like that, keep 'em comin