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Foods/supplements to stay healthy

  1. #21
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I also drink raw goats milk with out the gmo's

    goats milk is one of the 'healthiest' milks for humans to consume.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby What do you guys eat to stay healthy? I've been cutting back my drinking a lot recently and have been trying to lose some of the weight in my pouch area. Along with trying to reimbue other parts of me and clear brain fog.

    I been drinking 2 cups of bone broth a day. A cup of lemon tea with cayanne pepper, a clove of garlic. And 2 grams of l-glutamine.
    And a shot of apple cider vinegar.

    ohh yeah and I've been mixing up honey bbw sauce with tuna and adding a slice of pepper jack cheese to a bun to make a tuna melt. mmmmm good and healthy!

    i bet fucking you is like sticking ones dick into a salad

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I've heard recently that the best way to get protien is actually from fats as fats have the right amino acids that help protein synthesis. But I'm not sure if thats true or not

    wherever you heard that from is lying to you. fat doesnt have the molecular makeup for the human digestive tract to convert it into 'protein'...or the required amino acids.

    the human body can digest protein and convert it to carbohydrates. however, carbs and fats cannot be processed into protein. also...the process of protein-to-carb digestion is extremely inefficient and is very 'costly' to the digestive tract.

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I want my stomach to be flat I have a belly, before it was flat and I had smexy abs, I got the alcohol bloat i guess. never heard of pylo exercises.

    Creatine always made me feel like shit when I'd drink it, like chest / heart pain

    Originally posted by infinityshock have you literally been cut-and-pasting previous posts ive made?

    open a container of the most expensive isolated/concentrated whey protein that is available and smell it. then open an envelope of powdered milk and smell it. identical. then do the same about 8 years later…and they both look and smell the exact same. (yeap…ive done it. powdered milk lasts a long, long time…but apparently 8 years is too long)

    i guarantee the human digestive tract doesnt know or care the difference between $2 an ounce whey protein and 10-cents an ounce powdered milk. for some fun reading…go do some internet searches on the origin of whey and how powdered milk is made and how the various types of whey are made. yea. marketing scam.

    my protein drink consists of about 10oz 2% milk, about 15oz of rice drink, 2 eggs, an envelope of powdered milk, a few seconds squeeze of honey, some nesquick (for flavor…'cause that stuff tastes like ass. and yes, it has sugar, but its a helluva lot better than that toxin 'splenda' that is in everything. im stating for a fact: splenda is a toxin) and finally about an ounce or so of either coconut oil, canola oil, avacado oil, or flax oil. i have one at 9am or 10am and another at 3pm or 4pm

    I thought you were a carb hater though?
  3. #23
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    L-Arginine beta-Ketoglutarate
    beta-Lipoic Acid
    Acetyl L-Carnitine
  4. #24
    Generally in the mornings i make a smoothie with ginger, beets, spinach, blueberries , and half an apple along with my standard multivitamin and some omega3. After that what i eat is just a shit show , usually tons of carbs.... I need to cut the carbs badly
  5. #25
    TreyGowdy Houston
    Eggs are delicious and good for you. Fats are good for you, like olive oil, avacado, meats. I think red meat fats are only bad because of being some bad type of cholesterol. Carbs are definitely not good for you, I don't go out of my way to avoid them though.

    Fish too. Salmon is supposed to be really good for you and when you cook it the fat bubbles to the top making it especially tasty, mmmmm.

    There's also some mushrooms that are supposedly really good for you too. I just eat regular ones, but really want to get into picking/growing them, but I'm afraid of fucking it up.

    I drink tea all day, it's probably good for you. I read it is good for your teeth (not the color obviously). And honestly I only drink alcohol really because it's good for you in moderation, but beer isn't good for men because of something to do with estrogen.

  6. #26
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    gonna try out lions mane, too
  7. #27
    TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by snab_snib gonna try out lions mane, too

    Where do you plan on getting it? I don't want to pay out the ass at some gay nu-age health store for something that's probably packaged in China and contaminated with heavy metals. There's tons of wild mushrooms for every locale, and while I'm confident I could pick out a few edible ones, I'm not confident enough to eat them. Growing them works I guess, but you wouldn't want to show the wrong person even if it's not illegal.
  8. #28
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by TreyGowdy Where do you plan on getting it? I don't want to pay out the ass at some gay nu-age health store for something that's probably packaged in China and contaminated with heavy metals. There's tons of wild mushrooms for every locale, and while I'm confident I could pick out a few edible ones, I'm not confident enough to eat them. Growing them works I guess, but you wouldn't want to show the wrong person even if it's not illegal.

    powder city bitch powder powder city bitch
  9. #29
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ACE I thought you were a carb hater though?

    i dont know where you got that idea from.

    i eat a fuckton of carbs...i need them.

    before something athletically intense i usually eat a half pound (dry) of spaghetti. if im online and not paying attention to what im doing i eat an entire pot of spaghetti or some sort of rice-mix or whatever ive cooked.

  10. #30
    Fried Chicken and Amphetamines keeps me thin and sexy.
  11. #31
    Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Used to have multivits because staying inside is bad for your health but fuck it.
    I've been thinking of getting some whey after doing more stuff recently but there's probably not much point doing that either.
  12. #32
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Bone marrow, fish scales, and milk steak mostly.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #33
    I just had an Omelette
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #34
    SpatianHaigency Tuskegee Airman
    lemon tea with entire clove of garlic

    why would you do this though
  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by TreyGowdy Eggs are delicious and good for you. Fats are good for you, like olive oil, avacado, meats. I think red meat fats are only bad because of being some bad type of cholesterol. Carbs are definitely not good for you, I don't go out of my way to avoid them though.

    Fish too. Salmon is supposed to be really good for you and when you cook it the fat bubbles to the top making it especially tasty, mmmmm.

    There's also some mushrooms that are supposedly really good for you too. I just eat regular ones, but really want to get into picking/growing them, but I'm afraid of fucking it up.

    I drink tea all day, it's probably good for you. I read it is good for your teeth (not the color obviously). And honestly I only drink alcohol really because it's good for you in moderation, but beer isn't good for men because of something to do with estrogen.


    This chick has a video about how guys should only drink wine / liquor because of beer causing estrogen, I played the video for a guy in tinychat and he believed it was utter bullocks because it only mimmics estrogens effects. Not sure If he really knew what he was talking about , but it definitely does make you fat

    and uh are you serious about the super male vitality? Seems like alex jones is a snake oil salesman lol

  16. #36
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Fried Chicken and Amphetamines keeps me thin and sexy.

    they keep you smexy, smart and sexy!
  17. #37
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by infinityshock goats milk is one of the 'healthiest' milks for humans to consume.

    I've heard its because goats are genetically closer to a human than a cow. But then some people say milk isn't good for anyone to drink unless you're a baby . I dunno I just like the unpasteurized goats milk at the farmers market because they have it for almost the same price as normal whoel milk and it taste better.
  18. #38
    bling bling Dark Matter
    op faggot
  19. #39
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby and uh are you serious about the super male vitality? Seems like alex jones is a snake oil salesman lol

    alex jones throws crazy stuff out there because he's basically just opening your imagination to a field of possibilities, of which some might not be true. it's valuable just because he gets people thinking.

    as for his supplement, if it's all natural and totally safe, i doubt it's 'highly potent' but there's shit out there that will in fact do what it says, and if someone with a head on their shoulders had a degree in pharmocology like the guy that formulated did, there's no real reason to think that they couldn't whip up a batch of something that'll have an effect. i just don't think it's going to be a holy grail, but you'd probably benefit from it if you had the cash to spare for it and you were looking for things to give you a bit of an edge. it's like GFuel for your testicles.
  20. #40
    cerakote African Astronaut
    for people discussing fats, let me share some of the knowledge i gained from my AP bio class before the teacher kicked me out for making a politically incorrect comment

    adipose tissue (non-visceral fat of animals) is composed of saturated fat. the main difference between saturated and unsaturated fat is that saturated fat is basically rearranged for more convenient and orderly storage whereas unsaturated fat is just there. foods that contain unsaturated fats are those that produce it naturally as part of the organism and therefore dont rely on it to sustain them if necessary. someone mentioned avocadoes as an example of "healthy" fat, so i'll use that to explain: the flesh of the fruit that is the actual piece of produce you buy in a store (the avocado with the seed in it) is made of unsaturated fat because thats how the plant protects the seed. same with an apple and the flesh of the apple containing sucrose etc. the plant doesnt use the apple as energy if it doesnt get enough sunlight to photosynthesize, it simply will not continue to develop the fruit if it cant. so, with many animals having fat stores as a means of energy storage, the fat on the outside edge of a steak is like the animals "stockpile". with this being said, your cells have to "un-saturate" the fats on the steak so your organelles can carry out their specific functions/fuel them etc. the only thing healthier about an unsaturated fat vs a saturated fat is that it takes your body less time to process it.

    do with that what you will
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