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Why can't non whites use stores correctly
2020-02-25 at 3:46 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL But you're not seeing the forest for the trees. Think about what you just said. "Wars cost money, not generate it…". Yes, it costs more, but that's the whole point of it is to cost more. The "cost more" is the money being stolen from the tax coffers. It's supposed to cost more than it generates, by design.
Just like any industry, whether it be construction, policing, healthcare, or military, everybody wants a piece of the pie. It always profits someone. -
2020-02-25 at 4:30 AM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib ok, you stupid faggots. listen here.
the AR platform is a gun meant to be used to attack and kill other human beings. and it is the best at it.
defense is for FAGGOTS. once you're on the defense you've already lost. defenders are fags.
victory only comes from attack. period.
we don't have a right to self defense. we have a right to FIGHT. we have a god given right to ATTACK.
and that's what the AR-15 platform rifle is perfect for. ATTACKING AND KILLING HUMAN BEINGS. it's a combat weapon. that's why it's beautiful to me. not because it's some pussy self defense piece of shit. but because it's a finely tuned instrument of massacre.
anyone who picks up a gun to 'defend' themselves is a scared little baby.
fuck the faggot constitution i'd rip it up and piss on it. fuck the US government, fuck self defense, heil hitler, i have a right to attack others. all fucking niggers must fucking hang.
There are way better guns for killing people than the AR-15. You're trying to be edgy because AR-15's are trendy you little instagram whore but I bet you don't even own one. Get a draco or a tec 9 or a glock modded automatic or some kind of keltec you unimaginative little faggot. I would send you to the store for tampons.
scron you're on welfare and have very limited utility to the world, don't talk shit about niggers in a city where they demonstrate more upward mobility than yourself. Fucking pathetic. I bet the one who cut in front of you had somewhere important to be that day too and sized you up as the bitch you are. Imagine a bunch of them running a train on lucy while you're forced to watch because they're better at life than you so they get the choice traps. You need to get better at life before you can make petty grievances with your superiorsThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-02-25 at 6:22 AM UTC
2020-02-25 at 6:25 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL But you're not seeing the forest for the trees. Think about what you just said. "Wars cost money, not generate it…". Yes, it costs more, but that's the whole point of it is to cost more. The "cost more" is the money being stolen from the tax coffers. It's supposed to cost more than it generates, by design.
thats because he confused war as an end instead of it being mere means to an end. -
2020-02-25 at 1:06 PM UTC
2020-02-25 at 1:16 PM UTC
Originally posted by Sudo There are way better guns for killing people than the AR-15. You're trying to be edgy because AR-15's are trendy you little instagram whore but I bet you don't even own one. Get a draco or a tec 9 or a glock modded automatic or some kind of keltec you unimaginative little faggot. I would send you to the store for tampons.
1v1 me rust
ar-15's are the worlds deadliest gun
if you need something deadlier, you actually need a bomb
you are a pill popping teenage retard -
2020-02-25 at 5:49 PM UTC
2020-02-25 at 5:50 PM UTC
2020-02-25 at 6:18 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker And somebody else power to purchase increases. Sounds like an exchange to me.
no because the money you gave them would also lost 10¢ of its buying power.
thats why argetinian bakers didnt became billionaire rich despite people used cartloads of cashes to buy bread from them.
smh. -
2020-02-25 at 6:20 PM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib 1v1 me rust
ar-15's are the worlds deadliest gun
if you need something deadlier, you actually need a bomb
you are a pill popping teenage retard
No. World's deadliest rifle is likely to be the Mosin Nagant or the AK47. In terms of which gun has killed the most.
AR-15 has trouble killing with just one shot. It is by no means considered among the deadliest weapons. Typically it needs three shots to kill. It's killing power comes from fragmentation and tumbling - a loophole in the Hague convention banning dum dum bullets.
An AK47 loaded with raufoss ammo, now that's a deadly killing machine. -
2020-02-25 at 6:24 PM UTCAk47 better than AR15
Circumcised better than uncut -
2020-02-25 at 6:24 PM UTCOP literally blew his house up making meth
2020-02-25 at 6:25 PM UTCYou are all posting off topic. Reporting every post for the past 8 pages
2020-02-25 at 6:35 PM UTC
2020-02-25 at 6:37 PM UTC
2020-02-25 at 6:54 PM UTC
2020-02-25 at 7:11 PM UTC
2020-02-25 at 7:31 PM UTC
2020-02-26 at 2 AM UTC
2020-02-26 at 6:29 PM UTC