All those kidnappers and their kidnapped victims are long gone now. All that is history. It's a brand new world now, where everyone and their dog is a slave.
The Viet Cong military had a nickname for John McCain. "Song Bird". Because within just hours of them capturing him he started singing like a bird and told them everything they needed to know about American military positions, American military resources, American military numbers, and American military top secret and classified information. He spilled his guts to save his own hide. The son of an Admiral, to boot. And while in captivity, he appeared in TV propaganda segments for the Viet Cong government, calling American soldiers baby killers and murderers and enemies of mankind in general. Then his Daddy the Admiral finally got him released and returned, leaving his fellow captives behind to rot, and McCain then went and shut down any and all attempts to rescue his fellow prisoners, using his clout in the Congress, so they couldn't tell the world what McCain did. It's all a matter of public record.
Before any of this happened, he was on the deck of the aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal (1967), in his jet, and he decided to play a joke on the pilot of the jet behind him and fired off his afterburners without warning, which melted the safety pin and mooring of the Zuni rocket attached to the jet behind, causing the bomb to drop to the deck and explode, which created a cascade of explosions across the deck, killing 134 of his men and seriously injuring 161 others. And as the explosions (he caused) ravaged across the deck, he ran below deck and hid under a stairwell and refused to help when finally located. He was no hero. He was a coward and a traitor and a mass murderer.