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  1. Originally posted by Solstice Evidence usually leads to charges or convictions of which there aren't any, nothing even close. But yes, I know, it's because them goddamned evil liberals and the radical left control all the courts and the world and are engaged in one massive conspiracy against poor Donald and his people…right?

    The system is corrupt to the core.
  2. Child-sniffer, racist, molester, rapist, traitor. All the evidence is there to back it up, too.
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Probably me to be honest

    You've touched another man's penis?
  4. Fag.
  5. Originally posted by Antifa Member Lol did you forget about Noah's Ark?

    God literally did a reset on humanity. He tried to drown 99% of the life on Earth and he only warned one dude about it.

    That is attempted extinction of the human race.

    But yeah sure loving god and all that hahaha

    The Great Flood was to exterminate cancers like you.
  6. The Red Cross... one of the most corrupt organizations on earth, which lies about basically everything it touches. Now, that's people you sure can take solid advice from.
  7. A convicted criminal is going to sink Trump. What an imagination!
  8. As soon as you get home, you should jog around the block 20 times.
  9. "Doctors" used to drill holes in people's heads and also "bleed" them, as they as their idiot followers would point fingers at anyone who dared question their methods. True story.
  10. If you haven't killed a bunch of brain cells yet, you haven't lived.
  11. Originally posted by Ghost They were already wearing masks though since before the plandemic

    Yeah, that's fine. People have been stupid for thousands of years. Let them.
  12. Free bat sandwiches all around.
  13. Soo.. black and red people would get double reparations.
  14. Originally posted by Ghost What about the people that were already wearing them normally like Asians? to them it's business as usual.

    I say if people want to wear one, double up, triple up, that's their choice. You don't need permission to be a mindless idiot. It's still a free country.
  15. Originally posted by livingelegy Nah man it's the drugs that do it. If you're not fucking your brain up with illicit drugs you're probably fucking your brain up with legal ones like pharmaceuticals and booze. Imagine a world without alcohol and drugs.

    These morons actually need drugs. Their brains are so addled and diluted, the drugs actually give them a fighting chance.
  16. There's morons who actually wear them to sleep at night. There's even morons who double and triple mask to bed. The vast majority of people today literally have IQs in the double digits. That's what the fluoride in the water and the poisons in the food do to a person's brain in the long term. They end up to be literal human vegetables, dumb as tree stumps, as clueless as a bag of rocks.
  17. Originally posted by Ghost No, I know it doesn't protect me but it just feels better to slowly poison myself with co2 & do the tongue wagging thing without people thinking i have a mental disorder

    Never worn one even once. Never will either. Wearing one is an act of allegiance to the globalist ghouls. No, thanks. They can shove it.
  18. Originally posted by Ghost i don't care. It's a social thing okay you don't get it.

    It's your security blanket. I understand.
  19. Originally posted by BummyMofo What reparations are we gonna get for dis Wuhan shit

    One free Chinese food order each.
  20. Originally posted by BummyMofo That's what you paint him to be, but lets see yo ass walk on water

    I'll bet he can't feed 20,000 people off three loaves of bread and two fish either.
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