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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Except I didnt die because modern healthcare ftw
    also wtf were romulus and remus even fighting about, yeah yeah the founding of Rome, but at what cost? They couldn't decide what hill to build their city on, and a God said, whoever counts the most birds wins, and Romulus one but still got butthurt and killed Remus anyway?

    Wtf they mustve had some really cool ancient drugs back then
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby sploo is the icing on roshambos cake, roshambo is always there when sploo aches, they are very important and always on each others minds, they would be disappointing if any of them ever changed.

    lol your life must be so barren that you have to point out that me and him are friends, thinking you're on some deep plane analyzing intracacies of what a friendship means but in reality you're just like


    You could've just said

    ''Sploo and shambo are friends, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts''

  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I got fronglefucked by a bonus cup
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I just want to die already, this pain is untouchable by any dose of oxy, morphine, or anything
    Been to the hospital, they never heped me , but I got morphine there which was cool.

    SometGF LIKE A CONJURING UP CLANSman claimswoman
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    would be of concern
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    inb4 splooshambo butthurt

    yeah we were pretty butthurt about alot of shit before this and since I can still see, and knowing the damage was like, from being
    too.. assumptive? Of me irl because of the way I look the way I take my meds? Or maybe we both run opposing factions on the opposite sides of big band 3304.172

    some stuff happaned, there was misunderstading, and goign go sit on the cough watching tv was msitaken as me going to beat him up?
    Next thinG I know, I have him almost pinned enough to make sure he didn't do something stupid like throw a glass at my face

    so, ambulance were called, said, its a very serious cut, 9 staples I need. But I cant feel the top of my head. No sensaiton at all. Ever since the accident, around 24 hrs ago, I've been having on and off throat/lung bleeds, sharp pains in ears and WAHHHSWEOEOELSOSO
    sounds in my ears getting louder and loude
    tha point of this post is to explain, does having a relatively thick drinking glass shatteron forhead from like less than a foot away, it was
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Seriously? All this over that?

    yes, seriously.
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    do you want bitcoin or not? I need one motivated person to do it, first person to pm me about it has the job
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Also, you can't decide to sell my drugs. They're mine for a reason. Also he fucking hates you, and me and him are coo now so yeah, im gonna be seein your ugly mug around there for a while
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    It's a fairly simple job, if you are interested PM me.

    No I'm not BSing, I've been mining coins for months and avoiding hanging out with people because why hang with nowhere man when I can make money just by lubing up my temporal cube
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    It's a fairly simple job, if you are interested PM me.

    No I'm not BSing, I've been mining coins for months and avoiding hanging out with people because why hang with nowhere man when I can make money just by lubing up my temporal cube
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Fucking lol.
    I knew you'd end up causing a fight and then exacerbating it, btw, I can promise you that your little sissy fit glass breaking is NOTHING compared to what you have coming to you.
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by saltpewter - - - PART I uwuwuwuwuw

    I met up with Roshambo at around 3 at the train station. I tried to show him how to play Starcraft 1 because imo it's a superior game to starcraft 2 and LWG. We had some cigars, did a bit of sniffy lining dexmethylphenidate, dadax (xanax from dads) crumbs, and gabepentinoidz. And decided to jam.

    After 20 minutes of protodevo garagejazz side A EP, we switched to side B which took from the musical stylings of Anal Cunt. After this we went outside to buy nitrous and Yogi Tea to calm down horrible crack crashes, and along the way I saw the local friendly distributer.

    We told him we wanted a 20 of bud, and came back to the park where he was with our groceries. We did 2 cans of nitrous each and I started talking in AUAUAOAOUA language, which scared the elderly black lady who sat next to me, but she liked Shamby, Shamby has boyish charisma. The weed guy couldn't get anyone to pick up, so Shamby gave him his phone (derp move IMO) to text the dealers.

    Still, nobody responded, so we waited around for a while, and I had the great idea to offer the guy some focalin. He crushed it up and they both sniffy lined, but I was trying to be slightly on the cautious side. My dad was coming home from work soon so I told Shamby we have to be home by 9, but the high distributer was telling us to hide from my dad and if he calls the cops it doesn't matter, and we should stay over at his place and get fucked up all night.

    I was like, Shamby this is the first time you've ever stayed overnight at my house, at least try not to totally crack yourself out, that's why I said we should stop getting high at 7. Shamby decided it would be a good idea to stay at a stranger gangster's house and make my dad even more sketched out, and after repeated convincing he said "I'm talking to him and then leaving, stop taking things so seriously."

    I was getting pissed off, because I thought if he was going to stay at my dad's house he should at least be conscious of the rules my dad has, and that I agreed to. I told Shamby to come back in the house or I'm throwing out his pills. I hid his pills earlier for the same reason: I didn't want him to keep my dad all night with the same polysubstance super binges of depravitus ultimatum, so they were put somewhere he wasn't aware of, with his consent.

    He follows me back into the house and says "Give me my pills NOW!". and I wasn't sure he was about to hit me so I pulled out a knife to defend myself, but then he said he wasn't going to hit me, so I put it away and admitted I overreacted. I told him I'll give him the pills in the morning, that I'm not doing anything with them, and that it's only to prevent him from binging. He repeatedly demanded pills and I just started ignoring him, then telling him to try to calm down and just hang out.

    In full crackapemode this only fueled the mania, and he started saying that if I didn't give him the pills immediately, he'd either call the cops (because I'm preventing him from snorting pharmaceutical coke thats HIS!), or he'll destroy my house and flip everything over looking for it. I kept on telling him no and to calm down, but he got closer to me and I was panicking thinking he was about to hit me.

    I grabbed the coke glass closest to me and swung at him with it and it hit him, then he tried to land some blows but I hit him with it two more times until the glass broke on his forehead. It created a huge gaping hole in his forehead and he started saying he was gonna die, and I felt bad for losing my shit at my friend and tried to tell him he'll be ok and it was fucked up that I did that.

    He grabs a towel to stop the bleeding and the towel gets completely soaked in blood immediately, and all my floors and walls and sinks get covered with blood. My dad comes in right then and goes into 100% adrenaline mode, calls an ambulance twice, and we argue and talk about WTF JUST HAPPENED in a crazed tone. The ambulance arrives, he's still really high on focalin so he rants about his nose and blood pressure and that he's blind and he's dying, but the EMS people try to tell him he's high AF and it's just a bloody cut.

    My dad went with him to the hospital and he had to get 8 stitches, a CAT scan, bloodwork, toxicology. He didn't want to press charges, I guess because he knows I'm his friend, and when mutual agitation turns into a tronko state, and then the other person goes into a tronko state, the combination of tronko and tronko, zimmy and zimmy, ultimately produces the greatest common factor– Bundy. We did tell some girls that we wanted to put our coughgel in our bundy earlier, so perhaps that was the foreshadowing in this cautionary tale about being incessant reckless drug abusers.

    My dad and Shamby talked about StarTrek and DEVO, since they're both age 50 at heart, and he's taking Shamby on the train for his mom to pick him up. His parents will probably flip shit at me too, and maybe they'll hate me now. I just lost control in the moment of extreme stress and I hope he doesn't hate me eternally for it.

    I gave him my pills back but he lost them and they turned up on my floor, so to block out my crashy feels, and since school is over, I gave into my dopamine compulsions and snorted 60mg focalin with 0.5mg of dadax, just to take the edge off. I'm tweaking like fuck at 4AM, so I'm going to try to make this even more like a HydroIWD kind of endless thought output into glyphs that converge in meaning on multiple subtle but unique and hard-to-represent layers that consist of a linguistic system.

    you fucking dick, YOU STOLE 6 OF MY FOCALINS AND MY XANAX

    you're done
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by saltpewter - - - FINAL PART: F A K E S T O R Y

    As the next of kin, in a family of six, I've embarked on a quest that I can hardly begin. The pixel resolution of water is far too low, but what's the best I can really do? Some people have glasses, some people have excellent glasses, yet they still don't see the liquids clearly. In this hydration crisis, so many poisonings have occurred, the gestalt for hydrogen2 oxygen is being contaminated, because of snake doctor quacks ringing alarm bells for ocular enhancements. A toxin with similar viscosity, and a color that is not neon or flamboyant, is leaving trial and error to a crucial and painful part of daily experience. If the whole world developed scanner syndrome, the inability to see objects in plain sight from dextroymorvin abuse, we would be in chaos, but at very least we'd know how to address the situation! But instead, our simulated world is dying out, like a form of self-blindness, why must our utopia learn of glaucoma? The ground has rumbled for decades with no apparent explanation, gravity lopsided when you don't distribute population. But what is our next step, will our culture just bleed or will we embrace our roots of berry and seed? So long we've hoped to eliminate what's animalistic, but the dependence on satiation is all risky logistics. Impulsive at nature, a skewed view on heuristics, we have not changed, we've changed our statistics.

    you even plagiarize me...
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    also literally all of your pseudoscience and mannabe insightful babbling is cringworthy, like,an 8year old mentioning words they know nothing about to soundcoool
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    shut up, you're going to court. you are going to lose the case. you are going to be locked up
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah you really fucking suck at everything.
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut

    this guy is a trianglist
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut

  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Awww what a cutie!! :3
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