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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Suck my triangle lanman
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Since I can't seem to decide whether or not to just start making a comic or write the story first, I'm just probably gonna turn the whole smart patrol whatever into a tangible storyline whatnot, heres chapter 1, soon to be adapted into a feature presentation in a theater near you, coming summer 20♥┴╙♂≥+ gazorpa≡dV╘Z≡Φ6gû►╥5╔0@ûöòÆÖ╗╥┬Φ■ segasinyar_♪╝

    Chapter 1: He's been with the world. [INDENT]All of my life I've felt that I was different from everyone else. Since a young age my mother always told me that I frequently talked about my past life, which I vaguely rememberdoing as a boy[/INDENT]
    around three or four years old, yet I still do not know specifically what I was describing, or who or what I was. I could also sense things, a premonition you could say. For example, I would think of a particular scene in a television show episode and later in the day, turning on the TV I would see the episode on as soon as I tuned into the channel. Growing up I excelled in school but did not have many friends. I had three best friends over the course of my sixteen years of existence, but I would always drive them away. I guess I appeared as boring, monotenous or weird to be around, because I didn;t talk much except about molecular structure, pharmacology or radical theories related to metaphysics.
    [INDENT]I also became involved in drugs, specifically bundy, amphetamines and synthetic cannabinoids at around the time I stopped attending school. I didn't graduate, I just came to the conclusion[/INDENT]
    That school is not a place for smart people, only a way to occupy time, of course after learning basic arithmetic and grammar, and a few other rudimentary subjects. All of my drug experiences were typical of other peoples accounts, except for spice, which of course is the synthetic cannabinoids.
    [INDENT]Spice users however, are considered the lowest of the low, even lower than crackheads and stumbling, blackout alcoholics. From my first hit, I realized something incredible. It brought back[/INDENT]
    the extreme, telepathic and energetic flow of differentness that I once felt as a child. But one day, I took too much of a hit and was instantly changed forever.
    [INDENT]Caution Diablo, it was called. My last memory on Earth was listening to Love Buzz, by Nirvana. And then I was in the void. Indescribable pain is where I was. Eternal suffering. I crossed the[/INDENT]
    threshold from typical antisocial teenager to pure energetic triangular fractal lifeform.

    moar coming soon
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Manager of recruiting for a pharmaceutical company
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Umad Now she makes 150k a year Lol imma be moving out of spicville, bumblefuck to north Carolina in like half a yesr
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    whats wrong with this place?

    Hundreds to thousands of dollars?! Fuck those bulk only sites I don't even have a job anymore
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut

    you knucklehead
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Punk chicks are all cunts. Knew this anorexic bi punk chick in 8th grade that wanted to smoke up with me but I ditched her cause my phone battery ran out and when I went to meet up with her she wasn't there , I was probably late.. she gave me weed once and always texted me wanting to fuck but when I called her to seal the deal her girlfriend picked up the phone and said yeah she's lesbian now fuck off Wtf??
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Fuck your weed you fucking faggot Adderall, Valium and oxycodone should be fucking complementary to all humans except niggers spics chinks and kikes
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Obliterate them
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Inspired by lupus
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    What if your parents contacted them and told them not to sell to you anymore?
    They don't even answer their customer support line during business hours and don't have a functional email.

    My parents are tier 9 Internet retards

  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    mushroom dance
    mushroom dance
    whatever could it mean?

    it means you've lived a life of sin.
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    you take your GED yet?
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Hardbuzzspice has been fucking me over lately, putting all my orders on hold, processing and then cancelling them, wasted 2 weeks of my life waiting for my orders to go through so I just ended up buying 2grams of T-PAIN instead, but anyone know any other reliable vendors, hopefully any that are based in the east coast?
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Or a month and week. The state is scheduling a meeting to place me in some home tomorrow. Should I off myself yes or yes
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    2 much 5ht2a Bill Krozby

    no I hate everything
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut

  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Lol why go from roshambo to max headroom so suddenly? That was weird. Anyway it don't matter considering I don't take oxycodone anymore and all the psych meds I'm on I don't take.. only thing in my system at the moment is buspirone and shit won't be hard to stop.. half life is relatively short..
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Sperm bank and drug trials This is my dream
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Eh if I did that he'd probably give me a handshake and we'd talk for a while . There's a local bum called fat Mike and I saw him sleeping in a Dunkin donuts snd woke him up and gave him 5 bucks. He coo
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