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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    If that is true why don't you tell me how in scientific detail.

    In the adult CNS, ethanol prevents rather than produces NMDA antagonist-induced neurotoxicity. [FONT=MS Reference Sans Serif][SIZE=10px] [TABLE]
    [TD="align: left"][FONT=MS Reference Sans Serif]Farber NB, Heinkel C, Dribben WH, Nemmers B, Jiang X.

    Brain Res. 2004 Nov 26;1028(1):66-74.

    Single doses of an NMDA antagonist cause an adult or a prepubertal form of neurodegeneration, depending on the age of the animal. Single doses of ethanol (EtOH) by blocking NMDA receptors produce apoptotic neurodegeneration in young animals. This capability could account, in part, for the ability of EtOH to produce the fetal alcohol syndrome. We investigated whether EtOH could produce NMDA antagonist-induced neurotoxicity (NAN), a different neurotoxicity that is seen only in adult animals. In spite of producing blood EtOH levels (30 to 600 mg/dl) known to block NMDA receptors, EtOH was unable to produce neurotoxicity in the adult central nervous system (CNS). Moreover, EtOH in a dose-dependent fashion (ED(50)=138 mg/dl) prevented the selective and powerful NMDA antagonist, MK-801, from producing NAN in adult animals, suggesting that activity at another site might be negating the neurotoxic effect of EtOH's inherent NMDA antagonistic activity. Because GABA(A) agonism and non-NMDA glutamate antagonism, properties which EtOH possesses, can prevent NAN, we proceeded to study whether GABA(A) antagonists (or agents capable of reversing EtOH's GABAergic effects) and non-NMDA agonists could reverse EtOH's protective effect. Bicuculline, Ro15-4513, finasteride, kainic acid or AMPA, alone or in combination, did not significantly reverse EtOH's protective effect. Given that EtOH has effects on a wide range of ion channels and receptors, determining the precise mechanism of EtOH's protective effect will take additional effort. The inability of EtOH to acutely produce NAN in the adult CNS indicates that, in contrast to fetuses, brief exposure of the adult CNS to EtOH is non-toxic for neurons. [/FONT][/TD]

  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Ethanol prevents bundy brain damage
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    And wake up an hour later soaked in sweat with a pounding migraine because oxycodone has a shit half life
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I do not need luck as opposed to you i have the intelligence to finish school/college courses. In fact i have done it before, where is your degree "spudboy"?

    My GED? Graduation ceremony happening in a few weeks.
    Starting community college next september at age 17.
    Think you got my life all figured out soapy? Think again.
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    "consensual fun"

    Come on soapfist, atleast try
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    worst of luck to you, you fuck
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Damaging to their personal and sexual growth, lmao, So you are Freud now? Do you have a Phd in pediatric psychiatry? No? Then stop talking.

    Also you are ok with 13? Well then at least we agree on something.

    Where are your qualifications crackerjack? Never said I was ok with 13 but I know how you creeps think and use your reverse eletism to make it seem like I'm a grumpy conservative fuck and you're a god tier liberal prepubescent pussy popper
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Not fuck her nescesarily, but if she was curious about whatever and it felt good to her who the fuck are you to tell her it is wrong? Also whether it makes you mad or not children are sexually active and that is a fact. Age of consent is an arbitrary number to make people like you feel better "hurr durr muh chillun like sex make it illegal". And yes social juctice cry harder marfinan about two people doing something with mutual consent if it offends you so, that is the definition of SJW.

    Keep sperging more,

    I never said children weren't sexually active but there's nothing wrong with a 6 and an 8 year old experimenting, a 9 and an 11 yr old, 2 5 year Olds but in no way shape or form would a 20 something year old experimenting with a youth under the age of 13 ever not be damaging to their personal and sexual growth
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    So you would fuck a 5 year old girl if she consented, implying that little girls are sexually and or mentally mature enough to consent And you keep getting confused fuckwad, I'm not the bundy junkie

    Edit: social justice? Fucking little girls is wrong and being against it isn't a tumblr trend, it's the right thing to think.
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    My dopamine has become so fucking desperate
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    He is a blatant pedophile and he has no intention of hiding the fact, has posted borderline cp and is pure cancer to the community, and a liability. If there is ever an ongoing investigation against him, for all intensive purposes this site is FUBAR and we are all put on the list. I'm pretty sure some members of the community agree with me
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Oh so you are just trying to be edgy got it.
    Even if he is just being "edgy", you still want to fuck children soapfist. Your primal urges and strongest most animal intents are illegal. How does that make you feel?
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    no never I don't even cry
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You are a blockhead. Wtf how you even get away wit that blok hed
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Told her I just smoked it once after being sober forever just out of stress right after leaving the psych ward sht looked at me like o_o the whole meeting
    anyway I'm official signed out of school as of today so they can't really put me somerwher else If im in community college at 17 amirite
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    ll that's left of the trash stash with the backlash of a very bad skin rash
    Pills last as long as the time it takes me to write a song, or jerk off my dong, I'm wrong, but I rule the kingdom of kong, that's right, there's theft, but for damn well sure in the end there's nothing left

    In the end, my friend, twists and bends and scums tryin to pretend, to send, some spice, at some outrageous price , fuckin nice, called up the support line and was answered by bryce. He said, roshambo, you gotta understand though, there's nothing left in stock, the clock is past the daily process, no nonsense, the incense will arrive before you even fantasize about smokin, when it gets here you'll be chokin, broken, and itchin for another fix and this time with bitcoin token, you've spoken of your past, you never seem to last, cant even get up off your ass, the GED you will never pass, if you ever get to college you will always miss class, you aint got no cash and you just fuckin trash

    ...............So when is my spice going to arrive?

    Check the fuckin tracking number you fucking chucklefuck. If it hasn't even been shipped yet you're out of luck. The delivery is flat rate and its not even on the truck. Regardless of the order you are still a spice. smoking. schmuck.

  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I love you.
    you shall be appointed as the third trianglist

    nah jk fuck you
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Found ergotamine/caffeine, butalbital/codeiene (fiore=icet or something), about 4.5 mg of xanaxs, 2mg k-pin, an OC 160 n n a bunch ofgabapentins, and 3 demerol

    I've got the loudest temple of the screaming electron on the block

    mr hai pls post more haiangles

    specky boy, go speck some dirt fuzzwad

    sploo, do the dex and don't get hexed by the rekt next sect of lack respect prototech and make sur you wake up, have brek and maybe a sek with ashlrau
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Requesting ban for mr hai.

    No one gets banned you fucking pedophile
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I will fucking dox your ass mmq
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