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Posts by Jesus is king

  1. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Why are liquor stores closed on Sundays in Indiana

    They aren't.
    You can buy alcohol on Sunday here.
  2. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ORACLE I still am amazed by it… A ball the diameter of the entire US… Just chilling there in the sky, making waves for surfers and shit.

  3. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Wtf I just learned about this

    That state sounds almost worse than California
  4. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Wow, between coronavirus and Dominion Voting Systems, America has been getting thoroughly cucked by Canada this year. How's it feel to be our little bitch?

    The only way to get to us was to go through the weakest and most cucked nation on earth
  5. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G Let's see how many shit threads you can get up in your manic state son, over or under 6 ?!

    Hey go ahead and tell me about how I don't know my father and how the biological test isn't real.
    Go ahead it's funny.

    You're like krotz, you try to portray other people as liars or mentally ill because you are a liar yourself.
  6. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    It's cute G likes to call everyone manic, he's too dense to catch his manic compulsion for psychological projection.
  7. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G Hiki's mad his birth certificate the thing that legally establishes his racial identity as white/Caucasian is also the one thing his manic delusions can't erase lol. It's a sad comedy worthy of a modern Shakespearean take, a white trash opus if you will, Netflix would love to pick it up lol.

    My birth certificate doesn't even list race but if it did it'd say "mixed", unlike yours.
  8. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Oh hey look it's that elderly douchebag who thinks he's mixed because his great-great-great-great grandmother was an 18th mesitzo

  9. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better"

  10. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai >muh coronavirus is fake
    >it's also muh great reset

    pick one faget

    I never said it was fake
    The oligarchs had the Chinese develop it (along with Canadians unironically) and release it across the world.
  11. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    It's the best feeling

    All the turds just immediately pour out like somalis fresh off a boat
  12. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by street_carp

    Your mother is an industrial dick polisher.

    lol get a load of this idiot referencing the goddamn wikipedia

    What a tool
  13. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    We should just nuke that shithole and use it as a garbage dump
  14. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    No wonder there are hardly any people there, no one wants to live in such a backwoods globohomo shithole.

    Here is your leader promoting Agenda 2030, he even mentions it BY NAME.

  15. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by street_carp Even your cat has a cock nose. Holy shit

    Guy who thinks EN is Industrial has a warped perception of reality

    News at 5
  16. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G Is that cat's name Saul Goldstein lol look @ the snout on that kike ?!

    G jelly that I have an adorable furball with a heart on his side and all he has is some generic looking obese kike cat
  17. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls Do me do me 🥺

  18. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Leaving this shithole small town for my home zone

    Crazy to think I'll be doing all that moving within 48 hours

    Hey anybody exited for the Atari VCS?
  19. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bugz I like hikis original Mole People under Vegas so if I ever do invest in Vegas real estate (which is fuking dirt cheap.. I have no understanding why.. there is a ton of work in vegas and condos are 100k still in shitty but close to downtown)

    I like how the Heroin cliqes dont mix with the Meth ones. If I ever start doing heroin or meth I'll have a free place to hang out.. freeish.

    People use heroin to chill out and feel good.
    Would you really want to be around a scumbag like ghost in that situation?
  20. Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost when the world ends you will die first bitch you can't even make aspirin from wintergreen oil. Yeah I learned chemistry through making drugs but i got bored of drug chemistry years ago and i learn to make clandestine medicine now.

    You would just raid pharmacies looking for meds because youre a stupid hick from indiana that thinks the only thing you can use a round bottom flask for is cooking meth. You would break it and be like DRUGS ARE BAGF HUR DUR

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