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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---............-..................-.......................................................(b­anned)

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Pluto doesn't prove shit you retard. It got re-classified. That is all.

    ergo, science is wrong.

    they classified it once as xxxx then another time as yyyy.

    one of those times they were wrong.

    ergo. science is wrong.
  2. Originally posted by Technologist I blew the speakers out in one of my cars to this song. So many instruments, I love it.


    the only thing you blow out in your car is the meat flavored skin flute of some random nigger.
  3. Originally posted by Technologist No they’re not.

    Ya’ll just don’t know when he’s trolling and when he’s not😁

    look at for the s­hitskin nigger in the hopes it might let you use a giant strap-on on its cavernous ass crevice.
  4. Originally posted by cigreting hey u stupid fucks this thread is about why sudo went to prison

    so he could enjoy being pimped out...the only thing in life he isnt a complete failure at
  5. Originally posted by A College Professor Technol has debunked yet another cuckservative, I see

    look at you...trying to black-knight a nigger loving whore in the hopes it directs some of its nigger loving in your general niggerdly direction

    you nigger faggot
  6. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace ITT we all give each other sex disease


    your mother gave the universe an STD when she squeezed you out of her asshole.
  7. Originally posted by mmQ 1. Wear plain clothes
    2. Knock on the door and say you're a cop
    3. If they answer the door, tell them again that you're a cop serving a warrant and proceed to take and do whatever you want
    4. If they dont answer, break in and say you're a cop. Have your weapon drawn. If the person is home, they will automatically believe you and wont resist or defend themselves. Proceed to take and do whatever you want.
    5. Thank them for their cooperation and tell them you'll be in touch with them or some bullshit.
    6. Repeat as many times as necessary

    id buy that for a dollar
  8. Originally posted by Technologist What matters is how the audience accepted it, and they were laughing.

    Kind makes your dumb article…….well dumb.

    Cheer up little man🍪🍪🍪🧁🧁🧁🍰🍰🍰🥧🥧🥧🍫🍫🍫

    you have no idea how it was accepted or why they were laughing. most likely they were laughing at what an idiot CJD-joe is.

    kind of makes you a dumb nigger loving titless whore.
  9. Originally posted by Sleepyjoe

    If this was Trump, it would be all over every platform by now.

    as the part of devils advocate...and i abhor that walking dementia pandemic...but i dont attribute anything derogatory towards that speech or what he said in it.

    ive been in many formations with an 'outsider' that saw how the military spoke to each other and made a pathetic attempt at fitting in (the same way k­roz-tard does) by using the same vernacular as the military personnel did. after dementia-joe makes those supposedly derogatory statements the goober to his left wearing some foreign military insignia makes a facial expression that looks like hes thinking 'jesus fuck, this idiot is an idiot'

    the best faux pas i saw was 'outsiders'...which were almost always civilians with zero military familiarity...addressing military members by their call signs instead of the proper rank or rank-and-last-name. one was a master chief (the highest enlisted rank in the navy) who was amongst a group of other navy personnel in his close-knit unit who called him 'fucking iranian.' a civilian from the 'outside' was doing joint work with the unit and called him 'iranian' and the master chief proceeded to happily...and entertainingly...inform the idiot on proper customs and titles.

    in a nutshell, no one in the military uses that phraseology unless theyve earned the right to do it. dopey joe never earned it. anyone with any common sense knows that what his said was a simple social error...not an intention at being derogatory.
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Good. At least keep your crap videos out of other threads that have nothing to do with politics.

    literally everything youve made a post about regarding politics or real-world events is falsehood, delusions of grandeur, or parroted MINITRU propaganda. you are mentally incapable of having a coherent self-conceived thought process.

    also, you are a retarded nigger loving whore with the chest of a 10 year old boy, minus the nipples.
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