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Posts by Indiana-Is-Eternal

  1. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I just looked into the mirror

    Poor guy
  2. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby will you please quit using my vernacular, doyle? and I don't see why you're hating on korn, you've posted about them before, but you're so stupid you don't remember, you have false memories just like how you were on totse when you never were. you're the definition of a spanker.

    lol now you're claiming ownership of wanker?
    What next, saying "good morning" is your vernacular?
  3. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    OP ia such a wanker and his taste in music is comically bad
  4. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist How do you make your meatloaf? I really miss your cooking threads.

    Why are your children half monkey
  5. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Until I actually start fucking you up I haven't committed a crime.
    Also, I don't think anyone including your mother is going to mind.

    Threats of violence is considered a real crime.
    What is your address so I can let the FBI know where to find you.
  6. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy and since they haven't told me not to that must me they are backing me 100%
    You're ass is dead if you try to run.
    I suggest just meeting me at the border like I had requested.

    The Ohio-Indiana border?
  7. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby no, but I know your mom likes the yoga sessions I do with her, she said I'm a lot bigger than your father..

    stretch those sugar walls out fam, this howie doit

    fuck that ass fuck that mouth fuck that face then once i'm done doing that I blow that pussy out, chicken.

    The only thing big about you is your stupidity and those massive pufferfish cheeks
  8. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz still the earlier years before it closed and completely went to shit. it was the coolest shit ever in 03 - 04 to me when i was young

    I was there 2002 to 2005 (2006 I moved to my grandparents).
    What was your user name there?
    I will admit 2002 - 2004 were great years especially for the internet in general I miss all the hentai forums, stepmania, Yahoo chat rooms etc.
  9. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz snoopy was a huge asshole but he was right about lots of stuff. he was kind of an anime nerd.

    his comparisons of communism, socialism and capitalism were hilariously epic. we used to bash 4chan a lot and snoopy admitted one day he finally accepted them. we influenced /pol/ quite a bit and they influenced us as well to some extent.

    i got him in trouble with his german wife when i mentioned his drunken post about marrying yoyobek.

    if you thought his wife was ugly, you shouldve seen yoyobek.

    his wife actually looked kinda like wintermute

    4chan was always immensely more interesting and better than totse.
    Totse was just a bunch of edgy losers and shit posts, mostly I kept to the text file section where I'd jerk it to the incest stories.
  10. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hey dick face, if thats really the way you feel then why not just leave already and go start your own gay porn design website

    I am as soon as I get moved
    I just need to figure out how to protect myself legally should someone spam CP or post a live stream of them shooting up a synagogue
  11. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby go sit on a triangle you gay nerd

    Is that your go-to yoga session?
  12. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz rabbitweed is this old school totse troll that always leaned towards communism back in the day, but he played both sides of the fence and worded things in a way that was purposely confusing. always a very effective troll though. i couldnt stand him originally

    I was on totse two years before that guy landed there
  13. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT they killed JFK,, the first one to try to end the corruption,, then they fucked up Reagan with a bullet when he was about to bust them for corruption and now they are out to get our man Trump.
    these are the only three motherfuckers NOT involved in the shit of the deep state in the last 50 years,, but u niggers will not believe the shit cuz is so out of wack its hard to think its possible,, sorry for the disruption of ur simple minds but its time to start thinking for urselves for once stop listening to the deep state and listen to ur own heads for once. do ur own research, dont believe anyone without looking for the truth even if its to difficult to believe our leaders have been fucking this world up.

    Kennedy is an "illuminati" bloodline (look up black nobility) he most likely faked his death
    DJT is jesuit trained and in on it.

    All roads lead to rome and kikes
  14. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    I think I remember a user named snoopy
  15. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Folx you think he's upset I made fun of his nasty girlfriend and failure of a life?

    He sent me a pm threatening to track me down and kill me.
    How do I get the FBI involved.
  16. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. It takes big balls to question who is uglier about ppl far more attractive than u. Lol smh😂

    Haha no
    Mmq looks like a methed out homeless guy and octo is the byproduct of incest and failed plastic surgery.
  17. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by netstat OP on the other hand while not awful looking taking physical appearance as single variable has a personality that synergizes with his appearance and makes him an order or magnitude uglier to a degree that if he were to ever venture outside girls would point and laugh

    Looks like someone is jealous
  18. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Bugz have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia
  19. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    This post reminds me of totse2001
  20. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    The people there are far more sane, rational and interesting.
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