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Posts by Indiana-Is-Eternal

  1. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    I've read there is a county in Florida where they're forcing people to wear masks in their homes
  2. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Who your mom? Lol..

    Women believe it or not

    Check out my hospital photo I am very attractive.
    I put you all to shame.
  3. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Gorilla nose and taco jew with the huge pufferfish cheeks trying to team up

    I should give sophie a ring and we'll battle it out
  4. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Literally nobody thinks you're attractive you look kike a victim of fetal alcohol syndrom and you're super pasty and the weird pursed lips , whats up with that?

    I have people tell me I am attractive all the time.
  5. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Also I might add that I have seen several masks at Spencer's Gifts that look very similar to you.
  6. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein You call yourself extremely attractive …. let that sink in…

    Your nose is not my fault..
    Don’t be mad at me because I have small nose and small lips ..

    I am

    And no your nose is not small, it's as wide as your mouth.
    You have very stereotypical negroid features.
  7. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein No tho .. you’re a retard lol

    Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror?
  8. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Nose as wide as lips ? My nose isn’t wide tho ..

    You just mad I don’t have stereotypical features you associate with black picture

    You wish it were me they called cock nose lol

    You do though.
    It's a typical wide nigger nose.

    Also answer me, do you actually have eyebrows or did you draw them on your face with makeup.
  9. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Does candy draw her eyebrows on her face or are they real
    The image is too small to tell
  10. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra lol, people talking shit about your nose really got to you huh

    No I just remembered that comment she made and realized how ironic it is considering her nose is as wide as her mouth
  11. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Candy's nose is as wide as her mouth

    Let that sink in for a moment
  12. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein My nose is pretty small.. I’ve never had a huge nose .. sorry not sorry yours has it’s own orbit lmao

    lol no
    I'm looking at your grotesque face right now.
  13. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    It's pretty late
    About to go to bed
  14. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Candy definitely wins title of most delusional for calling that huge nigger nose a "cute button nose".
  15. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein You’re an idiot .. get a job

    lol at a sheboon calling someone an idiot
  16. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You don't know any programming languages either.

    Actually, you don't have any valuable skills whatsoever. At least Bill Krozby knows how to make pizza and answer phones. You worked at Walmart for like a week 7 years ago.

    Actually I do
  17. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby doesn't mean you now how to play it dumbass

    You're not even intelligent enough to learn something that is actually nuanced and complicated
  18. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Now it's 20 years later and you still haven't learned how to play it. Pretty sad. I play 5 instruments.

    Guitar is so simple.
    To compare guitars to a programming language just goes to show how ignorant and egotistical krotz is.
  19. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby okay guy that doesn't even play guitar

    I had a guitar when I was 9 or 10
  20. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    This guy thinks he can learn Chinese and claims programming is something you just pick up like playing guitar.
    He is so low intelligence he is almost within the barrier of mental retardation.
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