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Posts by Indiana-Is-Eternal

  1. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Where can I buy guns on the DL?
    I'm actually legally prohibited from buying weapons now.
  2. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I don't know who those jedi people are

    You're the jew you ignorant and uncultured normie sack of shit
  3. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby But yeah merzbow is rad he's invited to kapinernick to play the next and last Superbowl

    You have never listened to a single Merzbow song in your entire life
  4. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Here is the soundtrack

  5. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai It is pretty sad. He was decent looking. Not the most stunning Chad Thundercock to ever rock the block, but a handsome enough dude. Shame he had such a garbage personality. If he had just stopped being such a self-absorbed narcissistic piece of shit and chilled the fuck out he probably would have gotten laid eventually.

    Imo he had emotionally distant parents and not enough close friends growing up
  6. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Daily reminder a straight edge guy made this

    I gotta stop drinking
  7. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    I wonder what his BO smells like
  8. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    He embodies both the best of male and female characteristics

    As a hapa I totally fall for him.

    He is so sexy and handsome..

    How could any 3d whore deny this beautiful specimen?

  9. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    That fucking vagina whore has no right being near the God that is cEvin Key

    That saggy titted pretentious goth wannabe has no fucking right

    What a disgrace

    It's like standing on Adolf's grave while eating McDonalds and listening to lady gagag

    Thots like that should be obliterated


  10. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Watching this made me really sad that they killed off Silent Hills

    Konami is working on an SH1 remake
  11. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Generation MK

    Blame suckerberg
  12. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I had a similar experience with my uncle but it was $50 and it wasn't a goldfish.

    lol :(
  13. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting I drank those when i was like 14 at my aunt and uncles wedding and kept the bottles for years because i thought they were cool. I also swallowed a goldfish alive at that wedding cuz my other uncle paid me 5 bux to do it

    Have you ever tried La Fin Du Monde?
    That's my favorite beer.
  14. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson $1 for the beer
    $6 for the fancy bottle.

    You should try it it's really good
    Kind of tastes like coffee
  15. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sometimes things are just fun to do…there is no real thought or reason behind it.

    Wariat is a decent guy
    To put so much effort into making him feel bad is pathetic and psychotic.
  16. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Are you 14?

  17. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood He bullies me, stalks and harasses me and talks shit about trannies which i'm pretty sure is illegal under GDPR harassment laws. You are also a cock nose weirdo racist piece of shit child molester that deserves to die.

    Yeah he's a huge bitch. Like these people like cock nose and india-is-internal talk shit all day long but as soon as you do it to them they cry, get all frothy and triggered and start talking about getting the cops involved and REpoRTING U FoR DRUGS UR GOING DOWN WEED SMOKER THE FBI WILL BE INTERNETED TO HERE ABOUT THAT GRAM OF MARY JANE. Like okay if you are actually calling the police over a website called you are fucking retarded.

    They can fish it out but they cant take it

    Does bullying wariat take your mind off of what a total piece of trash you are?
  18. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
  19. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood He threatened to report me to Canadian services and the police for harassment and cyberstalking and then kept posting here until I reminded him that his continuing to post made his arguments invalid, so he edited all his posts and set all his stuff to private and stopped posting here.

    Also i've been spamming his gay website, twitter and youtube channel on 4chan and I think they have been trying to contact him because he hasn't posted here ever since I did that

    Does bullying wariat take your mind off the fact that you're a mentally ill dope fiend and absolute piece or garbage?
  20. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    I didn't
    Lanky is just tired of your bullshit and psychological projection
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