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Posts by Indiana-Is-Eternal

  1. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    OP is a boring and uncultured lamer
  2. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed This thread is now a Be Supportive of Aldra thread.

    Aldra r u ok, r u ok, r u ok aussie?

    He's foaming at the mouth right now
  3. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Any of you queers watch infowars?

    It's entertaining even if alex is a kosher still

    I was just packing some stuff while he talked about hunter biden torturing little Chinese girls
  4. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by netstat Several users here have your name, address and photos, only thing standing between you and a gruesome death is their collective laziness

    lol no.
    You have no clue who I am or where I live.
    Nice try though.
  5. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    The only crime committed was entrapment
  6. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    She's in her 20s

    No crime was committed except on borat's side
  7. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by netstat since everyone has OP's PI it would be funny if someone killed him and made a show out of it

    lol no you have nothing on me
  8. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Billy teh Block Head Of course OP would support and defend a nonce kike like Guliani when he tries to molest a 15 year old child.

    She's in her 20s
  9. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks Not gonna lie, this is actually pretty significant for a run of the mill movie stunt.

    Is the scene in the actual Borat sequel movie?

    Has it officially been released yet?

    I actually really wanna see it.

    The original one was a pretty significant piece of pop culture.

    It's going to be on amazom's steaming service
  10. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut

    He used his daughter to try and portray Rudy as a pedophile for his new movie

    This kike is literally an asset

    They need to hire someone to kill this kike eat
  11. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    The fly
  12. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Billy teh Block Head okay POS that forces himself on children

    You need only post under one account
  13. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai There there krotz, I know you've been getting picked on lately and you're just lashing ok POS who forces himself on women.


    Piece of crap
  14. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stl1 You talkin' to me, guy who rapes and abuses women?


    He wasn't arrested for it so it doesn't count

    pretty sure you can't rape the willing, even in their sleep

    Stay frothy little cussin
  15. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stl1 Paid your child support recently?

    His parents have
  16. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Billy teh Block Head i am worried about aldra he seems like he's at a low point in his life and that any day now could be his last

    Hopefully he posts photos afterwards
  17. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Hopefully this inspires more people to shoot up synagogues and mosques
  18. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Mudslimes are going to be lighting the entire place on fire
  19. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why?…thousands of US companies work with Communist Chinese…

    Do those companies work towards shaping and manipulating public consciousness?
  20. Indiana-Is-Eternal African Astronaut
    For communism and jewish supremacy

    It should disturb everyone that the two biggest most important web companies in the US (and spread out into irrelevant shithole like Europe, Canada and the kangaroo islands) are working with Communist Chinese.
    These companies, faceberg and joogle are interested in monitoring you, tracking you, shaping/influencing your opinion and dictating what you are allowd to say and share.
    Everyone should be freaking the fuck out, the ceos and founders of these companies need to be put to trial and executed for treason and conspiracy.

    These services and companies are literally an extension of the totalitarian surveillance grid that China uses and if people don't act they will bring this to western nations.
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