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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed This thread is a great way to show younger people why you shouldn't do drugs

    Or huff Jenkem
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by street_carp Thanks to idiots, I now have to have 6 months left on my passport and get in the Brown People No English queue for a 55 minute flight to Amsterdam for a spliff and a coffee.

    Fucking bumheads with diabetes and anger management issues think we're still the same people who colonised India and all that bulldog spirit shit, or they want this country to be USA Jr. and cough all over supermarket workers whilst they drink their flat white.

    This is the real injustice right now.

    just like any race. india has its con artist and "you owe my people" type for a free hand out. And then there are these really really bright ones that advance science. yet many of them also are socialist minded. They come to America to learn. Most want to stay (because India is still very undeveloped with very developed towns popping up). its baby steps right now for them. They're an amazing country. its not so much they're poor. The gap is massive between Have and Have not with the majority being the latter.

    But shit, for a "poor" country it managed to send a probe to mars. and I think the moon recently as well? they have been doing it for some time. they want to get into the game. a lot of them women are pretty and like most asians the guys are kind of squares. but many of them are good natured peeps.

    the coughing part without covering the mouth is a bad habit. and I know the country is cramped, so they brush up against each other. but it violates the western cultures "Personal 3 foot bubble" or 2 or even 1. when you're 6 inches from my face its kind of unamerican.

    hahah but the Westernized ones are just like everyone else. and the cultured ones are interesting and many are friendly to talk too. so I have no problem with them. I dont know any Pakis though. lots here. but Capt Falco clearly has a weird fucked up sense of humor. He fits in totse/zoklet and he can suck my dick. ;)
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Unrelated kind of.

    Sampling Electric Boogaloo 2 George Krantz oooooo boogaloo. Lanny, edgy racist hotword coming to shut you down

  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    I lived in the back of my pickup for a few years. I lived in the cab but I was too tall to stretch in the back benchseat without my head pushed into the door. so I bought a crappy aluminum shell for 200 bucks at a pull yard (I prolly got ripped off, but My truck was a Dodge 1500 extended cab and extended bed, unique in length)

    It took a while to find one. I found some "Come get it" off of craiglist and went to 4 places but none of them fit. so I went to a junk yard. Winter rolled in. In the bay its cold but not real cold. But inland, Holy shit. it became a fridge. and then I went to some boat and camper store and bought a plug in charger (older one. didn't last but two hours of TV time on a 19 inch led tv I had) and I bought shitloads of burlaps for 5 bucks a piece. they make OK blankets but I used them underneath. Like 4 of them and a comforter and then 2 blankets with a comforter on top. I still had to layer and wore a hoody on top and used the hood to block out the lights in the car garage I parked it at.

    slept for years for free and then the BART station (Its like a subway system) charged and you had to by a train ticket to pay for your parking inside the station so no one would just pay and park and walk off.
    But I got a job in the city and took the trian in. started at 50 cents and worked to 3 dollars by the time I found a place to crash (2 and a half years later). never went back to that kind of living but I know I can if I have to. Went from that, to an office someone rented half of to me near the University of Cal and then I rented my own office for a year (cheap) and crashed there and showered downstairs. but some rich guy bought the building to turn into a AirBnB so i left. lived in my then Van for a bit. that fucker was decent.

    I got an all wheel drive crossover now. back seat folds down. about 6 feet in length. I tried it out. i could put an air matress in it and deliver food for a living. no bills (someday, I hope.. Someday soon)

    and umm buy a lot of land and build a cellar where I'll section off into a bedroom, a guest room, an office, a kitchen where I'll use cold stove cooking (induction) and have a stairway to the surface where they'll be a shed on top and I'll put a toilet in there and lead it to a septic tank and I'll hide from the world and stream conspiracy facts and maybe run a conspiracy pirate radio station but put the tower somewhere or have Luigi drive around in it like that movie "Pump Up The Volume" with Christian Slater

    FUCK YAH "I can be that anonymous nerd"-Christian Slater

    Master Blaster likes this song I think
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by street_carp Killdozer 2: Won't somebody please think of the old white guys?

    they made a sequel to the tv film?

    That thing was haunted af
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny IDK mang, cow shit really isn’t that bad as scat goes

    You're thinking of horse shit. Horse shit isn't that bad. it's not a big deal really. But cow shit , omg it's 4 stomach chambers of its body chemistry breaking down chud and shitting it out. grass has to be really tough to digest. horses shit like 60-70 percent hay feed. it almost has a sweet smell to it. if you bathed in horse dung to toughen your immunity wouldn't be as gross. it would be funny.

    but cow shit? PUKEEEE
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra I actually try to be a good person in real life, regardless of how that comes across on here

    I just couldn't stop getting nostalgic for old totse humor. like I said, Zoklet took it to some weird level of "racism is super funny" i guess. and all kinds of mal behvaior which most were trolling. but it seemed to bring in people who thought perhaps it was a Nazi website?

    then Nationalism became a thing. but during Totse it was pro Che and Weather Underground and all kinds of ultra liberalism and Army of Destruction of the Purple Penguins. and then listening to Chris Hanson on I think Youtube were he was doing a live interview or sort of stream with live questions, he started talking about Purple Penguins being some pedo cult. I was told it was what the schools were teaching kids "We're all Purple Penguins" as in Boy and Girl and everyone else was equal. we're all equal. but then I found out it meant squeezing a penis or some shit. Or someone changed its meaning. That's fucking sick and hilarious in a way. an army of sqozen dick heads.

    So Totse was nothing more than a circle jerk all these years?
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra I mean violent disintegration as a single state

    Isn't it called Croatia now or some shit?

    Remember those Yugo cars? Ahahah those were goofy
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra for a long time it's been a long, slow circle of the drain - it's accepted because it's predictable. even though things are getting worse, the people it affects the most are the people who have no representation and just have to take it. everyone else loses a little but it's cushioned by endless credit, and they're kept busy with gadgets, apps and social networks that allow them to recede into a more optimistic reality - one they're at the centre of. budding virtual reality is just an extension of social networking in this sense.

    the slide is about at its end though. you'll see it unless you OD or get hatecrimed within the next few years.

    the ghost of Yugoslavia will likely visit the US before the end of Kamala's first term.

    The ghost of Yugoslavia? you mean Bill Clintons attempt at WWIII on Mother Russia's former child?
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Should everyone here have one day a week were if we post it must be proper and uplifting. How long before someone like fucking Hiki would durp it up because he has no responsibilities. He's living like a king off of his poor mothers hard work and struggle.

    I think everyone here is something but I wont say.

    ok alien people. hahaha not really. I would love to see someone say "Tis is all but an illusion. it's not real" then Punch that fucker square in the nose and ask "Was that real?"

    but it has been really fucking strange in the past few decades or so.

    I was sick when my first kid was born in 1997. fucking doctor gave me some Zoloft to make me feel better but I felt hot. I was overheating. then he switched to Prozac I think. just felt the same. my average temp for over a year was 99.3 and hit 100.01 in the late afternoon. I have been tired and running hot ever since. right around the time this happened to me I was awaken by my then wife telling me I had a tick on my stomach. I had that weird target rings on my stomach. I wonder if I got Lime disease (Or is it lyme?)

    you know. From deer. My dog would get shitloads of the. we lived in grassy hill area with cows and shit.

    then I got Mono. But I thought it was strep throat. and i got super tired. i couldn't not stand up. it lasted about 8-9 months. i couldn't eat. lost shitloads of weight. they tested me and said It's strep positive. and then No it's mono. maybe both. But was it lime disease?
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy Thanks for filling me in. That's pretty weird. It was probably just edgelord humor, but you never know. That's an awesome story about the plane explosion. I've never seen a plane explode but from what you described it sounds intense.

    You're welcome. It was a sad moment. A Navy Pilot lost his life and so did civilians. as a kid I was like "Does this happen often.. wtf" but not in those words. just, you're a kid. How often does this shit happen, Mom.

    found a story that kind of relates to it.

    Shit I found this. 2 years to go before its 50th anniversary. I was 7 when it happened. just turned.

    A Navy jet that plummeted into Alameda's Tahoe Apartments 39 years ago, killing 11 people, was traveling at a speed of about Mach one on impact, according to a U.S. government report released nearly four decades after the crash.

    Miami freelance journalist Theo Karantsalis (Ted Karas) obtained the 98-page report on June 28, 2012 under the Freedom of Information Act. The Navy has said the record was missing and presumably lost in response to previous FOIA requests by journalists and private citizens over the years.

    The crash, on the evening of Feb. 7, 1973, destroyed the four-story apartment building at 1814 Central Ave. and the resulting fire spread to three adjacent buildings.

    I didnt know 11 were killed. Im guessing that included the pilot. it looked like the bombing at Nashville. Shit all over the place. clothings and debris up in trees and the roofs of houses.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Mary Woronov was in the video Institutionalized.

    Is Mike Muir a White Lowrider? hmmm . He's still banging out new hits Im told. I havnt followed cali punk in a long time

    lots of new shit out there. somewhere. Just not the bay area. I hear Chicago has a lot o good modern punk .. somewhere.

    Mary Woronov was in the film Night of the Comet. I won tickets for it and saw it in San Francisco at some old archaic cinima house somewhere deep in the mission district back in the mid 80s. I think it was 1986 because of Hailys Comet. and they also had a double feature with War of the World playing first.

    I won two tickets and no one wanted to go with me so I brought my stupid bro and he fucking started talking to someone before Night of the Comet played during intermission and split with this guy and his girlfriend leaving me with no fucking ride home at a midnight matinee that didn't end until like 3am. I fucking walked the streets of the South Of Market at fucking 3-4am finding my way back to the old San Francisco Bus Terminal where I waited for a bus that came at 6am back home.

    fun times. shit happens. deal with it. ha!

    Anywho she was in Rock n Roll Highschool (film) with the Ramones and toured I guess with Andy Warhol. She was in Eating Raoul and Deathrace 2000 (original one).

    I feel naked. does anyone understand what is happening? Fuck you Michael Aquino for transitioning before I could get a second chance to talk to you (or third actually) and ask you Why.

    1986 was a strange year. nuke meltdown in soviet union, something something helicopter taunting me in my backyard, Mike Aquino at a Halloween and Day of the Dead party with African royal people showing up. I miss my friends parents and some of the other people in the day.

    I Must display some kind of weird aura around people.

    tl:dr I can't help you. you come into the world alone and leave alone. Your attached to your mother but thats just sort of the bus depot into the world. Plop. HI MOM. Thanks Doc. I love your Nurse. Ouch, shots are bad. Schools are based. OK I must conform. Sports. Hell yah. Music is bad ass. AL CO HALL WEEEEEE

    SEX Mmmmmm

    Year 2000 New Years Eve. OMG Its teh future.


    and so on. all downhill since 2001

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Jeff Hunter never did 9/11. he ran a website that had people say they were going to highjack planes and fly them into the world trade center towers and the white house and the pentagon and the capital building.

    it was a very elaberate thread running hundreds of pages. the most unique thing was how they forced the UI of the page to glow blue background with a white tone text so it stood out from the other threads. Thats what I remember the most. it was bizarre and I and others thought this was one of those John Titor like events to interact. a bit edgy but then I think people were questioning it. one thing I also noticed around that time was a large build up of Military Exercises going on. Double prop helicopters "CHinook" type. black or dark grey flying over our house. I never saw that prior. I hadnt seen shit like that since I was a kid. my childhood hometown was Alameda NAS. always jets hotdogging over peoples houses. During and just after the Vietnam war.

    Once a Corsair crashed into some apartments about 5 blocks from our house. I think 7 people died but it could of been in the hundreds they said. My brother saw it and said "that jet is on fire. the wing is on fire" and then what sounded like a bunch of cars slamming on their brakes at once and Boom Bang and the sound of Metal cartwheeling and Ka BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

    see what I did thar. a massive fucking Mushroom flaming cloud. "Is that a nuke"

    this existance keeps on giving crazy into my life as it does with all of you.

    I cant seem to shed tears anymore. im numb. they know Im not going to live much longer. but i have a responsibility so I can't do it to myself. thats a no no. and cowardly to get on the bus. Got damn you Sploo and Justin aka Malice. you caused so much pain to your parents and family.

    Don't you know we all have the responsibility to be the best we can be. to work and pay for the lazy who want to blame us and protest and riot and some are paid inserts by people like George Soros. I love when I said that on Jumpin chat.. hahaha I got an entire room shutting down and no one spoke. BINGO George Soros is paying mossad like chimps to chat up chaos is cool.

    All I wanted was a pepsi and she wouldn't give me one. God Bless You Mike. personally I like diet coke. and your music video mom is hawt
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Jeff Hunter doesn't matter anymore because now it's officially "It was 20 years ago bro, let it go"

    fuck. 20 years. babies born back then are in college now. some of them aren't in college. they're hanging on stripper poles on friday and saturday nights making big bucks

    some are becoming teachers and some priests.

    most of us are dodging obsticles on a daily basis. "It's a learning experience. it will give you character"

    20 more days guys. All hell will break lose. I mean it will be a slow hell though. by the end of the year so many of your freedoms will be taken based on some fake power trip in the guise of Political Correctness.

    Watch what you say on you tube or 4chan cause you might have the thought or moral police at your front door. Like something out of the fucking middle east.

    but their morals are freedoms for all forms of sexuality including 7 year old transgender boys being praised by the hierarchy of perversions.

    Christianity will be condemn but Islam will be praised as "Oh that's cool" not really interested in your true religion but how neat it is to dress up in a hijab. especially perverted atheist gay 52 flavors of gender confusion or some shit.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    having a good life is not achievable. its an illusion of feeling security all around at all times.

    but the truth is, bad moments are an experience. an obstacle.

    but then there is torture. emotional and people physically restraining you. Prisons, Mental institutions or just really bad people who probably plan on killing you. there is some terminal disease like cancer or some other shit like alzteimers that will turn you into a fucking fetus at age 60 something and you stop breathing.

    it wont get better. get used to it. we're supposed to learn from this shit. I have come to hate this new America being forced on us. America was just a silly dream that existed here and there. but it's considered either a primative or racist concept of our forefathers and this is the new rules and laws being enforced on us by delussional cunts that think Robots will be our slaves and we all dont have to work and no one owns shit, you just borrow it and use it. it's everyones bike. its everyones car. you leave the keys in it. you dont have to steal it you just drive it and park it and someone else takes it. sometimes you get a beat up clunker and sometimes you got a nice BMW

    I guess this means we all get a turn at being a cop for the day and giving out tickets or maybe you can be a doctor for the day and dice open someones chest, maybe you can be the teacher of a science class you know nothing about.

    I want a ever lasting gobstopper now (ghey)

    Shit, 2021 isn't going to be any fucking different. More wars coming and more people dying of something someone unleashed in a fucking lab. and something something Georgia Stones and something.

    they take but they dont give gifts of need.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Got ejected from his business.

    5 decades" huh dregs? I'm only in my 50s. You're a Mental fuck. being I was only 16 when She fucked me (only chick I fucked on the rag which is why i never did it again) was 18-19 at the time. making that statutory rape while her jealous man thinks Im the only one. You hooked up with a Ho you Cuk
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I live in the hood cuz its cheap. I wish I was closer to stores though, it's all bars and ethnic places around here.


    the hood is Detroit, East Oakland, South Central, South Side Chi-town, Camden NJ, The Bronx etc
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge I recently switched to a job in the Alexandria Ondustrial Complez

    Sounds posh. Glassdoor gave you guys a 4.8 out of 5 rating.

    "Alexandria Industries’ recent Family Health and Safety Fair educated employees and their family members with helpful safety tips and instructions on responding to safety dangers at home and work. Attendees could learn how to help people in distress, use a fire extinguisher, perform CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, and warm-up exercises to ...
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Do what u do, irrelevant bastard. The fuck I look like thinking about u . 😂

    You're not a woman. you're the piece of shit following me. stop stalking me
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