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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Also, Aldra, those rail guns are very accurate. it isn't just a dumb rail gun shooting 100 miles at 5600mhh. they state the computers onboard are very accurate and will strike anything before it knew what hit it with in 100 miles from the ship. its more an anti air defense devise but I'm sure it could hit munition sheds or strike Chinese chips that still use older standard style munitions taking out the fucking entire ship and most likely sinking it or making it a sitting duck for another strike.

    Its a massive Game Changer. the US has only 1/5th the ground force as China does. they have a massive Army of men and women. but the US is basicly going to launch drones from ships and islands just hitting targets all day long while some Guy in the Navy or Airforce is sitting inside some Tuff-Shed of Sardonia and cracking Jokes with his mates, eating hostess cupcakes and have the sensation he's playing video games all day long.

    Stay the course. You better hope Biden wins so he'll buddy up with the Chinese. probably share this technology. which would be Treasonous but if Trump did suddenly take control Jan 20th, China will stay the course and continue to build.

    honestly no one knows where this is going outside of an eventual war for global control over its entire resources
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra what is the purpose of electric railguns? they're effectively extra-long range artillery that can attack beyond line-of-sight and do nothing to counter these new types of weapons.

    in terms of effectiveness the ships need TWO nuclear reactors to move and charge guns at the same time, and they need to carry enough rails to change every 10-15 shots (the forces on them when fired do massive damage to structure and conductivity) meaning they need to carry nearly as many munitions as a regular battleship

    but those munitions don't explode like Port Chicago did

    wait for it. a minute in. TV film

  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Read this as "my father bought a condom and I'm living in it."

    which means he broke free, a bit cold and slow and somehow got to the egg first. think about this for a moment Everyo. Kr0z, Hiki, Hungwell and pretty much every fucking person on this site was the first wiggly to enter Mothers home base. The Egg.

    wow. 3,000,000 identical of us but some far greater than others didn't make it to the egg first.

    and we all end up here. same issues of sort. tormented by all the games life keeps throwing at us.

    I'm just glad I wasn't one of those black guys stationed at Port Chicago, California in July of 1944 with someone having a bad day and hitting a munition crate with a hammer crying foul against his mates on the ship.

  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    i love this 'Who's on first' trolly shit. see how long we can keep it up.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lanny is an alcoholic cocksucker that funds his addiction by sucking the cock of anyone who will provide him alcohol and estrogen treatments that.

    also waterborne drones (surface and subsurface) and their mother-ships.

    any ship larger than about 100 feet is going to be obsolete while small ships are going to be the future.

    also 'arsenal' ships.

    Dont you still need the large Z class battle ships to carry the new Electric Rail Guns? like 100 of them Cannon size being loaded in seconds by an automatic loader with no explosive ordinance on board. making it much safer without the chance of a Port Costa Explosion era 1944 just weeks in around the time Hitler was captured.

    It was like what happened in Lebanon recently. 360 people died.

  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fuck this shit. How come these fucking liberals related to Obama and Biden and Clintons have ties to Weather Underground and probably aided in the bringing down Wall Street and DoD on 9/11 but they're all serious about butthurt comments. so much they want to outlaw trolling like Bush tried to do and everyone pointed and laughed at what a fucking Gump he is.

    Bring down the fucking house with the truth. THE LORD WILL BUILD US A BETTER ONE
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    So Spez was in fact a totse member (or someone once used that name) many years back. probably in his teens or early college years.

    now, I hear reddit was a real trolls joy to hang out on. I went on it probably around the time it first started up and I remember it being to weird for me. its more like I guess a cleaner version of 4Chan with the photo with a thread attachment to comment from. sometimes the photos dont even relate they're just there for ascetics I guess.

    Wasnt it photoless not long ago? with people adding photos? or a combination? and I heard things like "Revenge Porn" was a thing or spousal shaming. thats funny but fucked up. or fucked up first and kind of funny.

    Have any of you shamed a former wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, fag friend on there?
    has anyone from Zoklet days ever PI shamed someone for lols on reddit? what was the best story you have regarding reddit?

    =discuss. I seemed to have missed the perfect troll forum to amuse myself before everything being forced PC
  9. Bugz Space Nigga

    couldn't find one that close but if he had one of these hats.. pretty sure it would be a doppleganger match

  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by RIPtotse nice bro…if i lived in a city instead of the suburbs I prolly woulda got a condo instead of my house…possibly

    Your house is a porta potty named Honey-Dew

    and you share it with three other homeless roommates.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, my father purchased the place and is renting it to me for cheap…It's finally nice to have a spot That is under my dominium. 👍❤😊

    Pics Bro or stop lying to us.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lanny is an alcoholic cocksucker that funds his addiction by sucking the cock of anyone who will provide him alcohol and estrogen treatments fat people are an abomination and should be euthanized and used for a food source

    that's sick. Cosmopolitan says it's perfectly nature and healthy to be a big gal

    see. They wouldn't lie to the women just to sell magazines.

  13. Bugz Space Nigga
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Does God want us to Fat Shame.

    *If Yes. Please explain why you think so

    *If No. Same. Explain why
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'd do her if I was drunk. and Im old.

    but no way in hell sober
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    I was parked waiting to pick up someone and I see this kid, maybe 11 or 12 years old and the little fucker opens a Red Cross bin open and leaps inside I guess to take a nap. And he did it as if it was his job to do so. so fluidly I had to do a double take. and then this Garbage man across the lane from me looked at me and I looked at him and we both pointed at it at the same time like "Did I just see that" and then some couple pushing their baby stroller walked up a second later and the mom said "Did you guys see that" and we're all just like "What do we do. Call the cops? I dont want to snitch him out but what if he's stuck"?

    I'v heard people getting crushed in the rolling door
    I picked up my ride and left. never knew what happened.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master This is true, and there is some cool things about car living.

    But what sucks is when you're sick and can't warm up. You can't just put a space heater in the bathroom and take an hour log hot bath while chugging ice cold fluids. You're trapped in ur stinky little car unable to leave your sleeping bag.

    San Diego, car living isnt as bad. I'm sure Florida as well.

    or even New Orleans or somewhere in Louisiana is livable year round. Chicago, NOT SO MUCH!
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by street_carp Being in a band kept me alive when I was a homeless teenager. I was around people 24/7, people were always willing to share cigs, beer, drugs. If I wasn't at my usual spots for a couple of days people were looking for me. There were little groupies who thought it was cute and kookie to bring me homemade meals or do my washing. Plus, I was making a small amount of legit income from gigs.

    Being not shit helps a lot though.

    I agree with op

    just find a fucking hose before people wake up and take a bloody cold lawn bath as quickly as possible and then towel off and put on clean clothes and then go hit Safeway and just "graze" in the vegetable department and grab shit and open it and munch on it and get the fuck out as fast as possible and if you have to, take a dishwashing job under the table or work odd jobs.

    stop being homeless. fucking shit. the county will do everything it can to get you your ID and Social Security card if you were born in the USA>
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