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Whats the general history of Reddit?

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    So Spez was in fact a totse member (or someone once used that name) many years back. probably in his teens or early college years.

    now, I hear reddit was a real trolls joy to hang out on. I went on it probably around the time it first started up and I remember it being to weird for me. its more like I guess a cleaner version of 4Chan with the photo with a thread attachment to comment from. sometimes the photos dont even relate they're just there for ascetics I guess.

    Wasnt it photoless not long ago? with people adding photos? or a combination? and I heard things like "Revenge Porn" was a thing or spousal shaming. thats funny but fucked up. or fucked up first and kind of funny.

    Have any of you shamed a former wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, fag friend on there?
    has anyone from Zoklet days ever PI shamed someone for lols on reddit? what was the best story you have regarding reddit?

    =discuss. I seemed to have missed the perfect troll forum to amuse myself before everything being forced PC
  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Fuck this shit. How come these fucking liberals related to Obama and Biden and Clintons have ties to Weather Underground and probably aided in the bringing down Wall Street and DoD on 9/11 but they're all serious about butthurt comments. so much they want to outlaw trolling like Bush tried to do and everyone pointed and laughed at what a fucking Gump he is.

    Bring down the fucking house with the truth. THE LORD WILL BUILD US A BETTER ONE
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