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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ

    But in a lovable way.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by frala How about you eat a dick and fuck off, scumbag.

    I was just having fun because I was told you're Wintermute which changes things if true. because it's on Lanny's register page as a email response name.

    We have spoken before. You're not lanny's age. you might even be an older sister to him and this is a joke that You two have hooked up. or he just likes Older women.

    I don't care. But your account name is OG. (Or Old School)
    And I'm no "Scumbag". I have class in the real world. this is just a sloppy drunk fest and the run around game.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein You’re thinking of tales from the hood ..with that one guy .. wasn’t pac.. but ya I’m watching the original one

    Oh the made for TV one.
    The Karen Black Trilogy. Yes, classic.

    There is an original 70s Theater film called
    Tales from the Crypt with Joan Collins. it was also a weird flick to watch as a kid at the theater.

    anyways that last part of the trilogy (The Mating Ritual Doll) is funny and creepy as shit. On Halloween
    get a good crowed to come over and watch it sometime.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    an inexpensive chinese knockoff of a Sony style CamCorder with 128 SD card type-10

    it has 1 optical zoom built in. which gives it a nice close up. has a matte-box for the lens.

    has some advance FX like 120fps Slow motion and 60fps fast motion so it looks seamless when you speed it up or slow it down.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    the last photo of him. it's funny to look at. I wish I could have a "toy dog" like this. as long as he doesn't bark (or she) and get it fixt

    I think it would bring Joy into our lives. but gigi is allergic. I can't even talk her into getting a fish tank

  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    And Hikki. If you don't own a car, Lease a fucking car.

    Then, Do Door Dash or Jeff Hunter's old Company "Postmates" because now Post Mate is in the business of food delivery. it's only 2 hours during lunch time, and maybe 3 hours at dinner. weekends maybe 6 hours in the evening. You don't have to drive people around like uber. the pay is maybe 400 a week plus (20 hours part time) another 100-200 in tips depending how charming your ass is.

    it's only part time. You can help your grandma out with rent money and still have some to save. go back to College. you're only 30 fucking years old. too young to worry about middle age as of yet, but too old to live at home.

    What is your excuse not to do that or even Uber. hang out at the largest cities Airport. and live out of your car and work 10-12 hours a night on weekends, hit the shower or sponge bath and keep your car clean and spray Lysol and shit. its only 3 days. shower at the gym and then drive home the hundred or so miles back to your little country bumpkin house.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace What a loser. This is 7th grade shit.

    I had a brand new Honda Oddisey when I was homeless after I had a Dodge Ram 1500 with shell when I was homeless. I prefered the Dodge full size bed. but the Honda I took out seat number 6 and 7 and stored them in my Moms apartment.

    Air Mattress. parked in a garage at the train station. notice others there too. Fully Employed, but not wanting to waste money on overpriced rent. being Homeless in California is still over 1600 a month. the car payment, the gas to run the motor for AC in the summer and heater in the winter and food and gym with shower membership.. shit added up.

    That was 7 years ago and I now own a brand new car I bought in Jan, and will pay it off in full by the end of the year.

    Some people get hit hard in life (me) and people like Hikki stays living with Mom past the age of 30. that's disturbing af. it's not like he's a Doctor or Lawyer trying to pay off student loans at age 30. he's just living at home.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein About to have dinner and watch Tales from the Crypt trilogy of horror,,,

    the old one from the 1970s? or the From the Hood one with TuPac? that was crazy as fuck at the end of that ep
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Erekshun I would have said yea, I saw who you fucked last night.

    these are the kind of people who set 5G Mast on fire. He's hanging onto that Mast.

    as funny as that would be to hear. I hope you have a BASE chute strap to your back.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by frala I don’t care. I wouldn’t get in a damn car with someone who has Covid lol.

    Those are his Secret Service and they're sworn in to take a bullet for the man.

    send nudes of you, Wintermute. and make Lanny Jealous.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You are stupid. Really stupid.

    HOW SO.. you do these stupid drive by one liner insults like a fucking 5 year old Infinitshock.

  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist Those people are stupid fuckin idiots with 0 care for others, go figure huh?
    There are people in that hospital trying to rest and heal, and these yahoos are outside honking horns, yelling and screaming.

    Like cult leader, like cultees!

    True, but can you do that on a Military Base regarding the commander in chief?

    or are they outside of the gates of the base? because they're saying the hospital is on the base? I'v never been to Washington DC before
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist That was a sarcastic statement. Get with it maaaaan!

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    those people arent supporters as much as on a bullhorn laughing and wishing ill will on him. I could hear them in the background when the reporter was reporting updates just outside of that hospital.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Would you be OK with the entire population of the Congo moving to your town? If not you have to drop the shit, and admit that who you live around matters.

    OP I was just thinking about this, and the extreme income gaps we see in America, with most people being just able to get by, while the rich buy the mansions and estates next to their current mansions and estates just so that they don't have to deal with having neighbours, seems to me that America has already transitioned from whatever you mean when you say "white" to being a third world country. White people don't generally like that sort of extreme income inequality, but there's nothing they can do, they're already a minority in reality.

    LOL At Congo specificly. We had many of them move into Northern California. there is not 100 percent of anything or anyone that is good. I don't want a flood of anyone moving in. but people I came to know from the Congo were pretty decent folx. regardless of the Rwawanda thing with the Hutu and Tootsie tribes (spell check) flooding into the Congo (then Zaire) and warring and hacking each other to death.

    I don't want people with issues moving in. No, I agree. and one must limit the number of who moves in. yet, the concept of America I thought was to form a nation who would bring different ideologies and their skills to become Americans.

    at first Blacks were brought in as Slaves. the north saw this as contrary to their constitution of men being equal and abolished it. the South didn't consider themselves as "Americans" but their own nation of their own rules.

    Racist also existed between Europeans. Irish Need not Apply, Polish and Germans were stupid people, and so on and so forth.

    I mean, if it's written in the original constitution that "All White Men That Makes Us America" or something close to that is written, then I will stand corrected. you can break this down and peel layers back but something about reading the description of America exclusively White just seemed amusing to me.

    Now, You being in Ireland. I would say Hell No. Because Ireland should be for Irish. China for Chinese. Japan for Japanese, Russia for Russians. etc etc. Congo for Congalians. But it's not good that Ireland is letting in so many Africans or Pakis or Indians etc. that's a whole different thing. India didn't like it when England tried to dominate them or force their culture on them.

    you can have people move in as guest. but shouldn't be changing the ethnicity of the nation. the USA is supposed to be the Nation of the World. though, people should be vetted and not pushed out but not allowed to come in, in droves. it's a delicate thing. Housing is already hindered because of the tech boom.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I tried reading the communist manifesto one time, but Marx is so long winded I just couldn't hold attention span long enough. Most jedis tend to be very long winded - Hayek or Moldbug or Mises, they all love to use a lot of words to express very simple ideas. I think the idea is to bring the user along and have him follow the author's thinking, so that the text becomes mental programming. Or maybe they just have an antipathy to trees.

    if you think about that for a moment, that somehow they learned from a young age perhaps. that somewhere, somehow, mind manipulation was an art form. a science of sort. layers of Saying one thing as an ideology to a hidden or underlining of a bigger interest to control people. laying the seed and watching how large it grows and spreads to others on it's own. others who never read his works being brought into the cult and continuing to spread and grow.

    he must of had a big ego afterwards.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting

    I had the wireless internet at my house upgraded a few weeks ago, and the engineer was telling me about how how when he is working on the equipment, which basically looks like the above, he's had to contend with people going up to him to ask questions about if he's installing 5G and trying to start shit with him about 5G being used for surveillance and giving us cancer.

    surveillance is an obvious, at least in the USA>

    but for his own protection of just being the guy who has a job, he should just say, No, I'm actually told to power down the strength on these, not up. they decided they got to many complaints."

    who knows what someone might do. shoot at him or some crazy shit.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by 🐿 Cause I'm a female.

    thats a sexist statement
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Vinny the Racist Asian Man
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    To be fair, My Inter-racial marriage lasted 23 years.

    that's a lot longer than most marriages regardless of the mixed or non mix last. 50 percent of marriages last 2 years. 50 percent of thats left over managed to last 7 years (7 year itch?) about 30 percent last only another three years to that of 10. thats like 4-5 marriages last only 10 years.

    but I feel my marriage had legit reasons to break up but more with interference. that means many marriages to end aren't caused by the people in love who got married but an outsider inputting shit until it takes its effect. it may not be the soul reason. the soul reason is the indifference and abuse caused by the two that are married, but those can mend. the moment outsiders come into play such as a person who seems more attractive and breaks up the marriage, or family or friends or co-workers etc etc laying in negative messages and suggesting a separation of some type, tv personalities that might say something to the viewing audience (your other half) that you should divorce or desperate because it's suggested in something you see as a reflection of what that host stated. or just because of death.

    so many reasons cause this. Infinity the cum guzzling gutter racist and clearly kicked to the curb many times over by his boyfriends has this blanket view that racial indifference are the root-cause.
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