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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra depends on who you talk to I guess

    the goal was not so much to be 'relatable' but to show the virus wasn't as big a deal as it's made out to be and that it's possible to go 'back to normal' without the threat of rolling shutdowns.

    it's easy for people with stable jobs and savings to endorse shutdowns to 'save lives', not so much for people on or near minimum wage who are living paycheque to paycheque, or small businesses that have been shut down so long that they can't feasibly reopen.

    I got some aid but I was truly feeling it and still feel fucked and not sure how the future will be. especially if for some fuck reason these assholes against Prop 22 vote no just for fun to get the Uber drivers off the road and only taxis will profit.

    thats why I might start delivering food. I really don't like being around crowds of people as I did in my 20-30s. I like driving and chillen and making ok money and save what i can and do what i can.

    I could do something like go to college and get a BS in Pharmacy as a tech and then maybe push for a PHd and make over 120k a year.

    but at 55, why? I'd probably kill myself listening to people adding their issues while i'm going "Mmm hmm, I feel ya, Mmm hmm"

    I'm not insensitive, they are. stop telling me you think you're going to die and fuck up my world.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    PS.. eat my butt, Hikki
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal He lives in San Francisco.
    That guy knows nothing about "America" or what people here think.

    No, Moron. I have lived in San Francisco but I live in the East Bay. it's more of a blue collar (or was) with some wealthy communities all around (mostly the hills)

    Do you think I live in a Make-Believe land? San Francisco was once a small port town. but it's very densily populated. but I will also tell you it goes from Big City to Out in the boonies real quick. like you can spend an hour getting lost in some of these roads in the hills. no street lights. and into this forest areas. ll it doesn't get more America than this. our state has different land structures and micro climates. not everyone is a city dweller. it goes from Big City to Coyotes and Mountain Lions to Bears and things trying to run into your car head on (like a big fucking buck) out on some pitch dark highway.

    We have deserts that are barren as fuck. and we have valleys that look much like where you live, with lakes and deltas. flat. flat as your mothers cracker ass. Bit ass mountains. and much virgin areas that will never be built on because of all of the land preservation. we have people who live in the mountains up here, they're not caifornians living in the mountains. there are some weird fuckers in the mountains here as there are in the deep south mountain people. probably the same people who move back and forth

    Not all of California is Leftist. though its growing because it has a hold over government and doesn't plan on letting go.

    WE HAVE IT ALL. fuck off!
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace im not reading that


    Hikki leases car. drives post-mate routs or Grubhub and helps out Grandma and Mother with bills.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's what the courts call it

    "Your honor the defendant is accused of fouling the public footpath"

    with british tea and gay marmalade
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    BBS in the last 10-11 years. it went from this

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I think about eight, my daughter was born right when this happened, i was going to the hospital to see her when it was on the news

    to this

    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal OP on the right

    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal lol no you didn't
    You have never once seen your "daughter" in person

    Originally posted by WellHung That should have been the best moment of ur life. Little did she know ,that her daddy would not be around to Foster her growth and development.

    Cuts so deep :( what hasth happen to us! oh noesh isth soe sad

  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    why did this thread suddenly take the gay approach to answering stuff?
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    He's a major risk taker but not a true assessor.

    He's gone belly up multiple times (though I heard with other peoples investment money for the most part)

    he must be hiding money not to get his taken in those 4-5 Chapter whatever he filed

    and he eats like a highschool or college lineman-football player might. his quick junk food energy keeps pushing him forward.

    and he ends up with a woman 32 years his junior. at 40, smoking hot. could still model on a runway and looks better than many 20 year olds.

    I mean if he wasn't such a dick at times, he would be a great guy. what happened to "Drain the swamp"?
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting 120 hp? What is this 1980? One of my old 97 wrangler 4 cylinders had a 4 popper 120hp 2.5 liter and that was an amc designed engine from the 80s lol

    right I had an AMC Javlin and it had a lot of whip to it but these are like having maybe a stock 302 in mustang (not a boss) thats heavier. they still have some pickup to them. and with a stick, the horsepower is rated the same but you can spin some cool donuts in a dirt lot or get great traction and "bark" the gears between first and second if done right. you don't want a rice rocket with 500 plus horsepower. fuck sakes, those people always end up in ditches or sadly the morgue.

    I don't want a race car, just enough power to get the fuck out of the way. an automatic would be a dog. wouldn't by one.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Doctors and others have said he is hard to keep up with. He's got more energy than most 50 year olds do.

    he's 74 and eats 4 MacDonald sandwiches multiple times a week.. in one sitting.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    I learned about a new Animal today

    A Quokka

    its like a cross between a Kangaroo and a Koala bear. how cute is this little fucker?

  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.-.---.-.-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-...-....-....-..-.-.-.-...-...............-............----(b­anned) i support this message

    you have a purty mouth

    now squeal like a piggy while i bend you over this here log right on over here…

    Mmmm Hmmm. Potted Meat, Mmmm Hmm

  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood whats a chinks with dinks


    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny gay

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist Nowhere is it proven/said that these immature girls were doing this “in the name of BLM”. Not every black person supports or even cares about the BLM movement.

    Tech, they should accept the #BLM as it is.

    the organization built on the BLM platform belief is sadly the DNC and the moderator or person in charge of collecting donations and distributing them is Susan Rosenburg, former Weather Underground Organization. 1980 Bank Robbery of a Brinks truck to fund the WUO war against the system" campaign. and 2 NYPD cops and a minimum wage paid Bank Guard were murdered. San Francisco Police lost an Officer because of them as well. Susan was the driver of the get away car that the 2 cops and guard were shot.

    this has to do with the Chicago 7 (then 8?) which was an early version of wikileaks. people breaking into FBI field offices (Which didn't have TSA like security) and were just offices with regular locks that were easy to break into.

    but unlike Snowden, the Chicago 7 had made sure Military related stuff or too sensitive were ever handed out. though they did tip off Watergate or Nixon related issues of drug smuggling. probably related to the story of in the body cavity of dead soldiers in vietnam.

    She did her time" for the murder of 3 cops (Which I thought was the death penalty for special circumstances) and I guess Obama had Pardon her after 16 years.

    I'm just curious why she is collecting money or if its legal for her to do so. A Pardon is not an expunge. and one would think she can't handle or organize large sums of money as part of a probation or full pardon.

    but people give little shits about this. and this group representing BLM is giving money to mostly white politicians. not schools or councling, or after school projects or teaching computer coding or anything that can help black communities.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Copts are the survivors of the race that built the pyramids. Most modern Egyptians are arabic people who invaded Egypt with Mohammad, and genocided the Copts. Copts have their own version of Christianity.

    I've never heard of this before.

    source. interesting with illustrations? DNA being done right now to prove this?
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Yeah usually if you don’t like sports you’re not part of the cool club

    But don’t hold any grudges, kids be kids

    I'm not dwelling on that much. it's funny and there was humorous times in the day as well

    if you embellish a bit, you can write some funny stories. even though the truth was funnier than fiction much of the time.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Red scare kind of died in 1991 I thought. but there is concern for Military Hardware for Sale and researched getting swiped and duplicated

    Russians got a B-2 when it spun out of control over Yugoslavia (or whatever its called now)

    Russians secretly built a Space Shuttle but never tested it in flight. I guess they found out it wasn't going to work.
    but War is big business. why do we keep repeating mistakes for the wealthy cunts?

    anyways, Project "Buran" was the name of their shuttle.

  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls *Hugz*


    I got picked on for not like football or being apart of the den talking sports. but this one neighborhood I lived in had like half of the kids that were "Friends" living on a 3 block long street. but everyone grows up. kind of.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    also before 9th grade I got beat on a lot. kind of a square. between 6th and 9th grade. bad time for me.

  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It was head bangers in the 80s not rockers.

    Leather motorcycle jacket, long hair, patchouli oil soaked into the jacket, Ozzy Osbourne or Iron Maiden tour T-shirt.

    …so I heard.

    we all paint it cooler than it probably was. but coolness is in the fam. the clique. the wild ones. but everyone else was like "Get the fuck out of my way you filthy fucks.
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