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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist They turned out great. I really liked them. He always changes up his breading, this one was real good.

    That’s not even a third of what he cooked.

    they look like english muffins. what is that?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm I'll do what I want totse

    No, You Wont! Go sit in your room without TV or supper. and no Music. just sit there until you learn to be respectful of your elders.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Uh. No

    Don't take that tone with me young lass
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal You keep putting words into my mouth.
    Go take your meds.

    that's not a reply. just an obligatory insult in your usual bag of "Go fuck yourself" statements
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm 🙄 get a job, ya blowhard.

  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Your parents generation lynched niggers.
    Millennials just don't care about political correctness.

    the Gerital Generation may have in the deep south (I know they did) but not my parents. my Dad was born in California. lived in LA in a small town that was mostly farmland and had blacks and other ethnicity in the 30s and 40s.

    Mom lived in NorCal as a little girl but grew up mostly in the Dakotas.

    So based on your last statement. you're saying you're not really racist but just stating edgy darklord trigger terms for laughs? you actually have friends other than white you hang out with?
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal I never went to zoklet beta bitch newfag like OP.
    I stopped going to totse after 2005 and from there on I only went to 4chan.

    I ended up on Zok's site for a small time in 2013 (which i didn't recall until I found some old posts I pdf from it when I was there) and the majority acted like you do now. so maybe it's just your generation.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.-.---.-.-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.--.-..-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.--...-.-..-----(b­anned) the fuck are you stammering on about.

    make sense, idiot.

    Do you understand english? show us the tits of the 70 year old you posted of cum drench vagoo and your faggoted little blackberry of NIS forum clearly on it.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Octavian No dick nose inbred Incel loser Hiki.

    Zoklet seemed to have been the site where suddenly all the new users became racist af

    You could be racist on totse and not get banned. but few people who were regulars would say racist shit because it showed you had a small mind and vocabulary and even racist member kept their racism to a minimum. though Totse had some fucked up read-me files on it. the behavior of most forum users was limited in trolly or edgy behavior. if one person started up, it wasn't uncommon for everyone to just put a vice on them for weeks until they chilled. Im not saying it was exclusivly like this. from the time I was on it , it was like that. they wanted people to talk about constructive shit. And even me being a troll when I first went on (Which I didn't know the term at the time) I myself mellowed out pre 9/11 before being kicked off

    and Zok has some right to call me King of Trolls to everyone while i was on there. he always tried to get people to lash out at me. Zok I notice is almost completely scrubbed from totse after 9/11 as well. I had some scrnprnts of him on slashnet though.

    point being, Zok started Zoklet and suddenly the site is full of the new mellennial cunts flaming war one another and everything goes. racism was no longer real racist for most but just being edgy and triggering others but it was so common it became apart of Zoklet's lexicon. suddenly everyone was 1337 and what-nots

    this is where immature cunts like Hikki spawned out of. clearly he was educated into this, yet he took it serious and became a true racist.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting

    Just use Chrome Developer Tools.

    wouldnt he use telnet to dial in. html doesn't seem like it would run very fluidly
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.-.---.-.-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.--.-..-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.--...-.-..-----(b­anned) name your price…ill have it on your dresser before you can put down your banjo and splay your ankles.

    Whats up with your ho? she's 70? thats why she has no girl bump on her. Women lose Callagen after age 35-40. so she has the butt of a young guy.

    you showed us her downstairs so now show us them titties of hers. I bet they're all saggy
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    This is the strange thing about politics. Democrats were the slave owners. Republicans lived more in the North. Republic is what the original Laws were. "Written in stone" and not to be voted (democraticly) for change

    So then things changed. By the 1960s the Democrats or people became democrats to vote for change of the System that was bad. they felt they didn't want to be locked into ideaology that their WWII (Gerital Generation) had the mind set for. So the younger Boomers were the peaceful ones (for the most part, Berkeley had a few violent protest) and putting flowers into the rifles of National Guardmans. which backfired in Ohio at Kent State. pun intended.

    I was watching a video where some older boomer was telling younger Antifa that they're actling like the redneck bullies who would taunt hippies in the 1960s protests. that everything seemed to change sides. "We were the peaceful ones". now it seems the MAGA guys were mostly targets of violence.

    So the Cowboys are now the peaceful ones and the Modern Day Hippy-hipster whatever are the violent ones??

    So it's like the Democratic are the bad guys again. though they're not anti black anymore neither are many conservatives. it's unfair for groups like Proud Boys to represent all conservatives. I know nothing about them but it wouldn't make sense for a Neo-Nazi to fly an Anarchy Flag. that's more used in leftist groups. they're more into flying old Hitler shit.

    everything is stired up these days. no one knows what the fuck they're really engaging in. they have one good stand of equality but then they're not offering it to all. and the Middle Class, White Male is open season. not the fucking whites who own half the wealth and are only 1 percent of the population.

    but the guys who usually are employed, make an OK wage and pay the highest tax. there are Hispanic guys like this and blacks like this.. we're all in the same class of people. but it seems only whites are now Open Season.
    The 1% are going to start with White Middle and lower middle class to eliminate us first and then they'll turn on any race with Jobs. the class itself. then who knows where it goes from there.

    it starts here and ends up removing most of the worlds population. machinese will be their slaves and they will all live like kings and raping your daughters (and even sons) and their offsprings. those will be the sex slaves for their twisted god like state of minds.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls There’s more of a chance a babby would eat him


    is he snippity? you said he tried to al;pha other dogs. but do you think he would make a great baby protector?
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal He's an easterner

    Everybody knows east > west

    He knows what's what, the West Coast is a disgusting cesspool and should be nuked.

    it's because the West took on the homeless and other states decided "oh California is warmer, put them on a one way bus ride to there or oregon or washington.. problem solved"

    but the city of San Francisco, Portland, LA etc could not take on that many homeless. many of those homeless heard about setting up camp out in Stockton by the deltas. now the state is closing down those camps because of fear of HepC or some shit born disease in the drinking water.

    it's a fucking mess out here. but it's not the norm that California, Oregon or Washington were. also, the tech industry brought in foreign people from Asians and Arabs and former Eastern Block folks who came with money and bought Tax-Property to get discounted tax breaks and live in them as a second home. many sit empty af most of the year. like London had a huge problem with Squaters Right rules, many US states have the same laws and California used to be one of them. But like London put an end to their 1000 year law, the State of California did the same. so now you'll get forced out and arrested (or could.. often it's not inforced)

    so many of these homeless could break into one of these houses on Billionar Row in San Francisco, set up a phone line and live in it legally because a utility is in their name. when the home owners come over on vacation from China or wherever they cant enter their own property because the others have a utility in their name. :D. this was a fun thing to do in London in the hippy era and became popular when the tech boom hit London but the Government said "no More"

    so this is why San Francisco (and most likely London) has this problem. but unlike London, San Francisco might be uncomfortable in the summer (Our winter) months but they usually don't die from the cold.

    other then that, California is paradise compared to other states.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    PS.. Fagoots!
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    oh derp

    thats ape. not me. yeah, he's a Rusty Nail Head. but I have old 70s Polaroid that seemed to have rusted and turned a rust orange color.

    still.. point made.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You look like a fucking ginger in yer profile pic


    its those old god damn instamatic pictures. they must have iron in the developing solution before spitting them out. they all got rusted color. My sister is a redhead and if you look at her hair compared to mind you know I was a blond. I was a "Toe head" blond as a kid. Ice head. as blond as a boy could be. I do have some red hair. that's apart of blond but it's not red like a ginger. it's just redish blond. not a strawberry blond. Men have more of a brownish red tint to blond hair.

    70s, blond hair guys use lightener or hydrogen peroxide to strip the pigment from their hair to look like long hair surfer types. that was the thing but it's not because everyone back then had true blond hair.

    do I have red hair? it's a dark red as I got older. but it's still "blond" and I had a dark red beard when my balls dropped before turning greyish.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Our? 🥰

    Ya someone has to give him a good home

    (in aussie voice) but wood E eat da babay?
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    they called it NirvanaNet

    it was a novelty of amusement. text based games like playing remote chess. you move, come back the next day to see what the oponite move was.

    for BBS messaging like this board, it was ok. but downloading files through sequential ARPANET files is hilariously a waiting game.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Oh no. Boris is a box nose breed and will suffer so greatly so lets go back to adopting wolves and see how it treats the new born baby.

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