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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You people all look like jews

    Cock+Nose=Kettle x not electric + black
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Shit. folx don't care either. we're in purgatory and no one knows it.

  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Porn bores me.

    non of these sites are fun once you get to know everyone in the web-chats. they're all sick perverts and potheads.

    Fuck Discord it's a poor mans tinychat

    I seemed to have hit the end of the internet and it's a hellish rabbit hole to climb out of.

    In all truth, I should of never used either a dialup or internet and left all info on me secret as Jeff Hunter has fooled everyone into believing he doesn't exist.

    that last part is no Joke but everyone here must be associated in some kind of fraternity of his and MetaPhys
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    it gets funnier .. give it time.

  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    One time we knew this girl who's mom owned a liquor store. she was also cute as fuck. I kind of miss the friendship of her but she had issues back then. anyways she would let us come in and walk out and then tell her mom it was stolen and then she would hook up in the car with us later. full car, 3 women 4 guys

    Of course there is one thing about this when it was happening and I was a ride along.. we were all in High school. it's a high school thing. not 30 year olds pulling this shit. OK maybe in college when you're not 21 yet. the 1970-80s it was called a "beer run". you grabbed the beer and ran out. or maybe this was a local east bay slang. Like Hella was decades back before it became national
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Trump brainless drones are crying alliGAYtor tears

    isn't that San Francisco City Hall?
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Why the fuck would I do that? Because you think Biden is gonna win? Because you're right.

    Hey man, You could of won half your wager had you let us do it. Maybe multiple ones. Sure it was less than a fair straight wager but something is better than nothing.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Why do you have apricot as your avatar?

    Because I miss him :( Why, You jealous? you want me to make you an ape avatar?
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy You are the ones drinking the kool aid you dumb old fuck.

    Fuck off you false joo
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm not trying to be all Pro Trump and this is all lies.

    But even if Biden was where trump is and Trump won, I would have to say it feels strange that Trump (or biden if reversed) was shown as having 213 then 215 last night, I think he's 214 now? I'm being fair and bipartisan here. Something feels strange about this.

    but every other Electoral Vote somehow went to Biden. All of a sudden, every other vote goes to Biden. and only the states that stalled on reporting the numbers and took several days to do so. a it felt like numbers reversed and then given to Biden.

    Someone is spreading rumors about a virus that was able to retro-act the dates to that of Nov 3rd when it came in like Nov 5th or 6th
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by street_carp It's not supposed to be an optical illusion, just a loading animation. I only meant to use it for a few days but I've just been too lazy to change it.

    Naw, keep it. We know it's you. I sometime identify people by their Avatar and when someone got retarded and kept mirroring Spec's it got annoying.Though funny at first. anyways I thought it was this one that does the same thing but if you look at the center, all the colors but red or green disapear. I forget which of the two colors was at the top and the others were not.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    well. you got to 20.

    you'll be banned for this
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    street carp, that avatar effect doesnt work unless its green and red
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by A College Professor sitting to pee is considered very macho among many peple

    dont you mean seahorses?
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Enter ran away because I told him I was going to take him out into the Desert of Death Valley and we would howl like wolves into the night sky while sitting naked, indian style out on the Devils Racetrack Playa.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Regarding Kathy Griffin , Madonna stated she was going to "Blow Up The White House" nothing ever became of her either.

    Feds don't treat Famous and Wealthy people as the average dumb down grunt of society. any of us said this, we would probably have the Secret Service haul us off to prison.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa You know you love me, I know you care Just shout whenever and I'll be there You are my love, you are my heart And we will never, ever, ever be apart Are we an item? Girl quit playin' We're just friends, what are you sayin' Said No it was a word that existed before the party even existed.
    It was basically their version of redneck.

    That is the most childish thing I ever heard someone try to use towards this subject. You really are challenged. you only learned to defend yourself with insults of using basic-bitch catch phrases you learned from people using them against you over the years. you learned to deflect those projectiles off of yourself.

    You're 30. What will become of you? you're never going anywhere. I have it better than you and I fear not having enough saved for my elder years.

    You're in a really bad position right now. Either start going to work, saving money in a 401k and eventually get out on your own because your youth is about to be spent. your hair will go first. your face will wrinkle. you will start suffering from not eating properly as I picture is happening since you're family has money issues. you're in a bad way. very very bad.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa You know you love me, I know you care Just shout whenever and I'll be there You are my love, you are my heart And we will never, ever, ever be apart Are we an item? Girl quit playin' We're just friends, what are you sayin' Said Have you even read about the duplicate votes, the fake ballots from dead people, the donald votes made to appear as though they were for bjden etc

    There is currently an ongoing investigation into this.
    Not that you would know seeing as you're an ignorant and uneducated prick.

    I was the one talking about this before they even found it out. it happened under Obama's first campaign as well. the ACCORN Project scandal that eventually went unnoticed when it was viewed as "Racist"

    Anytime you want to fuck something off you call Racism. but I don't need to become a racist to argue that racism wasn't originally the issue. and when racist like you speak, you only give them power to use the race card to cover up their own corruption.

    for all I know, you could be apart of this group and pretending to be a nazi loving white supremist who comes onto BBS like this and starts threads like you have all the while giving power to using the race card falsely for defense.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa You know you love me, I know you care Just shout whenever and I'll be there You are my love, you are my heart And we will never, ever, ever be apart Are we an item? Girl quit playin' We're just friends, what are you sayin' Said You're painfully uneducated.
    Nazi was just a slang word for farmers and country volk, the Germans were called National Socilaists.

    Also America for Americans, the people descended of the Europeans that invented this nation.
    Niggers, kikes, spics and other muds need to leave.

    haha NaZi is an Acronym for National Socialism. Originally called the NSDAP NAtionale soZIalist

    You're one to talk about "painfully uneducated" when you still live off the teet of your mother and her income.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa You know you love me, I know you care Just shout whenever and I'll be there You are my love, you are my heart And we will never, ever, ever be apart Are we an item? Girl quit playin' We're just friends, what are you sayin' Said Just the fuck up you brain damaged idiot.
    You're not even qualified to be in this thread.

    You're the one who is clearly brain damaged if you can't move out of your mothers house and off her tit. She should of weened you out of the house at age 18.

    forced you into the military or some encouraged you to get a part time job and go to college.

    What is the farthest you ever got in school? Did you graduate High school or even a GED?
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