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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by frala I’ve been composing my Christmas decorations. I had nothing to do with this.

    Also if the only time you’re gonna call me is to bitch about the forum don’t waste the quarter. Also I’m about to reply to your text.

    As a woman you are

    I was wondering what the rule is when it comes to Putting up the tree and lights. I think I remember saying one day before Thanksgivings so on Thanksgivings dinner we had the tree up for the holidays. Others like gigi ( my version of your lanny) like the Day After Thanksgivings. Some do it one day after Halloween

    It gets old if put up to soon (like after Halloween) but when does one put it up and then take it down? gigi likes to leave it up til a week after New Years. I'm ready to throw it out the fucking window by then.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks The thing is, you think everyone is Jeff Hunter or some kind of close associate.

    That's actually a false narrative on your part. If its done so on here more than anywhere else it makes sense. Its an iteration of sort of Zoks site which was an iteration of Jeff's site and uses Jeff's background. so I was wondering by association if there is a link to Jeff. makes sense, doesn't it?

    You need to cool your engines, Pal.

    Originally posted by gadzooks because I take mental illness seriously.

    But you need to deal with whatever it is that makes you think Jeff Hunter is everywhere.

    I don't think Jeff Hunter is everywhere.

    Again, not a true narrative of what I have ever said. I think you're either a bit delusional yourself or hyping things to make me look bad.

    Originally posted by gadzooks I was registered on Totse as early as 2004 (and even lurked a bit before I registered).

    Totse (and therefore Jeff) was actually a significant factor in my growth and development as a person.

    But there's no fucking conspiracy going on this late in the game.

    You have irrational thoughts because you have an illness.

    There's no shame in that.

    So you Joined and lurked after 2001? you saw the cleaned up version after the feds came in and cleaned house. I should of got in archive waybackmachine prior (and I recall archive purchased waybackmachine) and should of pulled pages or pdf them before the rest of it was scrubbed.

    Also "No Conspiracy this late in the game". because it's been scrubbed and we now have new problems in the world. and "It was 20 years ago bro, let it go" is the new theme.

    the real truth is this is a campaign that changes bit by bit but has a string of people involved. they die and the next generation takes over. I can't tell you how much WUO and Che Guavera theme and (what I thought was just shock humor at the time) the Revolution .. often joked as the Purple Penguin (which oddly became the pedo theme ) and we're all equal and Purple Penguins and take over the government through TAOD (Totse Army Of Destruction) also joked as Toad

    this wasn't just silly banter. this became a breeding ground for a movement.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    question answered.. when was this done by lanster?
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    is Trump f'iltered?
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung My favorite Pantera song, 'This Love'.

    which one (I can't seem to find it because I didn't know the name of it when I saw the video) was a love ballad? it was beautiful. I was shocked by the difference in style from the death metal to something so well orchestrated by them.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    I was going to go to church. I haven't been in church in like 20 years. I was going to go attend a First Presbyterian in Berkeley (there are 2 I think and one Presbyterian not associated with First Pres. which is weird for a liberal city like Berkeley to have so many Christian Churches with all the jedi scientist and God haters as well.

    Just my opinion.

    Maybe I should convert back to catholic like I did for a while. I just couldn't understand the need to focus on Mother Mary so much. Sure She's a lovely person and all. I think Jesus told us to treat her like our own Mother? but whats with the beads and all. I was always scared to go into that booth. im use to asking God to forgive me through Christ.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed

    I appriciate this because I have come to swear lots especially around gigi and she tells me "you don't have to swear all the time"

    One time in my younger life I stopped swearing for years in my late teens and early 20s and would say Gosh dang instead of the lords name. or Sheez instead of shit.

    I got called on it and so I became a regular truck driver mouth. now I get called on by some of the same friends who laughed at me back then not to curse in front of their families. it's an addiction

    cept for when I'm on here. FUCK ALL OF YOU FUCKING FUCKS
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by gadzooks Don't do amphetamines.

    And for two reasons…

    1. They're addictive as fuck.
    2. (And more importantly), they can induce or exacerbate schizophrenia.

    Case in point.

    Is this deflection on your part for a friend? asking if he's someone or not has nothing to do with it. I didn't ask in a Paranoid way which I could see your point. I was wondering this for a while. I didn't delusion into thinking it was him. But nice block for a team mate.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Patrick Swayze did die from it as well. I thought Alex Trebek was lung cancer but I didn't read the most recent story

    Alex did fight it for like a decade or more? thats a long time to live with it. its one of the fastest killing cancers when progressive and usually is so progressive its already in your lymph-nodes and has spread to other organs before it's found.

    People who get Pancreatic cancer usually smoke and often get pancreatitis so they're used to pains from their pancreas. usually it starts around 50s. so sometimes they dont go to the doctor until they're doubled over in pain. often with a history of pancreatitis some doctors don't go the extra step to check further into it. especially if the patient is under the age of 50. I know this because I used to drink and got it bad. I also had triglyceride panels in the 500 which is ultra high (normal range is around 100). It also comes with men whos fathers or paternal grandfathers died from it.

    But the bottom line is Alex Trebeck (though suffered sadly for years) had got to live to be 80. and that's called "the bonus round' when Life expectancy for White males is 78 and for black men its up to 72 now from 68. as David Chappell said last night on SNL.. White men Average life is going down and black men is going up or something. He's been having problems with White People lately it seems after those Ohio kids threw snow at him and yelled Nigger at him and obviously because of Trump crazy shit.

    lastly.. tl:dr?
    Bill Hicks was a very unusual 36 years of age when he died from Pancreatitus. which feeds into the CIA killed him by speeding up his Pancreatic Cancer knowing his father died from it in his young 50s. its like 1:500000 that a person under 50 dies from it. very few people die under this age, let alone 40s. Bill gave up alcohol and drugs but still smoked. but this would of been unlikely the cause. it was genetics and probably someone giving him something to speed up the cancer cells floating around waiting to become progressive at a normal 50-70 years of age.

    they killed a healthy George Carlin this way too. Fucker was thin, didn't do drugs and was very active. died from a heart attack waiting in a NYC ER waiting room like the average Joe. had he called a ambulance and got top care for being the star he was known to be he might have been saved.

    I digress. most (not all.. not the ladies or a few of the DH folx, nor the owner of Boris ) most of you are dirty drug using idiots and need to stop or you will end up with this shit. and it's not like 'oh ill be old by then" you wont want to be any age with pancreatic cancer. go look up Patrick Swazeys last year interview about it. It's FUCKING PAINFUL AF
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Narc

    you didn't respond
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Zanick dropping in a second testimony for amphetamines

    i feel so ready for the next conflict i instigate, you'll love this

    Zanick are you Jeff son?
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Well I no feedback on that

    Once this guy Justin was talking about Ponti and then updated info in this kid (which posted after I left) that he was the same guy as DaxFlame on youtube

    years went by and he got a chance to interview Jake and Josh actors and at somepoint I guess he got a Manager and got a couple parts in films such as 21 Jump street (or the sequal)

    But when interviewed by this youtube guy he refused to give his real name. so the guy had to research it and he mentions it on his youtube page.

  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    the 4-5 years I'v been living or partially living on the couch in this place, I came real close to convincing my roomie gigi to get a toy dog.

    a lap dog like boris. would make my life less shitty. but she says she's allergic to pet hair and is afraid I wont take the dog out to poop I wouldn't leave the dog in the house all day. i'd walk him at least twice. carry the ol shit bag with me. just curious where I put the bag after I pick it up.

    I miss my old dog
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Also mentioned. who gives a fuck who is first female president. just as long as She doesn't allow personal politics into her agenda.

    As mentioned, England has had a female PM going back 40 years. America is behind the game for having a Female leader.

    what is the big fear? her having a bad period and cramps and rages all the way to the football briefcase and releases the codes?
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    this isn't about race. its about the powers that eat adrianachrome from the brains of children they torture or taking them to a secret island next to Bidens island and rape them then pay them. 200 bucks

    there is sex trafficking for the world elites
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    fucking cunts.

    I need to pay off another debt. you know. credit.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fuck the Truth. the truth is the left has more dirt than crazy Trump rattling on.

    People just want to be on a winning team. they act like this is a football game. this is about their lives and the live bloodline that lives on such as their children and so on. every generation that follows is closer to the end of Mankind and or the comforts we ignore we have today. it will be all gone
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost wow fuck you my discord was one of the first to predict Joseph R Biden winning the 2020 USA election so have some respect you Jeff Hunter 9/11 Babymoney shill

    September 1 2015

    He's interesting the guy holding the sign at 1:46 he even says Blacklisted while I didnt. Then he tells a kid riding a tour bike to talk to me for some weird reason and this kid (maybe 18) tried to tell me NYC didn't need this kind fear. this was after about 5 minutes after I video taped this.

  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mashlehash TALKING ABOUT,;



    You keep posting shit we purchase. you apart of the credit card scamming? Piece of Shit.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fuck your Humor Dave Im not a fan of you anymore
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